65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 820027, Fax: +359 56 836700
E-mail: [email protected] ,Web: www.devabroadcast.com
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WEB Server Settings
Port – this is the TCP port of the WEB Server. Default value is 80.
Username – user name for the WEB Server. Default value is user.
Password – Password for the WEB Server. Default value is pass.
You can define Username only, Password only or both of them. If both Username and
Password are left blank, NO security is used.
SNMP Settings
SNMP MIB File: Press the Download button to download DB90-TX SNMP MIB file.
The MIB file may change from one firmware revision to the other. Downloading this
file from the device ensures that you have the proper MIB file.
Specify Agent ID, Agent Port, Read/Write Communities, Manager IP and Manager Port.
Agent ID is used to identify the device among others when a SNMP notification is send.
Agent - enables/disables SNMP Agent.