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11.4 Adjust input settings
The XDi 192 Multi-indicator with DEIF standard azimuth library shown below is used as an example. The virtual
indicator below is a multi-type with 6 data inputs: azimuth angle, pitch % and RPM / %RPM. The set point
(commanded) values are also presented by orange triangle pointers and orange digital readouts.
The data inputs for the standard indicator used in this example depend on which VI-setup profile (VS) is selected.
In this chapter the input setup menu examples are based on the above azimuth indicator. The intention is to cover
the input adjust menus for the most important types of analogue, digital and CAN indicator inputs.
The menu principles can be used in general, also for other data types than the ones in the examples.
Each input source for the selected virtual indicator will be available in th
e “Adjust input” menu and submenus will be
active if setup parameters can be adjusted via menu.
In this example, the virtual indicator has 6 inputs,
one for each data type indicated on the virtual
indicator (XDi type Multi).
The predefined setup parameters for all 6 inputs
are defined in the selected VS profile.
In this example the inputs are defined with
different types of input sources to illustrate the
different type of adjust menus.
Input data sources can be
: XDi-net (CAN), DAM-MPDO, PDO converter (CANopen TPDO or RPDO), Analogue
input (AX1 is required), Digital input (DX1 i/o module is required).
Please note, that set points can be disabled from the installation menu.