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2949 CR 1000 E
Dewey, Illinois
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If There is a Problem:
Troubleshooting the EtherPath SS-R1 Nailed-Up Configuration
At this point, a pair of EtherPath units should have been configured and a link established that
allows a pair of PCs to communicate with each other's terminal screens via the Ether Paths just
as if they were directly connected with a null modem cable. If it has not been possible to get a
similar result, check for the possible problems described below.
Web browser not connecting during the EtherPath configuration.
verify the
physical connection
, check that:
A faulty ethernet cable isn't being used: Due to the Auto-MDIX feature of the EtherPath
LAN ports, either straight-through or crossover ethernet cables may be used
The ethernet cable has been plugged in all the way
verify the
PC configuration
, check that:
The IP address and Subnet Mask for the EtherPath's default subnet is configured correctly
on the PC:
The EtherPath is using the default IP address
The PC has the proper IP address and does not have a previously-defined IP address
which conflicts with the one needed here.
The ARP Cache does not contain an entry from an earlier connection: Using a Command
Window (as Administrator), type the command
arp -a
to view the entire table of entries.
The Properties of the LAN connection do not still have “
Obtain an IP address
” selected: Leaving this on is a common issue.
The PC does not have a different network simultaneously connected: This often happens
when the Wireless LAN adapter is left enabled, so it should be turned off during the
Quick Start procedure.
verify the
browser configuration
check that:
The browser is not trying to use a Proxy to connect: For the Quick Start procedure, the
Network settings for the browser should be “No Proxy”.
HTTP is being used to address the EtherPath, not HTTPS.
The two EtherPaths are connected using an
ethernet cable between the LAN ports but no end-
to-end serial connection is established.
verify the
physical connection
, check that:
The serial cables from each PC to its respective EtherPath device are fully plugged-in.
The serial connections both contain a null modem (“crossover”): If a “straight through”
cable is used on either end, the serial link will not work.