Rinse mouth with water 30 minutes prior to providing a saliva sample, and do NOT
eat or drink until finished with saliva collection.
1. Remove cap from the dropper bottle and set aside. Spit into the Saliva Collection
Device until your saliva (not just the bubbles) has reached the “fill” level marked on the
tube. This may take a few minutes.
2. Squeeze the dropper bottle to empty the contents into the Saliva Collection Device.
3. Unscrew the funnel top from the Saliva Collection Device and discard. Be careful not to
spill any of the liquid.
4. Screw the white screw cap onto the Saliva Collection Device until it is tightly closed.
5. Mix gently by inverting the Saliva Collection Device 5 to 7 times. The saliva mixture is
now ready to ship or store.
Saliva is designed for the collection of DNA from human saliva samples.
Instructions for Use
©2014 Biomatrica, Inc. All rights reserved. DNAgard is a registered trademark of Biomatrica, Inc. Rev. 11004-0414
Shelf Life
DNAgard Saliva can be stored at room temperature for up to 30 months prior to use.
Product Use Limitations
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Safety Information
This product is intended solely for the safe collection of saliva samples. Do NOT ingest
DNAgard Saliva Solution. If this solution comes in contact with eyes or skin, wash affected
areas thoroughly with water. See MSDS at www.biomatrica.com.
Technical Assistance
If you have any questions, please contact Biomatrica technical support at:
USA (866) DRY-MTRX or (866) 379-6879
Cap for tube
Saliva Stabilizer
in Dropper Bottle
Saliva Collection Device
Funnel Top
Read all instructions prior to collection.