USB Magnifier BorderGuard
User’s Manual
. Device feature
. Operation instructions
Connected the USB Magnifier BorderGuard to computer by USB and the device indicator light
Click the my computer and find the camera icon and double-click it;
or open VLC player and use capture, video, select Venus 2.0Camera
Place the device on top of the specimen, align the detector with the check point, and select the
function button to start checking.
4.Control Buttons
A.Power switch (To switch on/off device with 3 second long press).
B.Short press to switch the function (auto-alternation) between top white light, side white light
and white cross-light.
IR Button
Short press to switch the function (auto-alternation) between top infrared light 850, side
infrared light 850, blue light(optional), cross-infrared light 850/940 and transmission light.
UV Button
Short press to switch the function (auto-alternation) between long UV light 365, short UV
light 254, UV cross-light or blue light.
The fluorescent light (254nm)
is extremely harmful for eyes. When the fluorescent light is
on, never look from the bottom. Don’t touch it either. The short wave UV will switch off