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1.  Download the free Directed SmartStart app from iTunes App Store or Android Market, depending on the type of 

smartphone you own.  

2.  Have the DSM50BT system installed by your authorized Directed dealer. Your installer can also provide you with 

information about your system.

3.  Follow the steps below to fi nish connecting your smartphone to your installed DSM50BT module.


Your DSM50BT may be used as a standalone unit or connected to an existing Directed system. As a result functionality/screen 

appearance may differ slightly across systems. 

QRGDSM50BT 2012-05

Start Here

Before you can start using your system, the following steps must be performed:

Congratulations on the purchase of your state-of-the-art Directed SmartStart Bluetooth system. Reading this user’s guide 

prior to using your system will get you off to a quick and smooth start. 

Quick Reference 

User's Guide










1.  [All phones] Place your DSM50BT system in discov-

ery mode by holding down the pairing button on the 

module until the LED turns blue (pairing button is the 

one furthest away from the LED)

2.  [iPhone only, Android skip to step 3] Open your 

phone’s Bluetooth menu, make sure Bluetooth is 

turned on. Look for your DSM50BT device name on 

the list of available Bluetooth devices (SmartStartBT-

xxxx). Tap on the device name to pair your phone to 

it. The blue LED on your DSM50BT module begins 

fl ashing quickly when it connects to your phone at 

the end of the pairing process, then turns solid blue 

to indicate successful connection. 

3.  [All phones] Open your SmartStart app, then go to 

More/Settings and turn on the Bluetooth switch at the 

bottom of that page.

4.  [iPhone only, Android skip to step 5] The app auto-

matically navigates to the Cars tab so you can pro-

gram your DSM50BT system to the app. There are 

two ways to do this, depending on whether you have 

the DSM50BT as a standalone system (mode 1) or 

added to an existing full Directed SmartStart system 

(mode 2). Follow the appropriate directions below:

a. Mode 1 (DSM50BT-only): On the Cars tab, tap 

the “Add a SmartStart BT system” button. The 

app pops up the name of your connected device 

(SmartStartBT-xxxx). Select the device you want 

to add to the app, then use the editing functions 

to add your vehicle name and a picture. If you 

have more than one DSM50BT system to add to 

the app, repeat these steps for each system that 

appears on the device list. 

b.  Mode 2 (DSM50BT added to full Directed Smart-

Start system): Log in to your Directed SmartStart 

account at More/Settings/SmartStart Login 

page. After you are logged in, go to the Cars tab 

and personalize your vehicle list with names and 

pictures. Then select the Cars detail page and 

use the “Add SmartStart BT” to associate your 

DSM50BT system with the vehicle it is installed in. 

5.  [Android] Turning on the Bluetooth switch pops up 

a list of available DSM50BT systems to add to the 

app. Follow the appropriate directions below:

a. Mode 1 (DSM50BT-only): Select the device you 

want to add, then use the editing functions to add 

your name and a picture. If you have more than 

Set up your app to connect with DSM50BT

          More Screen         


Settings-Mode 1&2      Cars Screen-Demo      Cars Screen-Detail     Cars Screen-Active     
