500 Gateways Installation and Configuration Guide
Page 38
Configuring Routes
The Diva SIPcontrol routing configuration defines the destination to which incoming calls are forwarded. Possible
criteria that may determine the destination are:
• Called, calling, and redirected number or SIP address of a call for which the redirected number is only available
for calls originating in the PSTN,
• Source where a call originated, that is a PSTN interface name or a specific SIP peer,
• Current channel allocation across a set of several possible destinations in a load-balancing environment.
• Current status of a destination.
Note: Routes are processed in their configured order (from the top down), so that the first matching route
takes the call.
Configuring Routes for SIP --> PSTN Calls
To configure routes for SIP --> PSTN calls, follow these steps:
1. From the main Diva SIPcontrol web interface page, click Routing.
The Routing options appear.
2. To add a new route, click Add.
The General section appears.
3. Fill in the fields in the General section, as follows
• In the Name field, enter a name for the route.
• In the Direction field, select the SIP to PSTN Mapping option.
• In the Select sources section, select the controller that describes the PSTN interface.
• In the Select destinations section, select the SIP peer that describes the SIParator web interface.
For example: