Polaris Office
You can view/edit PC documents saved in microSD card
(Office documents etc.).
Supported files
• Documents using fonts not installed in the mobile phone may
not be displayed correctly, because incompatible fonts are
substituted by some other fonts to display the documents.
• Some files may not be displayed even though they are
supported files.
File type
Word file
(Microsoft Word 97, 2003, 2007 and 2010)
Excel file
(Microsoft Excel 97, 2003, 2007 and 2010)
PowerPoint file
(Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2003, 2007 and 2010)
PDF file
(Adobe PDF 1.2 to 1.7)
Text file
(shifted JIS, UTF-8, EUC and ISO-2022-JP)
Korean document file
(Hansoft Hangul 97 to 3.0, 2002 to 2005)
*1 You cannot edit.
Viewing/Editing a Document
Home screen
[Polaris Office 4.0]
• If the user registration screen is displayed,
register user's information or tap [Skip].
Tap a document to view/edit
• Tap [Browser] to select a document from a folder.
• Tap [Form type] to select a document by file type.