User Product Data Sheet
Ver 1.1
T3200 - TransPlate Harness
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TransPlate Harness
Product Description
The TransPlate Harness is designed specifically for use
with hard back-plates, such as stainless steel or
aluminum. The TransPlate Harness utilizes many of the
features and functions of the TransPac harness,
including the padded adjustable shoulder straps that
provide maximum comfort and adjustability and the
shoulder strap quick-release buckles, which allow for
quick donning and removal of the harness system. The
TransPlate is available in four different sizes and is
easily adjustable to allow for the perfect fit. The
harness’s shoulder straps and waist belt install on any
hard back-plate. The TransPlate also comes complete
with shoulder and waist D-rings and a stainless steel
waist buckle.
Features and Functions
The TransPlate Harness has many features that perform specific functions. Each
feature is detailed below with its position on the TransPlate and its function.