Mount for
Fishing Rod
Deeper Smartphone Mount is a durable mounting solution to fasten your smartphone to a rod grip. Smartphone Mount
is a valuable tool that enables you to operate sonar data while one hand holding a rod and reel in Deeper device with
another. Leading design and performance offers impressive holding power without hiding your cell phone behind
silicone retainers. Soft silicone retainers apply just enough force to keep your device in place.
1. Add a Smartphone Mount to your
rod grip whereas Deeper logo is
shown in front.
2. Use o-rings to fasten the
Smartphone Mount to the rod grip.
Catch the orange plastic hook with an
o-ring, strain it over the rod grip and
tighten to another orange plastic
hook. Use minimum two o-rings to
fasten the Smartphone Mount to the
rod grip. Make sure you stick it firmly.
3. When the Smartphone Mount is
ready mount your phone. Gently
apply all four silicone retainers, one at
a time, to every angle of your phone.
Be sure your device is tightly framed.
4. Before casting your rod shake it up
several times to make sure the
Smartphone Mount is performing its
function well.
How to use: