Soil Moisture Sensor (6440) &
Stainless Steel Temperature Probe (6470)
Installation Instructions
The Soil Moisture Sensor and the Stainless Steel Temperature Probe are for use with
the EnviroMonitor Node (#6810) or the Vantage Pro2
Wireless Leaf & Soil
Moisture/Temperature Station, (#6345).
The temperature sensor can be used in air, soil or water. If used to measure air
temperature, it should be shielded from direct sunlight and other sources of
reflected or radiated heat. We recommend the use of the radiation shield (#7714) for
this purpose.
The soil moisture sensor uses electrical resistance to measure the moisture level of
the soil. The sensor data is converted into a calibrated reading of centibars of soil
water suction with a range from 0 (wettest) to 200 (driest) centibars.
Please refer to your EnviroMonitor Gateway and Node or Wireless Leaf & Soil
Moisture/Temperature Station manual for more information on how to install and
use the sensors. The manuals can be found in the Support section of
www.davisnet.com. (http://www.davisnet.com/resources/weather-monitoring/
Before “Planting” the Soil Moisture Sensor
• Always “plant” a wet soil moisture sensor. For best results, soak the soil
moisture sensors before “planting,” at least overnight.
• If time permits, wet the soil moisture sensor for 30 minutes in the morning
and let dry until evening, wet for 30 minutes and let dry overnight, wet again
for 30 minutes the next morning and let dry again until evening. Soak over
the next night and install wet. This will improve sensor response during the
first few irrigations or waterings.