4.4 RS232 Command Input Mode
4.5 Absolute Zero Position Index Output (ZRI)
The RS232 port is always active after power on for DYN-series servo drive, that active RS232 port could
be used for reading and setting Drive parameters and status, also could be used for sending point to point
position command if the RS232 mode is selected for position command input.
If the position command input mode is selected as Pulse mode or Analog mode, the RS232 port is still
active as mentioned above but it only can be used for reading and setting Drive parameters. The RS232
port could be easily accessed by using the GUI interface DMMDRV.exe after the connection between PC
and the Drive’s RS232 port. This is the easiest way to tune up the servo and make some test movements.
The RS232 port could be accessed by other microcontroller, or DSP if sending and reading data by using
DYN Drive’s RS232 protocol.
The PC or DSP is working as Master and the servo drive is always as slave. Several servo drives could
be linked for a serial network integrated multi-axis control.
See (Appendix A) for DYN2 servo drive RS232 protocol definitions.
The ZRI signal is output once per motor revolution to facilitate servo homing and indexing functions. ZRI
pulse can also be used to count motor revolutions or monitor servo motor speed. Accuracy of each pulse
is maintained by 14/16-bit absolute encoder. The mechanical output position of ZRI may vary between
each servo motor. It can also be used to compensate for mechanical or ball screw backlash. A calibration
procedure is necessary to set the absolute ZRI position in the controller.
The user should calibrate the position of the ZRI output with respect to the target mechanical position. The
falling edge of the ZRI output (JP3 Pin.10) should be used as the trigger. Pulse width and rising edge of
ZRI should not be used as trigger.
JP3 Pin.10
ZRI Falling Edge Trigger