Next steps
To verify that the node has powered off, check the status of the LEDs in the rear of chassis. Other than the LEDs for the power supply
unit, management port, and service port, all LEDs on the node must be OFF. The Unsafe to Remove LED on the active or peer node is
Power off a PowerStore T model node using a service
Obtain the following information:
Management IP address of the appliance that contains the node. In PowerStore Manager, go to
Networking IPs
. Review the
Management IPs
table to identify the management IP address associated with the
Service account credentials
About this task
Use the following procedure to power off (power down) a PowerStore T model node using a service script:
1. Launch an SSH client, and connect to the appliance using the management IP address.
2. Enter the username and password that is associated with the service account, and log in.
The login prompt indicates the node that you are logged into. For example, the letter
in the prompt
indicates that you are logged into node A.
3. Based on the node you are logged into, run one of the following commands:
svc_node shutdown local
to power off the node you are logged into.
svc_node shutdown peer
to power off the peer node.
Next steps
To verify that the node has powered off, check the status of the LEDs in the rear of chassis. Other than the LEDs for the power supply
unit, management port, and service port, all LEDs on the node must be OFF. The Unsafe to Remove LED on the active or peer node is
Power off a PowerStore X model node
Obtain the following information:
Address of the VMware vCenter server associated with the appliance
Associated vCenter server account credentials
About this task
Use the following procedure to power off (power down) a PowerStore X model node:
1. Log in to the associated vCenter server.
2. Place the ESXi host for the PowerStore node in Maintenance Mode.
This action powers off the PowerStore controller VM, and the VMware DRS starts to migrate any user VMs to the ESXi host of the
peer node.
3. Monitor and ensure that all VMs migrate over to the ESXi host of the peer node.
If there are VMs that cannot migrate over to the peer node, you must shut them down manually.
Power control procedures