2. Connect the other end of the power cable to the power distribution unit (PDU) on the rack.
Figure 4. Connecting to the PDU
After you connect the power cables, the base enclosure automatically starts up.
Discover your system
Once you have completed installing your base enclosure and optional expansion enclosures, discover your newly installed
Refer to
PowerStore Networking Guide for PowerStore T Models or PowerStore Networking Guide for PowerStore X Models
for details.
Upgrade PowerStore software
PowerStore systems come pre-installed with the latest version of PowerStore software that was available at the time of
shipment. After installing the PowerStore system, Dell recommends upgrading the PowerStore software to the latest available
version. Refer to the
PowerStore Software Upgrade Guide
for detailed instructions.
Install a 25-drive expansion enclosure
Take the following actions to install a 25-drive expansion enclosure into the system during the initial system installation or to
install the first expansion enclosure into a running system.
During the initial system installation, do not power on the system until you have finished cabling all of the 25-drive
expansion enclosures.
Summary of tasks for installing an expansion enclosure
To install an expansion enclosure, complete the tasks below in the order in which they appear. This document provides
instructions for completing each task.
1. Verify the contents of the shipping package.
2. Choose the space in the cabinet for the new expansion enclosure.
3. Remove the filler panels that cover the cabinet space for the new expansion enclosure.
4. Install the rails for the new expansion enclosure in the cabinet.
5. Install the expansion enclosure on the rails.
6. If the new expansion enclosure shipped without its drives installed, install the drives in the expansion enclosure.
7. Install the front bezel on the new expansion enclosure.
8. If you are installing the expansion enclosure during the initial system installation, attach the expansion (back-end) cables, and
then attach the power cables.
9. If you are installing the first expansion enclosure to a running system, attach the power cables, and then the attach the
expansion (back-end) cables.
Install a new base enclosure and optional expansion enclosure