1.1 Before installa�on, please make sure power is switched off to prevent electric shock.
1.2 During installa�on, please try NOT to place this controller at humid environment to prevent
it burning out due to humidity.
1.3 During installa�on, please make sure the water-proof treatment is done well to prevent it burning
out due to bulging.
1.4 Before power supply, please make sure the power input and wiring is correct.
1.5 Before installa�on, please follow the wiring diagram to prevent danger resul�ng from incorrect
1.6 If any damage is incurred due to incorrect wiring, it's not covered by our warranty.
2.1 Dimensions
2.1.1 Front panel size
170 mm( W ) x 40 mm ( H ) x 31.5 mm( Depth ) ±1mm.
2.1.2 Recommended installa�on hole size
140mm( W ) x 33 mm ( H ) ± 1mm.
2.1.3 Power box size
159.5mm( W ) x 109.5mm ( H ) x 75 mm( Depth ) ±1mm.
2.1.4 Front panel surface
2.2 Opera�ng environment
2.2.1 Opera�ng temp
or 23
RH ( non-condensing )
2.2.2 Storage temp.
or 14
RH ( non-condensing )
2.3 Input / Output
2.3.1 Power input
AC 100V~ 240V, Single phase 50/60Hz, Fuse 1A.
2.3.2 Power consump�on
Max. 6 Wa�s ( controller only ).
2.3.3 Temp. sensor NTC
1.5m x2(B3435
). Room temp. sensor x1. Evaporator sensor x1. Temp. detec�on/ Display range
~ 99
, Accuracy 1
. Detec�on tolerance
± 1
2.3.4 Contact x5
: Compressor contact
1.5HP/220VAC or 3/4HP/110V
。 Defrost contact
10A/220VAC Resistance. ( Including 10A Slow blow fuse) Fan contact
3A/220VAC Resistance. Defog contact
3A/220VAC Resistance. Illumina�on contact
3A/220VAC Resistance.
( If an LED illumina�on device is used, please no�ce that the surge current should be
less than 10A to prevent it burning out,: An external reply will be recommended to use
for illumina�on control if the current exceeds designated value.)
2.3.5 Alarm buzzer x1
2.3.6 Number display
Display temp., Parameter code/ value, Alarm code.
2.3.7 Indicator
Temp. Set ,
Temp. , Opera�on , Defrost , Defog ON, Light ON.
2.3.8 Input of bu�ons
Func. bu�on, Defog bu�on, Light bu�on.
3.1 Power ON/OFF
Press for 3 seconds to switch on or off the controller.
When it is off,
defog is shut down. While lockup shown " LC " , the power can't be switched on/off
3.2 Evaporator temp.
for one second can display Evaporator temp. for 3 seconds.
3.3 Instant Frozen
3.3.1 press
for 3 seconds to enter Instant Frozen mode.
3.3.2 In Instant Frozen mode, compressor & fan is on, Panel display ' FF '
cabinet temp.
appears alterna�vely.
3.3.3 when cabinet temperature
set point, Instant Frozen mode is ended and back to normal
3.3.4 In Instant Frozen mode, defrost cycle is off.
3.4 Alarm
3.4.1 Cabinet temperature alarm
: When it is off, �me reset and disable the alarm. When the cabinet temp reaches AU-1, the cabinet temperature alarm is ac�vated. Within 30 minutes of compressor running, the cabinet temperature has to decrease 1
otherwise the cabinet temperature alarm is ac�vated automa�cally. Re-calculate the �me when every 1
decrease in cabinet temperature.
3.4.2 When cabinet temperature
AU (max. Temperature for alarm), alarm delay (Ad) begins
When alarm delay �me completes, alarm is enabled. 'UA' / cabinet temp.appears alterna�vely.
3.4.3 When cabinet temperature AL (min. Temperature for alarm), alarm delay (Ad) begins coun�ng.
When alarm delay �me completes, alarm is disabled. 'LA' / cabinet temp.appears alterna�vely.
3.4.4 alarm delay (Ad) ends coun�ng, the alarm code appears and the buzzer is on
(Silence alarm SA=0 , the buzzer is not ac�vated). When alarm is disabled, the buzzer stops
and cabinet temp. appears.
3.4.5 The evaporator temp alarm
: When the evaporator temp
set point +20
) (the max 70
or 99
no determine and
stop the A2 evaporator temp. alarm. When defrost, the evaporator temp.
), the A2 alarm ac�vates
immediately. When compressor is running and the evaporator temp.
), the
temp. has to keep decreasing the temp. the �me will be re-caculated 30 minutes
while the temperature every 1
If temperature doesn't decreased in a
con�nuing period of 30 minuts, the A2 alarm will occur. During A2 alarm period, A2 appear flashing and the buzzer is on. During A2 alarm period, FS isn't func�oning, Fan ac�va�on do not rely on FS parameter. During A2 alarm period, dS is disabled, and no defrost protec�o, defrost �me
has regulated 15 minutes.
3.4.6 When E1,E2,EE occurs, the alarm buzzer ac�vate.
3.4.7 When buzzer alarm, press
to start/stop the alarm buzzer temperately .When off,
the SA �me starts coun�ng, When SA �me is up, the alarm buzzer restores. If alarm occurs,
alarm code appears only , the buzzer is off.
3.5 Cabinet temperature calibra�on
cabinet temperature detec�on+ cabinet temperature
compensa�on, it uses for compensa�on by sensor deteriora�on or the tolerance of different
installa�on loca�on.
3.6 Temp. se�ng protec�on
se�ng HS and LS to limit the temp. zone in case the user setup
wrongly or caused the compressor excessive overload and cause the storage damage.
4.Compressor control
4.1 When off, the compressor is off.
4.2 Before dripping �me (dr) Dura�on finished, the compressor is off.
4.3 In cooler mode, cabinet temperature
setpoint (tS), compressor is Off
4.4 In cooler mode, cabinet temperature
( ts + td ), compressor is on
if the compressor protec�on
�me is not reached, the compressor maintains off.
4.5 When compressor is off
starts to coun�ng the compressor protec�on delay �me(CP).
4.6 When defrost, please refer item 8 for compressor running.
4.7 When E1.E2.EE occurs, compressor starts by Cr �me and stops by CS �me automa�cally;
when Cr=0 or Cr/CS set to 0, the compressor not running ; when CS=0, compressor keep running.
5.Fan control
5.1 when off, the fan is off.
5.2 when defrost, the fan is off.
5.3 During the dripping �me, the fan is off.
5.4 when out of order running or fast frozen, the fan is on.
5.5 In cooler mode, if the evaporator temp
Fan stop(FS), Fan is off, the fan will delay start for
30 seconds ; If the evaporator temp.
FS and the fan delay �me finish coun�ng, the fan is on
If A2 alarm occur, FS is without func�on, fan is on
5.6 Fan control(FC)
5.6.1 In cooler mode and FC=0, the fan keeps on/off along with compressor opera�ng.
5.6.2 In cooler mode and FC=1, the fan keeps on.
6.Light control
6.1 Press Light for 3 seconds to ini�ate or shut down light output.
6.2 When controller is off, light is also shut down. It can be turned on manually if light is needed.
6.3 Light se�ng won’t be lost by power failure or power out, the se�ng will be restored once the
power back on.
7.Defog control
7.1 Press Defog for 3 seconds to ini�ate or shut down defog output On/Off.
7.2 Defog output is off when controller is off.
7.3 If Controller turned off while defog is on, defog turned on automa�cally once power is on.
7.4 Defog se�ng won’t be lost by power failure or power out, the se�ng will be restored once
the power back on.
8.1 Defrost cycle/Time coun�ng
8.1.1 When running, start to calculate the defrost cycle (dF); when changing dF, recalculate dF �me;
when shu�ng down, a�er loading dF �me, the �ming stops.
8.1.2 When dF �me is up, restart �ming and begins to defrost (auto); at same �me,
start coun�ng dt.
8.1.3 Defrost cycle(dF) is not affected by errors or malfunc�on.
8.1.4 Defrost doesn’t work during In instant frozen mode(FF) or malfunc�on.
8.1.5 Evaporator sensor alarm A2 ini�ated, enforce 15 mins defrost.
8.1.6 New se�ng will ini�ate in next defrost cycle if dt changed during defros�ng.
8.1.7 When dt �me up, disable defrost.
8.2 Electric heater defrost:(dO=0,defrost contact = Electric heater)
8.2.1 Compressor is off and fan is off during defros�ng.
8.2.2 During defros�ng,evaporator temp.
dS,defrost contact is Off. The 60 second delay
�me is loaded.
8.2.3 During defros�ng, evaporator temp.
dS and delay �me finishes, defrost contact is On.
8.2.4 Defrost contact is Off when dt is finished.
8.3 Hot gas defrost: ( dO=1, defrost contact = four way valve):
8.3.1 Compressor is off and fan is off when enter defrost mode. Four-way valve is on a�er 30 sec.
n another 30 sec, compressor on/ off depending on temperature.
8.3.2 During defrost, evaporator temp.
dS, compressor Off, 60 Sec delay �me is loaded.
8.3.3 During defrost, evaporator temp.
dS and delay �me finishes, compressor on.
8.3.4 When dt finishes, compressor Off and 4-way valve off a�er 30 seconds.
8.4 Disable defrost
When dt finishes and defrost contact off, drop period (dr) begin coun�ng.
If dO=1 & cp=0, return to cooler mode a�er load 30 seconds compressor delay protec�on.
A�er dr finishes, compressor resume work.
8.5 Defros�ng Temp. locked (dL)
8.5.1 When dL= 0 , no defrost temp. locked.
8.5.2 When dL≠0, dlcabinet temp. locked when defros�ng begins. During defrost, cabinet temp. is locked
。 A�er defros�ng, start coun�ng dL �me. Cabinet temp. will be back to normal a�er dL �me.
8.6 Manual defrost: in normal / defrost mode, press both
bu�on at same �me for 5 Sec to ini�ate
disable defrost mode. dL start coun�ng a�er end of defrost mode.
8.7 Defrost contact is off when controller is off.
9.System parameters
9.1 Parameter se�ng
(code mode)
9.1.1 Press the Func. and hold for 3 seconds to enter the se�ng mode and display the parameter
code ' tS '.
9.1.2 When the code is displayed, press the Light or
Defog or
bu�on to select the
parameter code, in sequence tS
9.1.3 A�er selec�ng the parameter code to be modified, press the Func. To display the
parameter value. At this �me, press the
bu�ons to adjust the required parameter
value. When the parameter is locked, the parameter cannot be changed when display
LC 1 second .
9.1.4 A�er the se�ng is completed, press to confirm or if any bu�on is pressed within
10 seconds, the modified parameter value will be stored immediately, and the cabinet
temperature display will be returned.
User's Guide