Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Dyn a m ic S ta te s
When in Dynamic Mode, the instrument will be in one of 5 states,
which are displayed on the bottom right corner of the front panel
Re a d y
The instrument is initialized, and dynamic execution can begin.
Ru n
The instrument is currently executing dynamic files. The elapsed time
counter will be incrementing.
Arm e d
The trigger has been set to external and the instrument will begin file
execution upon receipt of a hardware trigger signal.
P a u s e d
The instrument is paused during a dynamic run. The currently
implemented parameter values are displayed. Pressing the
Step Fwd
key or the
Step Back
key will single step through the files by the
defined time step. Pressing
from this point will continue
execution. Pressing
from this point will cause the instrument to
initialize the current dynamic files.
Do n e
The instrument has finished execution of a single dynamic run. The last
value of each parameter file is implemented in hardware.
Dyn a m ic Mo d e Co n tro ls
Figure 2-14. Dynamic Mode Control Keys