Quick Start Guide
USB to NMEA Serial Adaptor Cable
1. Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your USB to NMEA Serial Adaptor Cable. It is recommended that your cable is
installed by a professional installer. You will need to connect the wires to a suitable electrical connector or terminal block
(not supplied).
2. Before you start
This cable is designed to connect conventional NMEA 0183 or RS232 serial ports to a PC via a USB port. It does not
provide any optical isolation and should full opto-isolation be required, then this cable should not be used. However, in
most pleasure boat marine installations, opto-isolation is not necessary and this cable will allow good electrical interfacing
between the PC and Marine Navigation Equipment.
The adaptor cable has the interfacing circuitry built-in to the USB connector and when plugged in to the PC will be seen
by Windows as a USB device, which will trigger the “Found New Hardware Wizard”. It is important that you have the “AIS
e CD” supplied with the cable, in the PC when you first plug the cable in to the PC – see installation section.
3. Installation
The adaptor cable is a bi-
directional interface and also has the extra “hand shaking” signals required by some RS232
devices. These are not necessary for NMEA 0183 and only three of the six wires are used in most marine installations.
The cable wiring colours are shown on the reverse of this page along with a typical marine connection diagram.