User Manual - QG65D CANopen Dynamic Inclinometer (Type H) V2.3
When all errors are corrected, the device enters the error-free state and transmits an emergency object with the
error code ‘reset error / no error’
containing all 0 s.
LSS (Layer Setting Service, according to CiA305 -DSP)
Layer setting services (LSS) and protocols are used to request or change the settings of three parameters of the
physical layer, data link layer, and application layer on a CANopen device via the CAN network. It is supported only in
NMT stop mode or pre-operational mode.
The QG65D device is serviced as a CAN device, and a CAN master such as a PLC can detect and configure those three
parameters with LSS:
Node ID (
object 3000
CAN bus bit rate (
object 3001
LSS address: 128-bit number to identify each node uniquely, consisting of the vendor ID, product code, revision
number, and serial number with 32 bits each
object 1018
After changing parameters using LSS, a save action must be performed. Normally your LSS tool can be configured to
perform an automatic save (store), as shown below:
Figure 18 - LSS save action.