LEIT RC2ET Features
The LEIT RC2ET remote control handset is used to communicate with LEIT-
2ET weather based, wireless irrigation controllers. The user can program the
handset with daily scheduled irrigation programs and detailed information
on the site zone, such as; planting, soil type, planting type, plants density,
percentage of slope, microclimate, irrigation method, irrigation efficiency,
flow rate and spacing used. This information is downloaded to the LEIT-2ET
controller, which uses it to determine the plants water loss and the total
irrigation rate per day needed. With this information along with other factors,
including depth of irrigation, allowable depletion and basic intake rate, the
LEIT-2ET controller calculates system or zone run time with number of cycles
per day. This calculated run time replaces or overrides the program duration
that the user set originally. The controller performs the daily calculations
needed at midnight to override or adjust the scheduled irrigation program
specifically for each zone, to compensate for evapotranspiration (ET). This
information can be reviewed in the Report Menu.
• ET setting can be input to each valve when ET Setup is changed to active
• Sensitivity of the ET setting can be optimized using the editing feature
without changing any of the ET settings
• Wind Stop setting can be programmed to shut off the system at wind speed
from eight (8) to twenty-five (25) miles per hour (12.9-40 Km/h)
• The Rain Off feature can be accessed either via the weather station in a range
of 1/8” to 1” (3 mm to 25 mm), or via a rain sensor
• ET features can be overridden at any time
• Report Menu screen provides various function information on the controller
operation and program. Current Status report provides controller time and
date, station open or short circuit, controller power level, any feature or
device activity, alerts, if ET is active, sensor(s) information and the average
for 24 hour ET. Program Status report provides controller program changes
made along with the handset ID that made the changes. History report
provides total run time, total rain amount, and ET saved in both time and
percent, for the last two (2) months