Q1: Where do the 20101124 TX and RX go?
20101124-T is the transmitter, and it is connected to video source devices
(PC, DVD, Broadcast Camera etc.).
20101124-R is the receiver, and it is connected to HD display
(TV, monitor, projector, etc.).
Q2: What is the maximum distance between source device and HD monitor?
20101124 can support:
Multimode fiber (OM2/3/4)
in excess of 300 meters (1000 feet) at 4Kx2K video resolution
Q3: Can I use the HD monitor’s
USB power for 20101124-R RX?
Yes, if the HD m
USB power output can p5V and 0.5A current.
Note that 20101124-R RX may not work during
HD monitor’s
power-saving mode.
Q4: I can't see the video image?
1) Check the HDMI connections to display and to source are securely connected.
2) Check both source and display support HDCP.
If one side does not support HDCP, then there will be no picture.
3) If there is no power to the Receiver, the HDMI port will not get any EDID signal and will not show any image.
Q5: Does 20101124 supports HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)?
Yes, 20101124 supports HDCP 2.0 and 1.4.