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Pic 8.10 Load power
Pic 8.11 Load consump�on
LoadEp: Daily consump�on;
Total: Total energy consump�on.
Pic 8.12 PV genera�on
E-Day: Daily genera�on;
E-Total: Total genera�on.
Power: 0W
LoadEp: 0.00KWh
Total : 0.00KWh
E-Day : 0Wh
E-Total : 134KWh
Pic 8.13 Device informa�on
There are five submenus in the Main Menu.
8.2 Submenus in the Main Menu
8.2.1 Device informa�on
Device Info. <<
Fault Record
GL1030 SN-01
Ver0201 Ver1970
You can see the LCD so�ware Ver0201 and Control So�ware Version Ver1970. In this interface,
there are parameters such as rated power communica�on addresses.