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CAN module
NOTE: For information about using the CAN module, see the documentation available at
The Edge Gateway supports the CANbus model Atmel ATSAME70N19A-CNT. This feature is only supported if the hardware module
is present, and the operating system provides the capability of mutual communication between user space application and physical
module. If there is a specific CANbus programming requirement of user mode application, contact the hardware provider of that
module for the API documentation.
To check if the CAN module is present:
for i in /dev/ttyACM*; do udevadm info $i | grep -q 03eb_2404_USB_CAN_FD && echo "path:
/dev/$(basename $i)"; done
The sensors on the Edge Gateway provide measurements on pressure, relative humidity and temperature, and motion.
Table 11. Sensor types
Relative humidity and temperature sensor
ST Micro HTS221
Motion sensor—Accelerometer
Pressure sensor
ST Micro LPS22HB
Retrieve the raw data from the sensors by running the following commands. Then, apply the formula in the table to convert the data
collected into measurements such as relative humidity and temperature.
Retrieving raw data from sensors
To query sensor devices, run the command.
$ cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device*/name
hts221 <-- device0, Humidity and temp.
lng2dm_accel <-- device1, G-sensor
lps22hb <-- device2, Pressure
To retrieve data from the humidity and temperature sensor, run the command.
$ cat in_humidityrelative_offset
$ cat in_humidityrelative_raw
$ cat in_humidityrelative_scale
$ cat in_temp_offset
$ cat in_temp_raw
$ cat in_temp_scale