Commissioning guidelines
• Tools, software and information required
• Controller and equipment checks
• Testing
• Troubleshooting
Operator's manual
• Controller equipment
• Operating the controller
• Alarms and log
• Using the display unit
• Troubleshooting and maintenance
PICUS manual
Using PICUS and CustomLogic
1.2 Warnings and safety
1.2.1 Design, drawings and FAT test
These commissioning guidelines assume that all of these tasks are completed before the commissioning:
1. Control system designed
• Input/output configuration created and written to controller
• Parameters created and written to controller
• Optional: CustomLogic created and written to controller
2. System and switchboard drawings completed
3. Factory acceptance test (FAT) completed
1.2.2 Hot commissioning and retrofits
These commissioning guidelines assume that the system is not live and that the system is new.
Hot commissioning
Hot commissioning is possible, that is, you can commission the controller as part of a live system. However, in addition the
normal commissioning risks, the live system itself presents challenges and risks that must be anticipated and mitigated.
For a hot commissioning, qualified and experienced personnel must carefully consider the effect of each
commissioning step. Mistakes may cause death, personal injury, and/or damage to equipment.
Retrofits are possible, that is, you can use the controller to replace the controller in an existing system. This may involve
commissioning just one controller at a time, and/or hot commissioning. However, in addition the normal commissioning risks,
the existing system, and, in the case of hot commissioning, the live system, present challenges and risks that must be
anticipated and mitigated.
For retrofits, qualified and experienced personnel must carefully consider the effect of each commissioning
step. Mistakes may cause death, personal injury, and/or damage to equipment.
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