Using Networks
FILE LOCATION: C:\Documents and Settings\reggie_davis\Desktop\Projects-07\BEN\Source\network.fm
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A RY 1 / 2 5/ 0 7 – F O R PR O O F O N LY
The Connect button changes to the Disconnect button.
Follow the instructions on the screen to manage the network connection with the utility.
Enabling/Disabling the Dell Mobile Broadband Network Card
If you are unable to connect to a Mobile Broadband network, ensure that you have all the components for
establishing a Mobile Broadband connection (see "What You Need to Establish a Mobile Broadband Network
Connection" on page 48), and then verify that your Mobile Broadband card is enabled by verifying the setting of the
wireless switch.
You can turn your Mobile Broadband card on and off using the wireless switch on your computer.
You can turn your computer’s wireless devices on and off with the wireless switch on the left side of the
computer (see "Left Side View" on page 17).
If the switch is in the "on" position, move the switch to the "off" position to disable the switch and the
Mobile Broadband card. If the switch is in the "off" position, move the switch to the "on" position to
enable the switch and the Dell Mobile Broadband card. For information about the wireless switch
positions, see "wireless switch" on page 18.
To monitor the status of your wireless device, see "Monitoring the Status of Wireless Network
Connections Through Dell™ QuickSet" on page 47.
Managing Your Network Settings Through the Dell QuickSet Location Profiler
The QuickSet Location Profiler helps you manage network settings that correspond to your computer’s
physical location. It includes two categories of profile settings:
• Location Profile Settings
• General Mobility Settings
You can use
Location Profile Settings
to create profiles for accessing the Internet with your computer in
your office, home, or other public places with Internet services.
General Mobility Settings
allows you to
change the way network connections are handled. The profiles consist of different network settings and
equipment that you need when using your computer in different locations.
For information about Dell QuickSet, see "Dell™ QuickSet" on page 115.
Dell™ Wi-Fi Catcher™ Network Locator
The wireless switch on your Dell computer uses the Dell Wi-Fi Catcher™ Network Locator to scan
specifically for WiFi wireless local area networks (LAN) in your vicinity.
For more information about the wireless switch, see "wireless switch" on page 18.