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Thank you for choosing HSMC SATA RAID board [Part Number: AB12-HSMCRAID] (“RAID board” in this manual.)
The RAID board is compliant with HSMC standard of Altera and provides 8 SATA channels at maximum by high speed
serial interface in HSMC so that user can build SATA RAID prototype system.
The RAID board can directly connect with 8 pcs of 2.5”-SATA drive. User can supply power to the connected SATA drive
via 4-pin ATX Standard power connector.
On-board 150MHz low-jitter differential oscillator will supply high-quality reference SATA clock to the refclk input of
FPGA via HSMC I/F (CLKIN2p/n).
Board Appearance
The RAID board size is 78mm width and 90mm length.
Following figure-1 and figure-2 shows component side and solder side appearance respectively.
Figure-1: AB12-HSMCRAID component side