KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
3. The Menus
pose of displaying this reading is to indicate possible
problems with the data. A good data set will give err val-
ues below 0.0100, except at very low thermal conductiv-
ity (e.g. insulation materials). If the err value is unusually
large, discard the data, wait fifteen minutes and take
another reading.
On the right side of the screen are three save options:
Save -
You can save your reading as is;
Annotate -
You can attach a sample ID to your reading;
Discard -
Cancel the current reading and return to the
main screen.
NOTE: If the data memory is full or the sample temper-
ature was unstable during a reading, an error message is
displayed at the bottom of the screen. If this should hap-
pen, you may still take readings but you will be unable to
save them to the KD2 Pro.
How to annotate a reading:
When you select the “Anno-
tate” option, you will see a series of lines with an arrow above
and below the first position. Use the up and down arrow keys
to select a letter or number and press Enter to move to the
next character (as shown below). If you have annotated a pre-
vious reading, the old annotation will remain to be modified
or deleted.