Usage Data
To help us improve our products and customer service, Denon collects
anonymous information about how you use this unit (such as frequently
used input sources and sound modes and speaker settings).
Denon will never provide any information we collect to third parties.
Provide information on the operating status
of this unit.
Do not provide information on the operating
status of this unit.
Save & Load
Save and restore device settings by using a USB memory device.
Use a USB memory device that has at least 128 MB of free space and is formatted
to FAT32. Data may not Save/Load correctly to some USB memory devices.
It may take up to 10 minutes for data to Save/Load. Do not turn off the power until
the process is complete.
Save Configuration
Current unit settings are stored on the USB memory device.
When the settings are saved correctly, “Saved” appears on the display
and the file “config.avr” is created on the USB memory device.
Do not change the file name of the created file. Doing so will prevent the file
from being recognized as a settings file when restoring.
Load Configuration
Settings saved on the USB memory device are restored.
When the saved settings are restored correctly, “Loaded” appears on
the display and the unit automatically restarts.