User’s Manual of DingTec® Laminators – BU-380 to 2040 Cold Laminator Series
If you want to change the spinning direction of the rollers during the operation,
you should stop the machine first, then restart to avoid the damages due to suddenly
changing directions.
When the operational switch is on the position of the stop, you can use the pedal
to operate the machine.
(3) Speed adjustment: turning the speed adjustment knobs counter-clockwise will reduce
the speed; turning the knobs clockwise will increase the speed.
(4) The sequence to disconnect the power should be done reversibly as the sequence of
(5) To ensure a successful process, read the manual carefully before using electric cold
Using Manual and Electric Transformation Clutch
(1) There is a set of Jaw Clutch on the left side of the lower rubber roller of the
manual/electric cold laminator. Pushing inwards is the electric powered and outwards
is the manual operation.
(2) If you want to use the electric part, you should start running the electric motor slowly.
At the same time, push the handle inwards. The clutch might not be geared for a
while. Push it further when you’ll feel the handle slipping inwards. When the handle
and the rubber rollers start rolling synchronously, the electric operation setup is
finished. If the handle is not pushed to the right position, the rubber roller will not
spin or spin powerless.
(3) To operate it manually, please pull the handle off while the electric motor is off.
(4) Attention: while the handle and the rollers rolling simultaneously in electric operation,
you should to pull first ten to bend the handle to avoid hurting people. If using
electric one in most of the time, you can also take off the handle.