DEVOS -- Enterprise Video System
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DEVOS supports multiple AD domains, and AD groups and will parse many levels of
Once AD groups are identified, they may be added to a DEVOS security Group.
Local uses (that is, users not within AD) may co-exist with AD users.
DEVOS operates with or without AD.
Security Groups
DEVOS allows you to create any number of Security Groups. A Security Group is
simply a list of desired AD groups and/or local users. A Security Group may be
applied to any video. For example, you may create a Security Group called "Group 1"
and add AD group "Smith", AD group "Jones", and some number of local users.
When this group is applied to a video, only members of that group may access the
Media Settings
Each user may create multiple Media Settings. Media Settings are simply a collection
of values that control the behavior of a video, including whether the video will allow
viewers to comment or rate it, whether the video requires a viewer to log in to view it,
etc. This convenience allows you to select a pre-configured collection of commonly
used settings for your videos. For example, you may publish some content using a
Media Setting called "Private Content", and another template called "Public Content",
The Super Administrator may create categories and sub-categories. Once created, a
user that publishes a video may select a category for that video to make it possible
for a viewer to search and select videos by category.
Channels are collections of content and a landing pages where users can publish their
content. For example, you may create a Channel called "Science" where you publish
all science content. You may create sub-Channels to further organize your content.
For example, you can create a Channel called "Physics" under the "Science" Channel.
A user may assign another user to manage certain features. For example, an
executive with a DEVOS account may delegate the management of VoD to an