SE8c Breakout Board
Installation Instructions
The breakout board eliminates soldering connections to the card edge
or card edge adapter of a SE8c signal controller board.
Making Connections:
Strip approximately .125" (1/8 inch) off your wire. Either solid or stranded wire can
be used, from 12\6 AWG to 26 AWG. Insert the bare portion of the wire into the ter
minal block and tighten the screw to make a solid connection.
Do not over-tighten,as
the terminal blocks can be stripped or broken with too
much force.
The instructions on the next page describe the board and connections
as if the large connector for the SE8c is at the top; matching the orientation of the
picture above.
12V to 18V AC or DC is connected to the board via the top left block.
Slow Motion Switch Machine Outputs:
Along the right side and right bottom edge of the board facing you are the 8 outputs for a slow mo
tion switch machine. The outputs start with switch machine 1, at the very top right. Each output is 2
terminal positions, so each large block has 4 outputs with 2 wire connections each. Each output is
labeled on the board (please note picture) as SM1, SM2 and so on.
Digitrax, PM42, BDL 168 and SE8c are property of Digitrax, Inc