DESOI GmbH | Gewerbestraße 16 | D-36148 Kalbach | Phone +49 6655 9636-0 | Fax +49 6655 9636-6666 | [email protected] |
4.8 Declaration of Conformity with EC regulations
In accordance with machinery directive 2006/42/EC amended by 2009/127/EC of 15 December 2011
The manufacturer / distributor
Desoi GmbH
Gewerbestraße 16
36148 Kalbach
hereby declares that the following product:
Product name:
DESOI InjectPower P1
Serial number:
from EP600 (Revision: C)
Model / type description:
electric piston pump
complies with all relevant provisions of the above directive and the other applicable directives (below)
including the amendments in
effect at the time of declaration.
The following harmonised standards were applied:
EN ISO 11203:2009
Acoustics - Noise emitted by the machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound
pressure levels at a work station and at other specified locations from the sound power level (ISO
EN ISO 12100:2010
Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO
EN ISO 13857: 2008
Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached with the upper and
lower limbs (ISO 13857: 2008)
The following national or international standards (parts / clauses thereof) and specifications were applied:
not specified
Name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical documents:
Desoi GmbH
Gewerbestraße 16
D-36148 Kalbach / Rhön
Kalbach, 21. January 2019
Siegfried Desoi
Michael Engels
Martin Desoi
Managing director
Managing director
Managing director
Copy of the
riginal Declaration of Conformity
Translation of the Declaration of Conformity