Figure 3.1 (b) test software register configuration
The second way:
You can use continuous multiple register write 10 (HEX):
Send: 01 10 0405 000C 18 03e8 0014 000A 0100 0014 0002 0000 0064 0005 0250 0064 000a
9f 44
Receive: 01 10 04 05 00 0C D1 3D
3.2.2 Open IO
Turn on the IO mode switch and write 01 at the register of 0x0402 to open it, as shown below:
The specific instructions are as follows:
Send: 01 06 04 02 00 01 E8 FA
Return: 01 06 04 02 00 01 E8 FA
3.2.3 Save Settings
Save the configured parameters, and write 01 at the register of 0x300 for saving.
Send: 01 06 03 00 01 48 4e
Return: 01 06 03 00 01 48 4e
3.2.4. Restart
After power off, you can connect the input and output to the corresponding equipment, and power
on after confirming that the wiring is correct. The gripper will be initialized automatically. Then the
gripper is controlled according to the input signal, and the running state is feed back through output.