TRM-1 Tremulator User’s Guide
There are two controls on the unit: Depth and Speed,
plus a foot switch to bypass the effect, and an LED to
indicate effect operation. On the side there is a Trim
Pot to set the bias for the optical unit.
Depth affects the amount of amplitude modulation
on the signal or the amount of effect. The Tremulator
design incorporates a small amount of gain (approxi
mately 1 dB) to allow for proper “tremulation.” Also,
by turning the Depth all the way off, the TRM-1 will
function as a low noise volume boost. It’s low-imped
ance output allows it to act as a line drive, eliminating
signal loss on long cable runs.
Speed increases and decreases the frequency of the
low-frequency oscillator, enabling you to time the ef
fect as desired.
Trim Pot sets the bias of the optical tremulo unit. It affects the signal on and off time
ratio. Turning this clockwise will squeeze the signal harder, counter-clockwise will
loosen it. The unit comes preset to Ry Cooder’s favorite setting.
There is a 1/4” input jack on the right-hand side of the pedal, and a 1/4” output jack
on the left-hand side, with a battery switch on the input jack.
Power Supply
9 volts DC, internal or external.
Internal: 9 volt battery (for battery access, remove the four screws on the sides of the
unit and pull apart).
WARNING: If battery drops below 7 volts, noise will occur.
External: 9 volt regulated power supply, mini-plug, tip positive. Recommended exter
nal power supply is the Dunlop ECB-02.
6990 Kingsbury Road | Templeton, CA 93465 | 805-461-4100 | http://www.demeteramps.com/