Configurable and Programmable eZV Controllers
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eZV-440 Version 2.1 Application Guide
Document Edition 2.5
Even though the configurable controller versions do not have EV objects, intrinsic alarming can
be enabled on input and output points, specifically analog input (AI), binary input (BI), analog
output (AO) and binary output (BO).
EV objects will send out auto-generated messages to notify users about alarms. enteliZONE
controllers do not support alarm acknowledgments. Custom alarm messages are supported by
the eZV-440 controller firmware version 2.1 for EV objects only.
For more information about how to set up an intrinsic alarm, see the
on the Delta Controls support web
Trend Logs
A programmable eZVP-440 controller supports up to 8 trend logs, 4 of which are user-defined.
The configurable controller version supports 4 trend log objects (TL1 to 4) which are
pre-configured in the default database to monitor specific heating and cooling objects. However,
all TLs can be modified to monitor other objects—you can change the method of data collection
(Change of Value or polling) as well as the polling interval. However, fields that display the
maximum and total sample size are read-only.
It is not recommended to use Change of Value for objects that are expected to change at a rate
faster than every 5 seconds. TL objects have a 5-second record limit. Events that occur faster
than this record limit will result in “Log Enabled” or “Log Interrupted” entries that can be hard
to interpret.
The default database TL objects are listed in the following table.
Trend Log Monitored Object
SpaceTemp (AV1)
CurrentHeatSetpoint (AV800)
CurrentCoolSetpoint (AV801)
HeatCoolLoad (AV802)
The eZV-440 trend logs also support Historian archiving. The enteliZONE controllers don’t
support buffer full notification events so make sure the Historian update interval is frequent
enough to avoid missing samples.