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eZV-440 Version 2.1 Application Guide
Document Edition 2.5
6. Calibrate the Airflow Factor
To calibrate the airflow factor:
In the Balancing Mode field, select ClgMaxFlow_. This will cause the VAV damper to
control to the cooling maximum airflow setpoint.
Wait for the Balancer Airflow reading to read and stabilize around the cooling
maximum airflow setpoint.
Measure the actual airflow from the diffusers. If the airflow reading does not agree with
the measured airflow, enter the airflow value that you just measured in the Balancer
Airflow field and click the FlowFactor Auto Adjust button.
The algorithm will automatically calculate and adjust the FlowFactor based on this
Wait for the Balancer Airflow reading to stabilize at the cooling maximum airflow
setpoint again and measure the airflow again to confirm that the airflow is now reading
7. Exit Balancing Mode
Exit balancing mode by selecting None_ in the Balancing Mode field. Balancing mode also
automatically expires after a timeout period that you set in the AV142 object. This prevents the
system from being stuck in balancing mode if you forget to exit balancing mode after balancing
is complete.
Check Duct Heater Airflow Safety
If you have an electric duct heater, it likely has a built-in airflow safety switch or high
temperature cutout. This procedure ensures the safety switch will allow the heater to run at the
minimum heating setpoint.
Set the value of the MV170 object to the minimum heating airflow setpoint. After the airflow has
reached this setpoint and is stable, turn on the duct heater by manually commanding the
associated output. Verify that the heater is turned on. If the heater doesn’t turn on, adjust the
airflow safety or raise the heating minimum setpoint so that the safety contact is made and the
duct heater is allowed to run.