User Manual UX11
8.8 Monitoring and controlling the UX11 aircraft during flight
After takeoff, the aircraft follows its waypoints and automatically triggers the camera when necessary.
Map View
The tablet shows the map view with the programmed flight plans and displays the position of the
aircraft and its flight parameters in real-time:
• Strength of communication signal
• Battery level of the UX11 aircraft
• Elapsed and remaining flight time
• Distance between the aircraft and the tablet (in the case of a 3G link) or the Delair Link module
• Airspeed
• Height
• Number of pictures taken
The battery level estimation is less accurate when the battery used is not initially fully charged (which is not
The coverage shown on the map expands as pictures are taken. You can tap the picture control button
to view a low resolution version of the pictures, histograms and image quality indicators.
Switch Between Communication Links
This section applies to UX11 users who own a
Delair Link
UX11 users with a
Delair Link
can benefit from two communication links to the aircraft: the direct 2.4
GHz radio link through
Delair Link
and the cellular (3G) link.
Best practices to get the best of the dual link feature are provided hereafter:
• The direct radio link (2.4 GHz) should be used for takeoff and landing phases.
• Switching between communication links (radiolink or cellular) is possible at any time during
the flight by clicking on the communication icon (top left of the application): select "Wi-Fi"
for connection to the aircraft through
Delair Link
, or select "3G" for connection to the aircraft
through the cellular network.
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This document is the sole property of Delair and cannot be used or reproduced without the written authorization of Delair.