Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
S e t Eb /No Ra tio (Mo d e = E
Press the Ratio field for the desired channel.
Enter the desired ratio value in dB. Press
Press the Bit Rate field, type the desired value, then press
Enter the signal’s bit rate.
Press the
Set Ratio
key to compute and set the noise density.
Press on/off to enable/disable the noise.
The resulting noise density is displayed, but cannot be modified
The E
ratio is set immediately when the
Set Ratio
key is pressed.
Prior to pressing the
Set Ratio
button, the Ratio value will be displayed
in red characters to indicate that the input signal has not been measured.
Once the measurement has been made, Ratio and bit rate can be
modified, and the noise density will be adjusted accordingly, using the
previous signal power measurement. If the applied signal power has
changed, Set Ratio should be pressed again to re-measure the input
signal power.
If an out-of-range noise density is computed, the noise density will be
set to the nearest limit value, and the value will be displayed in red
S ta tic Mu ltip a th Fa d in g Op e ra tio n (Op tio n a l Fe a tu re )
The optional Multipath Fading feature applies up to 12 paths of
multipath fading. Rayleigh and Rician distributions are available, as
well as line of sight (Doppler shifted CW). Each path has control for
the amount of spreading (via Doppler), path loss, path delay, and Angle
of Arrival. Rician K-factor can be adjusted as well as correlation
between paths.
From the Delay, RF, or AWGN displays, pressing the
navigation key will invoke the Multipath Fading display. Likewise,
Delay, RF, or AWGN can be invoked from the Multipath Fading
display by pressing the appropriate soft key.
In Static mode, the multipath display will appear as in the example
figure below. Each of the Type, Doppler, Loss, and Delay parameters
can be modified by pressing the touch sensitive display in the
appropriate field.