DigiTrak Falcon F5® Operator's Manual
If the bore path is straight, do I have to keep finding the RLP for every rod?
Page 46
No. If a new FLP is directly in line with the previously marked FLPs (a straight bore line), it is
unnecessary to find a new RLP since it will be directly in line with the previous marks. After the
drill head moves forward another rod, find the new FLP and then the LL.
Finding the RLP to Confirm Transmitter Heading and Position
Finding the RLP will allow you to confirm the transmitter’s heading and position. Like the FLP, the RLP is
represented as a ball
on the receiver display.
Continue locating:
10. From the LL, facing toward the drill or last transmitter location, walk forward while keeping the ball
aligned on the vertical crosshairs. Notice how the signal strength decreases as you move away
from the transmitter.
Drill rig
Bore path
Receiver Locate Screen, Approaching RLP
from LL
Actual Position of Receiver
and Transmitter
11. Position the receiver so the ball is centered in the box (
Drill rig
Bore path
Receiver Locate Screen at RLP
Actual Position of Receiver
and Transmitter
12. Mark the ground directly below the receiver’s display screen as the RLP. A line between the RLP
and FLP represents the transmitter’s heading.