FILE LOCATION: C:\Documents and Settings\reggie_davis\Desktop\Projects-07\BEN\Source\media.fm
D E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – PR E L I M IN A RY 1 /2 5 / 0 7 – F O R P R O O F O N LY
Template Last Updated - 7/01/2005
Using Multimedia
Using Multimedia
Playing CDs or DVDs
Do not press down on the CD or DVD tray when you open or close it. Keep the tray closed when you
are not using the drive.
Do not move the computer while playing CDs or DVDs.
Press the eject button on the front of the drive.
Pull out the tray.
Place the disc, label side up, in the center of the tray and snap the disc onto the spindle.
If you use a module that shipped with another computer, you need to install the drivers and software
necessary to play DVDs or write data. For more information, see the
Drivers and Utilities
CD (the
Drivers and
CD is optional and may not be available for your computer or in certain countries).
Push the tray back into the drive.
To format CDs for storing data, to create music CDs, or to copy CDs, see the CD software that
came with your computer.