Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
7. Care and Maintenance
sensor calibration, so the sensor must be calibrated prior
to using.
General Precautions
While the Leaf Porometer has been designed for quality and
durability, it should be kept clean and the batteries always
fresh to ensure proper working condition. Here are a few
things to remember when using this device:
• Allow the sensor head to equilibrate to the ambient
temperature before using.
• Keep the external sensor clean, as the accuracy of
readings can decline if there is excess humidity or dirt
• Do not touch the Teflon disk. Touching it will offset
your readings. Let it dry for 24 hours or until the ambi-
ent humidity reading returns to normal.
• While this device is water-resistant, do not use it in
rain, and do not use it on leaves covered with dew or
water droplets.
Upgrading Firmware
From time to time Decagon will release firmware updates
for the Leaf Porometer that contain bug fixes and new fea-
tures to improve the performance of your instrument. You
can view and download firmware updates by going to our
website (www.decagon.com) and navigating to the Software
Downloads page. Once there, scroll down to the Leaf
Porometer section and download the latest Firmware