Datsun BLUEBlRD L 410 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание BLUEBlRD L 410 Series

Страница 1: ...ty f i r t l 1 r fr l J t r cr jo r 11 t1f r i I h r SERVICE MANUAL J DATSUN 4 4 MODEL 410 SERIES I f NISSANI 1 NISSAN MOTOR CO LTD OTEMACHI BLDG OTEMACHI CHIYODA KU TOKYO JAPAN CAIUS ADDRtSS NISMO TOKYO PHONES 211 5281 9 1 r fto w ...

Страница 2: ...DlTSUI BLUEBlRD MODEL P L 41 0 ...

Страница 3: ...e serVlCe and mamtenance of the Model P L 410 Each assembly of the major components IS descnbed In detaIl In addltlOn com prehenslve mstructJOns are glven for complete dl manrlmg assemblmg and mspectlOn of these assembhes It IS emphaslsed that only genume DA TSUN Spare Parts shuu ld be used as replacements j i ...

Страница 4: ...EM Carburetor The Gasohne Tank Fuel Stramer Fuel Pump Adjustment and Inspectlon of Engme CLUTCH TRANSMISSION DIsassemble the TransmIssIon Case DIsassemble the TransmIssIon Case For 4 Stage Floor Slnft r FRONT AXLE 1 Dlsassemblmg the Front Hub Independent Front SUSpenSIon I PROPELLER SHAFT UNIVERSAL JOINTS REAR AXLE STEERING f Steermg BRAKE Front Brake Rear Brake Hand Brake t t I Page l 7 1 1 3 10 ...

Страница 5: ...ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Alternator Generator Regulator 14 Items on Handhng Trouble Shootmg LIst Starter Motor 1 t n l I 7 1 Page 172 l74 l76 l86 190 192 194 1 I J ...

Страница 6: ...Olsplace I 189 ment Itr Overall WIdth mm I 490 Fuel Gasolme Overall HeIght mm I 415 Length I 685 Wheel Base mm 2 380 InterIor sIze of room WIdth I 240 Overhang to the end of 950 Space Rear Body mm HeIght I 130 Cargo Space of set mm DIstrIbutIOn Front 505 Front 5 60 134P of VehIcle WeIght TIre SIze WIthout Load Rear 380 Rear 5 60 13 4P kg DIstrIbution Front 600 PrOpOl tlOn Front 95 2 of VehIcle WeI...

Страница 7: ...t Bumoer 605 Overhand to the Rear End WIthout 950 Bumper Frame Overhand to the Front End Frame Overhang to the Rear End Ww Front 5 60 13 4P t r N Rear 60 13 4P tI VehIcle WeIght 915 6 Seatmg CapacIty 5 Max Payload VehIcle Gross WeIght I IOU 1 190 llIl ol O1stnbutlon of Front 505 525 Verncle Wel ht Rear 380 390 WIthout Loa I O1stnbutlon of Front 610 615 0 Verncle WeIght 560 575 W Wlth Load Rear a C...

Страница 8: Pressure 48 3 600 kg cm r pm W Max Mean Effectlve kg cm r p m 9 3 3 600 i i lV1ax Power B H P r p m SAE 60 5 000 0 Z Max Torque m kg r p m 9 3 3 6oo SAE 63 7 ft lb w Full Road SR PS h 210 2 000 Length x WIdth x HeIght 589x582 x690 mm Weight kg 138 t If It Position of Engme Front Type of PIston SpIlt Slart Matenal of PIston La EX No of PIston Pressure 2 Rmg all I Inlet Open 140B T D C Valve Tlmm...

Страница 9: ...if Carburetor Ventun SIze mm 21 8 25 14 7 Malll Jet mm 96 115 Slow Jet 1 mm 48 48 Pump Jet mm 60 Power Jet mm 55 p AIr Draught Down DoWV l AIr Type No Paper FIlter 1 ea Cleaner Manufacturer Tsuchlya A Fuel Pump Type DIaphragm Manufacturer Showa Kyosan Fuel Tank Capacity of Fuel Tank 41t lO 8 U S gallon z E Lubncatmg Method Forced Pressure Type OW Chl Pump Type TrocOld Type Teth r G 1 hJ 011 Filter...

Страница 10: ...umber of Plate I factlng 2 U l Outd18 x IndIa x 200 x 130x3 5 w ThIckness mm 0 0 Total Fnctlon Area 363 em Z SynC hrane hed un 2nd Svnchromeshetl on 2hd E Type Top I Reverse 3n 4th forward E I reverqe 410 Un Operatmg Method Remote Control Floor ShIft en Z 1st 3 518 3 945 TransmlsslOn 2nd 1 725 2 402 E 3rd 1 000 r 490 4th 1 000 Reverse 4 125 5 159 E Length x Outdla x IndIa mm 1 237 x 68 9 x 65 3 ww...

Страница 11: ...Front 40 x 4 5 x 215 Master Brake Lmmg DlmenslOn Rear 40x4 5x215 Total Brakmg Area 228 6 Rear em l 1hI India of Drum Front 25 40 IndIa of Drum Rear 23 81 E Inner Dla of Master W 22 22 1 Cyl mm CIl India of Wheel Cyl CIl 25 40 W 011 Brake Front mm India of Wheel Cyl 23 81 I Rear mm c c Max 011 Pressure US kg em Type Meehameal for Rear Wheel Parkmg Brake Lmmg DlmenslOn mm 4Ox4 5x215 Total Brakmg Are...

Страница 12: ...ickness No 1200x60x5 2 Z Q Helpmg Spnng mm tIl Z W Shock Absorber Front Telescopic Double Action p tIl J Shock Absorber Rear TelescopIc Double Action tIl Stabilizer Front TorSlOn Bar Type Stabilizer Rear TorslOn Bar Type W Type Section O1menslOn Height x Widthx l111ckness i I mm 7 ...

Страница 13: ...eed ratio Gross vehicle weight Max grade abIlIty Effective radIUS of tire Max torque Max BHP 4 375 51S 1 725 1 000 1235 kg Sm 6 0 32 o 287 m 9 3 kg m 3600 r p m 60 HP 5000 r p m 5000 t t 8 bO t J co U l aJ E 00 ri aJo p Cc b bllbll t t t t l 0 0 fT c p 30 40 SO 60 70 80 QO 100 110 Car speed km h o 150 ...

Страница 14: ...CIl I CIl c M bO U J 500 Fmal gear rano 1st speed ratlO 2nd speed ratIo 3rd speed ratio Gross vehicle weight Max grade ablhty Effective radlUs of tIre Max torque Max BHP 40 35 4 375 3 518 1 725 1 000 1190 leg Sm 0 34 0 287 m 9 3 kg m 3600 r p m 60 B H P 5000 r p m o 110 120 130 140 ISO 80 90 100 10 20 30 Car speed km h ...

Страница 15: ...ENGINE ...

Страница 16: of the thm shell preformed type are fItted to the connect mg rod bIg ends and to the mam beanngs A counter blanced crankshaft IS fItted The end thrust on thIS component IS taken by specIal washers at the center mam beanng The centnfugal water pump and coohng fan are dnven by the dynamo belt GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS No of Cyhnder 4 Bore 73 025 mm 2 875 m Stroke Volume Max brake horse power Torque ...

Страница 17: ...ilft EMGIME RIG SlOE t l x JJ cc 1 c L E7j lt c li c r I t J r Ic J 0 1 JF I l 1 r Y v J t t t EMGIME LEf SlOE 2 ...

Страница 18: ...adIator fIller cap controls the pressure at approximately 0 4 kg per sq cm Do not remove the fIller cap If the temperature of the coolant IS above bOlhng pomt or If the engme IS runmng Toppmg up should only be reqUIred occaslOnally to re place water lost through the overflow pIpe Top up when the engme IS cold and If pOSSible use clean soft water 1 r l 1 l t t f I 0 t f f I Fig 1 Radiator Fill to w...

Страница 19: ...en completely emptled It IS essennal to allow air to escape through the thermostat valve and then fmally top up The thermostat opening IS set by the manufacturer and cannot be altered It open at a temperature of 76 SO IISoC Durmg decarbomsmg It IS pohcy to test thIS open mg by Immersmg the thermostat m water raIsed to the requlslte temperature The valve should open under these condmons but 1f It f...

Страница 20: ... of the cyhnder block and the other at the base of the radIator block Both taps must be opened to dram the sys tern and the car must be on level ground while drammg The dram taps should be tested at frequent mtervals by msertmg a piece of WIre to ensure that they are cleare This should be done Immediately the taps are opened so that any obstructlOn freed by the wire may be flushed out by the water...

Страница 21: ...t F10attng Sea o pulley ZlO l 10600 p3ltn m dt3 ZlO l 10800 lo 3m m dta lock Gasket H ub rOT an 6 pumP pulley f l rt v I II tilT l i II Fan belt Z1061 10600 Zl061 10800 used foT zMB type batteTY Fig 5 WATER pUMP I ...

Страница 22: ...ey hub on the U type bench Take out the set pm from the sht which locked the shaft assembly to the pump body See Fig 1 Next turn the body upside down and press out the shaft assembly from the vane side on the U type bench Fig 4 The shaft and ball beanng assembly can be drewout from the body Thus take out the vane floatmg seal and seal WhICh remamed the pump lxxly Reassembly I 1 The r assembhng of ...

Страница 23: ...Pu lley Pulley 1mb Set crew I frontl K 21035 0 000 Set rUle p1n Waaher Cover ll f Flg 6 Secnon Vlew of the Water Pump FIg 7 8 ...

Страница 24: ...n inserting thIckness gauge fhlckness O 4 O 5 mm between the vane end on the U block bench Take out the thIckness gauge and find out good condmon Screw up WIth the cover and cork washer screT Shaft bear1ngs assembly Set p1n o f Vane Float1ng sea l I 1 1 r I J Insert here th1ckness gauge 0 4 0 5 mm 4 i 4r ii Fig 8 1 f f 9 ...

Страница 25: ... Journal regIster WIth a small hole m the camshaft thrust plate thus allowmg a small amount of OIl to pass mto the tlmmg case twice durmg case revolutIOn of the camshaft to provide lubncatlon for the ummg cham and gears From the tlmmg case the 011 returns VIa a dram hole back to the engme sump The filter therefore forms part of the mam OIl gallery and as such IS filled WIth 011 under pressure A pr...

Страница 26: ...essure Check the level of 011 In the engme sump by means of the dIp stick and top up If necessary If the warnmg lIght IS still on after refIllmg the sump SWItch off and ascertam that the gauge stramer m the sump IS clean and not choked with sludge sale that no aIr leakage eXIsts at the stramer unIOn on the suction SIde of the 011 pump bemg defectIve remove the unIt and rectify the fault 0 1 j c c ...

Страница 27: ... element PRING element settIng c RING snap C GASKET element seat GASKET 011 filter body O RlNG retainer RETAlNER ele ent BRACKET VALVE safety 011 filter steel ball GASKET RING sna 011 fllter to SPRINGI p cyhnder safety o k o I STUD to fix 011 fllter see cyhnder block sechon Fig 3 01 L FILTER 12 ...

Страница 28: ... bottom edge of the bell housmg Lower the 011 pan from the engme takmg care not to damage the Jomt wahsers In the pro cess Removing the Strainer WIth the snup lowered It IS possIble to remove the 011 stramer through which 011 IS drawn mto the 011 pump To remove the straIner unto the unIOn connecung the 011 pIck up to the pump and unscrew the securmg bolts The stramer may be dIsmantled for cleanmg ...

Страница 29: ...It IS sound but It IS adVIsable to fIt a new one Smear the faces of the Jomt WIth grease and fIt the Jomt washer LIft the 011 pan mto poSl non and msert the setscrews mto the flange tlghtmg them up evenly Reassembling the Oil Pump The outer rotor Fig 4 has a chamfered edge It IS of great Important that thIS chamfer be towards the base of the body fIlure to assemble m thiS way WIll result 10 the co...

Страница 30: Cover oll pump Washer Washer Washer Bolt Washer Bolt SCREW WASHER lock to ilx 0 1 stralner GASKET 011 pump to cyhnder bloc k ASS Y SPINDLE drlVlng 011 pump Stud 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 D p 1 GASKET ot stramer to pump Fig 6 OIL PUMP 15 U o D tf t ASS Y STRAINER 011 ...

Страница 31: both the gears a lIttle at a tlme fIrst removing the crankshaftt gear retamIng nut As the gears are withdrawn care must be taken not to lose the paclang washers from behmd the crankshaft gear Between the camshaft g ar teeth IS a rubber rmg wInch acts as a tens lOner and ensures silent operatIon of the chain drIve l Examme the felt washer and renew It If 011 has been lost he seepage 4 of Refitt...

Страница 32: ... necessary to dram the system and slacken the cyhnder head nuts becaust four of the rocker shaft flxmg nuts also secure the cyhnder head If the cylmder head nuts are not slackened dlstonatIon may result and allow water to fmd Its way from the coolmg systefIl mto the cyhnders and pump NotIce that under the nght hand rear rocker stud nut IS a speclallockmg plate Completely unscrew the rocker shaft b...

Страница 33: replace the rocker shaft locatmg screw and lock plate Replace the sprIng and flat washers WIth the splIt pms on the ends of the shaft Replace the rocker cover and gasket The vent pipe should be at the front of the engme Secure the cover by means of the tWo cap nuts ensurIng that the rubber bushed and engme lIftmg plates are m poSItIon If the rocker cover gasket or the rubber bushes are found to...

Страница 34: ...arance To adjust FIg 2 msert a screw dnver m the ad ustmg screw slot and slaken the lock nut Then insert 014 m feeler gauge between the face of the rocker and the valve stem Raise or lower the adJustmg screw untll the correct clearance IS obtamed Tighten the lock nut and recheck the clearance It IS Important to note that whlle the clearance IS bemg set the tappet of the valve bemg adjusted must be...

Страница 35: ...dramed mto a sUitable contamer and retamed for future use DIsconnect the negatlve cable from the battery be extractmg the term mal screw and removmg the lug from the battery term mal post Slacken both the retammg chps on the hose connectmg the radIator to the ther mostat housing and remove the hose Extract the termostat housmg secunng nuts and remove the housmg and ther mostat Remove the alrcleane...

Страница 36: be worked on 1S at T D C Protect the other cyhnder bore from the entry of carbon partlcles by push mg a non fluffy rag mto them Usmg a clusel shaped pIece of hardwood Carefully remove the carbon from the pIston crowns A rmg of carbon should be left round the penphery of each pIston and the depoSIt round the top of the cyhnder bore should not be touched An mdlCatlOn as to when decarbomsanon IS r...

Страница 37: ...use The 011 seal IS used for the Intake valve only Replace the valve spnng and compress the valve spnng RefIt the cap retamers and secure them by means of the valve cotters Remove the compressor Free length mm Length m use and loaded mm kg Turnnmg Nos of coil Effectlve turn of coil Dla of coil WIre DIameter of coIl Inner Sp 50mm Outer Sp 52mm 36 9 13 l 0 7 8 5 6 5 5 6 L O 2 mm 24mm 38 9 29 1 1 5 6...

Страница 38: ...necessary to contmue the gnndmg process untIl an even matt surface IS produced on the seatmg and the valve face On completIon the valve seats and ports should be throughly cleaned With gasohne soaked rag and dned and the subjected to a compressed aIr blast The valves should be washed m gasohne and all traces of gnndmg compound removed VALVES Valve head dIameter Intake valve Exhaust valve Valve sea...

Страница 39: ...aburetor and reconnect the control hnkage Refit the igrutlon advance suctIon pIpe to the connectlon on the carburetter but do not at tlus stage refIt the aIrcleaner or it Vlll have to be removed later to check the valve clearances Re place the rocker cover takmg care to fIt the cork gasket correctly Place the thennostat and ItS housmg m posltlon and secure WIth the three nuts Reconnect the water t...

Страница 40: ... in Position Ftg 4 Renewing a Valve Glade In an emergency a new valve spnng can be fItted without removmg the cylmder head When domg tlus the apphcable piston must be brought to Its T D C posltlon to ehrnmate any POSSlblhty of the valve falhng mto the cyhnder Remove the spark plug from the cyhnder concerned Hold the valve onto ItS seahng with the aId of a sUItable tool such as a bent screwdnver Wh...

Страница 41: ...eI Adjust sere nut 1 Loestlni 6 Plate Valve roeker Bush Valve roeker shaft B J Collet if j dU Rubber r ng 8 i push rod Outer s Pr lllI 1 inner S lrlng Bolt her e as l f lIl ni eht ln Calll shaft Fig 6 C S 1 J JE GEMl ...

Страница 42: JOint washer Thermostat 011 flller Packlng Nut iJ4 Jt Wa her U Slinger rear GUlde ex G valve ulde 1 n valve Stud exh mamfold Slinger front Washer Nut ea o eO e jaO e Gasket cyl h 11044 30004 ead 11044 0720 for com F 10 4 0 0 onom Ig 7 CYLI NDE 4000 for com R HEAD ratio 8 Z ratio 8 0 ratlO 7 b 27 ...

Страница 43: ...tor Dram and remove the sump from the engme then dIsconnect and remove the 011 stramer Take out the set screws and rock washers from the bIg ends and WIthdraw the caps It will be noted that the caps are off set When used P lrts are r placed after dlsmanthng It IS essentIal they are fltted mto theIr ongmal pOSltlOns To en sure correct refIttIng mark the caps and connectIng rods on the SIdes to Iden...

Страница 44: ...lfference of crank pm dIameter End play when flywheel was mstalled 0 Ol3 0 050 mm White metal Block Side Clevlt metal Cap SIde O 0127 0 OS08 mm 0 0005 0 0020 m SO 183 50 825 mm 2 0005 2 001 m 0 051 0 076 mm 0 002 0 003 ID 47 640 47 652 mm I 8751 876 m Less than 0 012 mm 0 00048 m Less than 0 05 mm 0 002 In The shell bearmg are removable by hand The bearmgs are requIre no beddmg m It IS bemg only n...

Страница 45: ...t I Crankshaft A BuSh ng NUt P n CRA NK SHA F1 Fig 9 P S1 ON 8t Lock washer R ng gear ...

Страница 46: ...rom which It was taken It IS essennal that the split 111 the skIrt of the piston IS positIOned to wards the camshaft Compress the pIston nngs With msernng piston usmg tool FIg 11 and gently tap the crown ot the piston With the wooden end of a hammer handle untIl the pIston IS clear of the piston nng clamp Flg 11 Piston Adapter 31 ...

Страница 47: ...It IS difficult to turn undo the bIg end and examme the shell and seat for dIrt or gTlt Before reassembhng always apply a httle clean 011 to the pISton surfaces and mto the cyhnder bore Never file the connectmg rod caps or thelT matmg surfaces as tms creates ovahty m the bearmg Removing a Piston Remove the clampmg bolt from the small end of the connecung tod amI push out the gudgeon pm The gudgeon...

Страница 48: due to wear ThIS may be checked wIth a dial gauge and must be removed If thIS IS not done there will be a tendency to nOISY operauon or a fractured rmg caused by the top pIston nng stnkmg the hp PIston and nngs are avallable m 0 010 m 0 254 mm D 02D m 0 508 mm D 030 In D 762 mm and D 04O m 1 Ol6 mm overSlzes The pIston nngs Ftg 12 should always be fitted from the crown of the pIston and never ...

Страница 49: ... at the motor end Remove the OIl gauge and water temperature gauge leads from theIr termmals on the engme The throttle and choke controls must be dIsconnected from the carburetor DIsconnect the fuel pipe from the tuel pump Next remove the exhaust pIpe from the mamfold From below the vehicle remove the gear change selector rod from the lever on the tranSmIssion cas mg O1sconnect the earth strap fro...

Страница 50: ...Ftg 1 Ftg 2 35 7 f i t l i ...

Страница 51: ...0 L H Insulator W rJ Washer tut Bolt Washer l ii Nut self I II r lock i1 Washer Bolt t e Nut Washer a Bolt g f er Spacer Nut self lock bushing l r 1 Bolt Fig 3 ENG NE MOUNT NG ...

Страница 52: ...ft and take off the tImmg cover and gears The engIne front mountmg plate IS now accessIble and may be removed by wlthdrawmg the setscrew and lockIng plates The dynamo swmgmg lInk must be removed Take out the setscrews securmg the camshaft locatmg plate when the cam shaft can be WIthdrawn from the cylInder block CAMSHAFT BEARINGS WJnte metal bearmgs WIth steel lImng are used for the camshaft They c...

Страница 53: ...der1 1 1 to fu u boos DOUDII1 I plate WASllER lock a VMHER sCJlEW SCREW SPRINV teln tu 011 lel lY Ipt1n1 tap uASttT P j IoSS Y PI II d Sl Al h nt 1 IoSS Y 1 Ill b 1 S Y pUJG b htt wASKER coppin P l5 I SnJD te fll fuel p to uPt ca Fig CYl INDER Bl OCK A ...

Страница 54: ...LUG taper crank ca se 0 1 hole brasS WASHER 10Ck J to fix beanng BOLT 5fCAP rear malnbeanngm ddle WASHER 2OCk l Washer to hx beanng caP Bolt BOL T SEAL oll rear bearmg slde BEARING crank shaft half standard slze WASHER thrust bl metal upper CAP mam beanng front WASHER thrust b metal lower SEAL otl front beanng cap D PLUG o I relief vent hole brasS Fig 2 CYl I NOER BLOCK B ...

Страница 55: ...d m a recess m the detach able half of the bearmg the other bemg plam When flttmg new bearIngs no scrapmg IS reqUIred as they are machmed to t ve the correct runmng clearance of 0 0005 0 002 m 0 0127 0 0508 mm Ensure that the locatmg tangs are properly engaged m theIr recesses Handle the new beaTings carefully so as not to damage the fme surface fmlsh Remove all traces of dIrt and OIl from the hou...

Страница 56: ...fIrst after each cap IS tIghten rotate the crankshaft to ascertaIn that It revolues freely If It IS tIght remove the last cap tIghtened and examIne the bearIng and Its seatIng for foreIgn matter Check the crankshaft end play by means of a dIal gauge ThIS should be 0 002 m 0 051 mm If a bearIng has run It IS essentIal to clean out all OIl ways In the crank shaft and block Wash out the engIne sump a...

Страница 57: ...raker brakes contact a spark IS generated In one of the spark plugs Therefore the maIntenance of thIS braker must not be tre ted lIghtly Also because the tIme durIng whIch the IgnItIOn coIl current flows varIes WIth the gap between these braker pOInts see that thIS gap IS maIntaIned at the standard value wJnch IS 0 45 mm 0 018 to G 022 In The brJ lker pOInts must be kept free of grease and OIL If ...

Страница 58: ...Fig I DISTRIBUTOR 43 I ...

Страница 59: ...tJns pOInter moves when the engIne speed IS suddenly changed the advancer IS satIsfactory I 1 Fig 2 Adjusting the Pomt Gap ADJUSTING THE IGNITION TIMING 1 The IgmtIOn tImIng IS adjusted to 10 degrees before top dead center wIth the engIne stopped as shown In FIg 3 WIth thIS adjustment the automatIc tImIng advancer of the dlstnbutor advances the Ignmon tImIng even further at the tIme the engIne sta...

Страница 60: ...d of the compreSSIOn stroke of the No 1 pIston Stop the crankshaft In thIS pOSItIOn The compreSSIOn stroke of the No 1 pIston can be determIned If the spark plug of the No 1 cylInder IS removed the hole plugged WIth a fInger and the crankshaft turned WIth the crankshaft ill the pre vIOusly mentIoned pOSItIOn the No 1 pIston IS In Its posItIon of 10 deg before top dead center of compreSSIOn F g 3 C...

Страница 61: ...ntIl spark Jumps across the gap The off set slot posmon of the dnve shaft when the No 1 pIston I S In Its com pressIOn top dead center pOSItIon IS shown here S Next put the dlstnbutor cap on and c1al 1p It securely WIth the clIp J 6 To the No 1 spark plug connect the cord from the termInal to WhICh the arm of the rotor IS pOIntIng Thereafter connect the terIJIInal cords to theIr spark plugs I J th...

Страница 62: ... of calIbratIOn of the selector corresponds to 2 deg of the dlstnbutor angle and to 4 deg of the crankshaft angle When a tImIng lamp IS used the standard settIng IS 15 deg before top dead center WIth the engIne IdlIng 600 620 In any case the optImum ad Justment IS that In whIch a slIght mockIng IS heard when WIth the car runnIng at low speed In HIGH TOP gear acceleratIon IS applIed suddenly 47 ...

Страница 63: ...48 c ...

Страница 64: ...he prImary throttle valve IS at 480 opemng Float level 19 mm below the upper surface of the float chamber body The carburetor has the functIon of atomlzmg the fuel mlxmg It In SUItable raUo to aIr and supplymg the mIxture to the engIne It IS therefore an Important part WhIch can Influence the performance of the engme The Model 20 30C carburetor IS a hIghly effICIent carburetor of two barrel two st...

Страница 65: ...ed Air bent pIpe Choke valve Choke control hnk ConnectlDg rod G Choke wire blacket Throttle Wire blacker Lower body Flg 3 AuxIlIarv throttle valve Throttle valve By pass hole Q Slow let VenturI AusIlIary valve shaft MaID jet Mam aIr bleed Pump mjector Out let valve Inlet check valve Power valve Pump p ston AIr vent hole Pump p ston return spnng Connect 109 rod 50 ...

Страница 66: ...Ith the throttle valve IS adapted When throttle valve IS open the pIston rod IS pushed up WIth the lInkage wJnch pushed up the pIston through the dumper sprIng When the pIston IS commIng down the Inlet check valve closes the out let check valve opens and the fuel WIthIn the pump IS blown out from the pump Jet by the compressed dumper sprIng and hItS agaInst the SIde wall of the small ventun to be ...

Страница 67: the bottom of the float chamber passes through the secondary maIn Jet and be come minute drops mIxmg wIth the aIr comIng from the maIn aIr bleed and IS blown Into the ventun through the maIn nozzle Fig 6 Carburetor Model Nikki 2D 30C When the throttle valve of the normal carburetor IS wIdely opened and the engIne produces hIgh power the throttle valve of the power carburetor begIns to open by t...

Страница 68: ...arner gasket after removIng the float needle valve Installed at the Inlet connector As ventIlatIon WIthIn the float chamber IS of a aIr vent method and pressure WltIDn the ventun and the float chamber IS always constant no matter how suctIonal reglstance of the aIr cleaner vanes fuel consumptIon can be always economIcally mamtaIned Pump arm l Float valve sheet gasket Float valve sheet Umon bolt Ba...

Страница 69: ...Accelerating Linkages l PIg 8 DImensIOns of rDJ IS adjusted to 86 5 mm by rod and adjustIng plate The nut must tIghten surly after fIXIng the dImensIon of rD J DROll AdJustmg plate Nut PIg 9 54 ...

Страница 70: ...the wrench operated dram cock Fuel Tank Gauge Unit Fig 1 Fuel Tank Securing SItuated on the top face of the tank IS the gauge UnIt To remove wlthraw the set screws WhICh secure the UnIt to the tank not forgettIng to dIsconnect the electncallead beforehand Care must be taken not to straIn or bend the float lever as thIS may serously effect subsequent gauge readmgs Remember thIS also applIes when re...

Страница 71: ...dan Band rear 1 Gauge Conne ass y tor NUT Screw Tube to Gasket gauge tube Grommet Washer strainer Plug Grommet e Bolt j Washer Gi Tube to strainer Screw aSher Gauge Gas ket WAGON e Jolnt washer raln plug Fue tank for wagon Fig 2 FUEL TANK MOUNTI NG 56 ...

Страница 72: ...e carburetor 1 Check to see If gasolIne pIpe IS clogged WIth dust and dIrt ThIS can be eaSIly checked by dIsconnectIng the connector of the pIpe and blow Ing wIth compressed aIr toward the dIreCtIOn of the tank Then from the tank end blow the pIpe agaIn and clean the pIpe in many cases the tIp of gasolIne Intake pIpe of tank UnIt IS clogged WIth dust and water Therefore together WIth cleanIng of t...

Страница 73: the IndIcator deflectIng In the dIrectIOn of F That IS thIS IS a gauge of electnc resIstance control type E SIgnIfIes Empty level and F Full level Troubles with Fuel Gauge and their Remedies When somethIng IS wrong WIth the readIngs of he fuel gauge fIrst dIS connect the wlnng at the UnIt and turnIng on the IgnItIOn SWItch ground and un ground the termInal end of the saId wlnng to the body of t...

Страница 74: ...een The straIner body IS made of alumInum alloy Take good care not to break threads of each connectIOn Pay attentIon not to tIghten the straIner nut so excessIvely that the gasket and bowl are broken When InstallIng the straIner assembly the stramer bracket should be cleaned suffICIently Dust and dIrt on the bracket surface prevent plug from keepIng aIr tIght l V 4 1 13 12 e CD Plug Gasket CheLk v...

Страница 75: ...FUEL PUMP screw washer Angle connector Rocker arm side spacer Rocker arm pin Hand pnmer lever rod r Rocker arm ass y Rocker arm pln Rocker arm side spacer Fig 5 COMPONENT OF FUEL PUMP 60 ...

Страница 76: ... tor Even when the engIne IS not runmng fuel can be delIvered under pressure by moVIng the hand pnmer up and down By the rotatIon of camshaft rocker arm IS pushed and pull rod of dIaphragm IS pulled down At the same ome dIaphragm goes down agamst dJaphragm spnng and then IS pushed up agam by ItS spnng By the movements of the dIaphragm and functIonIng of the valves at the mlet and outlet of the pum...

Страница 77: ...In gasolIne then Inspect them Replace the dIaphragm If any damage ImpregnatIon by gasolIne Replace a valve assembly If any wear or faulty operatIOn IS detected Even If repaIrs are unavOIdably reqUIred the lImIt for repaIrs of warp or wear of the valve IS 0 001 In When the surface of the valve seat or valve IS found Irregular remove the valve seat of the outlet and dress the surface WIth a fIne OIl...

Страница 78: ...all the screws round loosely and umformly Then tIghten them dIagonally and lastly re tIghten all of them In order to make sure As a general rule gaskets should be replaced by new ones InstallatIon on the engIne IS done In the reverse order to that for dIsassembly Be sure to set the rocker arm so that It IS contactIng the eccentrIC of camshaft properly not the rear SIde or to one SIde Replace the g...

Страница 79: ... 6 to 7 rotatIons by means of the crank handle and make sure that there IS sure outflow of gasohne from the outlet port B Connect the gasohne pIpe to the outlet port SIde and ughten all the pIpIng JOIntS Then turn the engme agaIn several tImes to see If there IS any leakage of aIr or gasolIne from each connectIon v 64 f ...

Страница 80: ...ob all the way that IS In the carburetor the throttle valve and choke valve are fully opened press a compres SIOn gauge agaInst each spark plug hole and runnIng the starter motor WIth a fully charged battery read the maXImum pressure ob tamed WIthIn 5 8 rotatIons of the motor Tms measurement must be made as qUICkly as pOSSIble It the compreSSIOn pressure of anyone cyhnder dIffers by 10 lb sq In or...

Страница 81: ...nd refer to FIg 2 The use of a master motor tester as shown In FIg 2 IS convement When a combustlOn tester IS used Install a speCIal Intake pIck up In the exhaust tube and after the engIne has been started analyze by means of a speCIal gauge the combustIon gas WhICh flows through the connectIng hose Into the tester and Judge the combustIOn COndItIon ac cordIng to the mIxture ratIo of fuel and aIr ...

Страница 82: ...ond tlon 4 When above 3 condition eXists IDdlcator w1I1 sWIDg to 0 In If engIne IS raced 5 When Ind cator sometimes drops by 4 In or so valve stlckIDg eXists 67 6 When Indicator drops by several IDches at certain time valves are burnt 7 When Indicator drops by about 2 In valves leak Faulty seatIDg of valves 8 When Indicator OSCillates actively between 14 end 18 In valve stem gUide is worn out 9 Wb...

Страница 83: ... zero and tben returns to 16 i1l mufller IS clogged 16 When mdlcator moves slowly between I3 171n carburetor is poorly ad justed Dlagnosmg EngIne by means of a Vacuum Gauge Battery discharged or CODDectloDS poor T mmg poorly adjusted AIr bplDg sucked In Plug sparkmg weak t Wlrtng Incorrect Plugs dirty Tlmmg mcorrect Sbort In CIrcuit IgnItion coil or condenser defective Econtact pomt dllty Pomt con...

Страница 84: ...IOn poor Wiring shorted or cut LSparklng form COIl hne I Plugs dIrt or broken 0 8 l l f l o Plugs spark COmpressIOn poor A Trouble Shooting Chart COmpressIon weak Valve clearance Incorrect Valve sprIng weak Valve deformed Muffler clogged ContmuoUB lack of JIOwer Valve tlmlOg Incorrect Igtlltlon retarded too much buretor adjustment poor sohne supphed insulIiciently bon deposIts excesstve aaohne of ...

Страница 85: ...m when releaSIng 7 3 8 1 mm when depreSSIng Less than O 5 mm 0 05 O 15 mm 0 002 0 006 In all pressure 15 85 mm 5 8 In 19 05 mm 3 4 In GenuIne super brake 011 1 6mm 87 mm 136 mmlS kg PRESSURE SPRING Free length Compressed length Turn numbers Power of compo In full WIre dIameter Length In use and load 49 mm l 1 5 Less than 25 mm 7 8 About 300 kg 3 3mm 29 2 37 S l2 kg RELEASE BEARING Constru tIon Bal...

Страница 86: ...h controls no adjustment IS necessary to the clutch pedal Removing the Clutch To gam access to the clutch It IS fIrst necessary to remove the transmISSIOn complete from the engme Once the transmISSIOn UnIt IS free a turn at a time by dIagonal selectIon until the sprIng pressIng IS rehved Then remove the screws completely and hft the clutch assembly away from the flywheel FInally remove the drIven ...

Страница 87: ...IIIUYC IPt ni reta net p n th dfa a spr ns i l evet q tb dra lla C t h ell bly p rt lo 10100 10000 Co r bIY p rl lO 1020Q 10000 pr II J re pr l 1 IF S 11 S t oc c wa6net E ll t rig 2 C UiC lTrunn on l t ocl plJ sh tod ...

Страница 88: ...ntIl the cover I IS fIrmly attached to the base plate at all possIble pOInts ThIS IS most Important If the best results are to be achIeved Mark the cover pressure plate lugs and release levers WIth a centre punch so that the parts can be reassembled In theIr relative poSItion In order to maIntaID the balance of the clutch Detach the release lever plate from the eye bolts and remove the three lock ...

Страница 89: ...t Fzg 4 Dzsassemblzng 74 ...

Страница 90: ...tIon The release levers and spnngs should be examIned for wear and dlstorbIOn Renew these parts If necessary beanng In mInd that the pressure sprIngs must only be renewed In sets Clean all parts and lubrIcate the bearIng surfaces of the levers spanngly WIth grease q 51 l111t t 7J 8 t Inii Flg 5 AssemblinK Press the pIn Into the eye bolt hole through the lug on the pressure plate as shown 75 ...

Страница 91: ...ver assembly on the base plate Compress the pressure spnngs by screwIng down the cover to the base plate by USIng the specIal set screw placed through each hole In the cover TIghten the screws a lIttle at a ume by dIagonal selectIon to prevent dIstortIOn to the cover Set the release lever on the eye bolt with lock nuts InsertIng for lug at the edge of pressure plate 76 J ...

Страница 92: ...uts and fIX the release lever Release the setscrews and remove the clutch assembly from the base plate Refacing the Driven Plate If a new complete clutch dnven plate IS not avaIlable new lInIngs may be fItted to the old dnven plate In the follOWIng manner Each nvet should be removed by USIng dnll The nvets should not be punched out RIvet one new facmg In pOSItIOn then If the correct tool IS not av...

Страница 93: ... Master CylJnder CD Push rod assembly Master cylmder rubber boots Stopper rIng Piston secondary cup rIng Secondary cup PrImary cup lMaster cylinder p ston Let m valve as sembiv Let m valve sprIng Return spnng seat Piston return sprIng Clutch master cylinder lxxIy ass y Let m valve release pm Oi Rmg Gasket Filler cap gasket Cap End plug gasket End plug When pressure to the clutch pedal IS applied t...

Страница 94: ...achIned In the cylmder body Replace the rubber boot and secure the UnIt by means of the two bolts on the flange and refIt the rpessure pIpe UnIon mto the cylInder The Operating Cylinder ThIS cylmder IS of sImple constructIon consIstIng of the body PIston pIston WIth cup spnng and bleed screw the open end of the cylInder beIng protected by a rubber dust cover The cylInder IS mounted under SIde of t...

Страница 95: ...flUId and by usmg slow full strokes pump the clutch pedal untIl the flUId entenng the contamer IS free from aIr bubbles On a down stroke of the pedal screw up the bleed screw re move the bleed tube and replace the dust cap When the clutch pedal IS depressed the force IS transmItted to the ball beanng and the surface pushed the release plate Effectual stroke of the pedal IS 128 mm leavmg 30 mm surp...

Страница 96: ...age for forward synchro for reverse mesh on for speed Remote control Full synchromesh on for ward gears Type of gear Synchro meshed helIcal 2nd 3rd 4th gear gear type RatIo 1 3 Sl8 3 94 RatIo 2 1 725 2 40 RatIo 3 1 000 1 49 RatIo 4 1 00 Reverse 4 125 5 lS9 81 ...

Страница 97: ...t startIng motor clutch lever and ShIft levers Shift Lever Remote Control The sJnft lever IS posItIOned on the nght hand sIde of the case of transmIssIon If the car has rIght hand steenng wheel and on the left hand sIde If It has left hand steenng wheel Shift Lever Floor Gear Shift Lever The sJnft lever IS located on the nght hand or left hand sIde of dnver s seat F g 2 82 ...

Страница 98: ...T J V r If I TRANSMISSION CASE Flg 3 83 ...

Страница 99: ...UG lnter lock hole Oll SEAL CROSS shaft ASS Y BREATHER WASHER locI FIG 4 TRAMsMISSloN CASE 6 REAR EX TEMSIOM COVERbottom ASS y PLUG dr aln I I BUS llNG reare1ttenSlon SEAL ol1 ASS y WASHER EXTENSION rear lock BOLT to fpt bottom cover ...

Страница 100: ...n i e 1t l Ow tr e 85 t l 18 so J i I It l U U i iilt 6 U o 0 ...

Страница 101: ...DISASSEMBLY Front Bearing Retainer Release the front bearIng retaIner sItuated wIthIn the clutch housmg by removmg the nuts c Fig 6 Beanng Retmner 86 ...

Страница 102: ...Cover of Transmission HoldIng the cover In pOSItion are 14 set nuts all of WhICh must be removed when the cover can be taken off FJg 7 Bottom Cover FJg 8 Vlew of lnslde of Tnmsmlsslon 87 ...

Страница 103: ...Fig 9 Take out the RIng FIg 10 Take off the pm Nut 88 u ...

Страница 104: ...Ing a soft and long metal dnft dnve out the counter shaft forward When the counter gear cluster and two thrust washers will drop In the case These gear cluster can only be hfted from the case Hg 11 Counter Shaft Removal 89 ...

Страница 105: ...FIg 12 Pull Out the Retaimng Fork Pm Ftg 13 A Pull Out the Fork Rods 90 ...

Страница 106: ...e maIn castIng locates the forward end of the reverse gear shaft To secure the shaft In pOSItIOn a set bolt IS screwed through the lug locatIng In the shaft of reverse gear Release the lock washer then screw out LIft out the reverse gear shaft Fig 14 A Pull Out the Reverse Gear Shaft 91 ...

Страница 107: ...j J FIg 14 B Pull Out the Reverse Gear Shaft Main Drive Shaft Tapped out the mam dnve gear assembly t J r f k f ff J 1 t t yr q f i e t FIg 15 A Removal of Mam DrIve Gear Shaft 92 ...

Страница 108: ...F g 15 B moval of Ma n Dnve Gear Shaft Fig 16 A Matn Shaft moval 93 ...

Страница 109: ...Fig 16 B Main Snafl Removal Main Shaft Pull out the rear beanng and the speed gear sleeve by the beanng puller from the maIn shaft rear sIde Fig 17 94 ...

Страница 110: ...t be dIsmantled unless suspected of leakIng It IS almost ImpossIble to take off the seal WIthout damage It consequently a new OIl seal should be fitted If the old one has been removed ThIS can be removed by usmg a punch and hammer Main Shaft Counter cluster gear In the case Insert the fIrst gear to the maID shaft together wIth second and tJnrd gear assembly from rear hole and fIt the fIrst and rev...

Страница 111: ...ASHER HER BOL 7 Nu fL i ci lNUT i WASHER WAS ER f1I RING thrust RING J SHAFT cro retalntng nd 3r mIl cross shaft I FO i l y L ER Change t Znd sHAFT cross 1st reverse 13 I I I va L t IN WASHER LE fi g PIN lock ope NI mg WASHER lever to loc k shaft SPRING BALL PLUNGER heCklng lnter ICk 1 SPRING BALL checkmg ball IlmmId ...

Страница 112: ...r 1 C F 9 t FIg I 9 ASSEMBLY TRANSMISSION ORDER OF GEAR CASE 97 ...

Страница 113: ...C1 WASHER IOCk BO L l locat on e upper support bracket P SS LEVER hand FIG 20 REMOTE coMTRO ...

Страница 114: ...Il ISUl 1 0R e t lh h tOd 1 R Jl I Ol l t eh h tOd DD ROO h ft tat I l c G 21 ENlO TE COl T IMKI GE Of lfo use h one eft Hand e ...

Страница 115: ...d and forth speed synchrallzer assembly then WIth a pIece of wire Inserted through the hole m the gear cone de press the small spnng loaded plunger WhICh locates the sphned washer at the for ward end of the maIn shaft turnmg the washer moo lme WIth the splmes The tJnrd and second speed constant mesh gears together WIth theIr common phosphor bronze sleeve can now be pulled over the steel plunger an...

Страница 116: ...Reverse Gear RefIt the reverse gear Into the gear case WIth the large gear to the rear all the reverse gear shaft before InsertIng and secure the shIft WIth locatIng screw and lock washer Counter Shaft Gears FIrst put the two thrust washers to the counter gears ensunng that the larger washer IS at the front and then place the gear cluster In the gear case Check that there IS end play for the clust...

Страница 117: ... shaft from the rear The bearIng must be pressed fIrmly agaInst the shoulder of the center splIned portIon of the shaft Lightly smear OIl the shaft forward of the beanng and refIt the fIrst speed wheel assembly WIth the ynchromzer pomtmg forward RefIt the thrust washer on to the shaft followed by the baulkmg nng The phos phor bronze sleeve whIch carnes the second speed IS a tIght fIt on the shaft ...

Страница 118: ... 011 level dIp Ass y plug dram Cover front transnusSlon case Gasket front cover 12 13 14 15 22 7 111U 40 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 f1 fIT 26 Stud Washer loel Nut to fix frOIl cover 22 23 24 25 26 Bolt Bolt Washer lock to fiX transrmsslon case Nut Ass y pmlOn speedometer 18T Ass y plmon speedometer 1ST Ass y sleeve speedometer plOwn Rmg 0 speedometer pmlOD Reramer 0 nng Rmg 0 plmon sleeve Plug speedomet...

Страница 119: ...ottel Spnng pln reverse fork 17 6 17 Il 13 Rod fork 3rd 8 4th speed 14 Fork 3rd 4th speed 15 Bracke rod 3rd 4th speed Ball checlang Sprmg poppe pin 16 SCrew set 17 WIre lock 18 Ball checbng 19 Spring poppe sh ft rod 20 Pm mterlock 21 Ball lDterloct 22 Plug weld 23 Plug weld 24 Plare dua 25 Washer lock 26 Bol T Plug 28 ABs y lever control Boot conrrollever 29 lCnob coo rollever 30 Sprmg lever contr...

Страница 120: ...mam 16 Hub synchronizer 17 SprIng synchronIzer hub 2021 16 16 I 34 35 19 11 1 38 1817 I J 33 37 36 39 40 5 I I 18 Ball synchronIzer hub 19 Gear mamehaft 20 Rmg baulk 2nd speed 21 Washer thrust malO shaft rear 22 Gear 2nd speed 23 9 Iahmg 2nd speed gear 2 4 Washer thrust malO shaft 25 Bushmg 3rd speed gear 26 Gear 3rd speed 27 Washer thrust malO shaft front 3 m Washer thrust mam shaft froot 4 on Wa...

Страница 121: ...iO i a l H g li iU a 1 ii n hi II IB a si t l B 3 llo 106 III III i 0 1Il oe ii 1 a D4 l a a i nl l I l1 e e se GO i flh i tl O i s i i si e I ...

Страница 122: ...FIG B TRANSMISSION 4 Speed shift gear type 107 Keep for tbe fixed level of Oil depth gage ...

Страница 123: ......

Страница 124: ...FRONT AXLE 109 ...

Страница 125: ...ont rear 54465 10600 spring NUT SEA T rubbe r 1ront 54468 10600 a NUT WASHER speclal outer BUSHING rubber for front suspensionmember mounbng BAR tenslon front stablhzer WAHER speC1al outer BUSHING rubber SPACER front WASHER stablhzer special mner BUSHING WASHER rubber specl outer BUSHING WASHER rubber special outter Ro 0 connectlng i front stablhzer SPRING front BUSHING rubber stablhzer BRACKET st...

Страница 126: the hub WIth recommended grease Replace the hub Oil seal over the Inner bearIng Renew the seal If It IS damaged any way The hub can now be replaced on the spmdle Gently tap the hub Into posItIon untIl the Inner race bear agamst ehe shoulder on the spmdle Place the spIndle flat washer Into posItIon and screw the nut down fInger tight Spin the whell and examIne the reSIstance TIghten the nut A sl...

Страница 127: ...I 0 8 2 0 C 10 ASS V JOINT ball uprel frone pen lon J S 1 USHING SEAL dUll lower hnl lower hnlr bu h H FRONT SUSPENSION LINK 112 T fu knude NUT f ...

Страница 128: ...S secured to the lower suspensIOn member by four bolts At the sWIvel axle end the upper and lower Imkages are JOInted by the ball JOInts The upper spIndle bracket IS bolted to the front suspenSIon member WIth caster shIms and the lower spIndle IS connected to the lower bracket of the suspenslon member Change the number of Shlms Camber Caster Front SIde Back SIde for 1 0001 029 Both Camber 1 0016 0...

Страница 129: ... rock the wheel by graspIng opposIte poInts of the tyre In a honzontal posItIon If any movement can be detected between the upper and lower sWIvel JOInts and the sWIvel axle as sembly the ball JOInts or the screw bushed are worn and must be stnpped for exa mInatIon Front C oil Spring J Between the upper and lower lInks IS the coIl spnng held under compressIOn of It wJnch IS secured by nuts of the ...

Страница 130: ...FRONT SUSPENSION us ...

Страница 131: ...Il spnng by loosing the nut of tool 5 When the cOIl sprmg IS fully extended take out It 6 DIsconnect upper Imk spmdle from suspensloo member If need to mspect for Removing the Coil Spring METHOD A 1 Unscrew nut ot the shock absorber at the top and take out It from down sIde after unscrew lower flange of It from lower lmk FIt the service tool and screw up the sprIng compressor nut In the absence of...

Страница 132: ...I t l 4 Front Suspens on Assembly Detachment of Shock Absorber from Suspens on Detachment of Shock Absorber from Suspens on 117 ...

Страница 133: ...Remove Shock Absorber vetachment of Rebound Bumper ReleasUag the NutS of LoWer Ban Joints 118 ...

Страница 134: ...119 ...

Страница 135: ...pper link 5 Detach upper lInk and spIndle from suspensIOn member 6 DIsassemble upper lInk spmdle from upper lInk by unscrewIng lInk busJnngs 7 Reassemble upper lInk spIndle and bushIngs to upper lInk of replaCIng re Inforced part carefully follOWIng undermenuoned InstructIon 8 Reassemble whole parts back agaIn to complete unIt 9 Check and adjust front wheel alIgnment InstructIon 1 Don t hold spInd...

Страница 136: ...lXlng upper lInk spIndle 4 7 5 0 kgm 34 36 2 lb ft Nut fIXIng lower lInk spIndle 4 0 4 5 kgm 29 32 5 lb ft Front Wheel AlIgnment Toe In Caster Camber Kmg pm mclInatlon angle I DQO 3 mm 1 8 In 1030 103Q 6030 Adjust camber WIth adjustIng shIm at upper bush spIndle fIxmg portlCtl Adjust caster WIth the same sJnm or by turnIng upper lInk spIndle only 1 2 one turn TurnIng of upper spIndle 3600 One turn...

Страница 137: ...s r S ON A SUSpEN rRONT 122 ...

Страница 138: ...r l I l II c 1 i j J I I c U c 7 I o FRONT SUSPENSION B 123 ...

Страница 139: 1g 2I1 e l f btefl n torque I I ...

Страница 140: ...S Fore and aft movement of the rear axle and other components IS allowed for by a slIdIng splIne between the front end of the propeller shaft and the rear of the trans mISSIOn case Each unIversal JOInt consIsts of a center spIder four needle roller beanngs and tow yokes 125 ...

Страница 141: ...ft lbs 68 9 mm 65 3 mm Parts No 37000 11600 Comp shaft WIth JOInt Length between 1237 mm front rear JOInt Lubrication An 011 nIpple Is fItted to each center spIder for lubncatmg the bearIngs The central 011 cham ber IS connected to the four 011 reserVOIrs and to the needle roller bearmgs assemblIes FIg The needle roller bear mgs are fIlled WIth OIl on assembly OIl from the transmISSIOn LubrIcates ...

Страница 142: ...eanngs Remove the snap nngs by pressIng these ends together and pnse out wIth screw drIver If the nng done not come out tap the bearIng face lIghtly to relIeve the pressure agaInst the rIng Hold the splIned end of the shaft In one hand and tap the radIus of the yoke WIth a lead or copper hammer when the beanng WIll begIn to emerge lf dIffIculty IS expenenced use a small bar to tap the beanng from ...

Страница 143: ...r the walls of the races WIth petroleum Jelly to retaIn the needle rollers 22 Nos In place Insert the spIder In the yoke and tap the beaI lng In pOSItIOn WIth a foot nosed dnft smaller In dIameter than the hole In the yoke It IS essentIal that the bearIng races are a lIght dnve fIt In the yoke trun nIons Repeat tJns operatIOn for the other bearIngs The spIder Journal shoulder should be coated wIth...

Страница 144: ...XLE PL G tap r 30loI06OOCOMP CA 43010 10800 CO SEo u ul Mp CASE u1 STUD p oear er ASS Y PLUG dram ASS V BREATHER SPACER oil I SEAL J b tOLLER be earule shalt u1 boa I BEARING u1 CJ REAR AXL E CASE a SHAFT 129 ...

Страница 145: ...sure 3 5 tons metr c The collar s requued to change new one when daassembled J T T ghtenlng tor que FUl up grease suffleienUy on the surface of bearing race except other space T Ttghtemng torque FIG 2 COMPONENT OF REAR AXLE 130 ...

Страница 146: tbe mallet If the brake lInIngs should hold the drum when the hand brake IS re leased slack off the brake shoe adjuster a few notches Take off the fIX bolts of the brake dISC and remove the axle shaft as shown FIg Tap WIth SWIng hammer holdIng the wheel studs bolt WIth the rear axle shaft stand draw out the shaft and dISC assembly by gnppIng It outSIde of the dISC To rear axle case FJg 3 Remove...

Страница 147: dlstnct than 320C use MPlt140 2 It IS prohIbIted to use any other kInds of gear 011 or any OIl of dIfferent VISCOClty The same brand must always be selected The standard capacIty of OIl IS about OIl O 93 i The method of feedIng 011 sh08ld be done by takmg off the feeler plug at the rear cover of the housmg and fIll In full up to the feedIng hole Dismounting Disassembling of Differential Gear Ca...

Страница 148: to keep It from movIng take off the nuts WIth the box wrench 10 Take out the dnve pInIOn of gear carner by stnkIng out lIghtly to the back wards the front end at the Side of companIon flange of dnve pInIOn WIth the dnft of soft metal Thus the pInIOn would be taken out together WIth the Inner lace of rear bearIng and roller dIstance pIece and the adJustmg smm and the 011 seal outer lace and pInI...

Страница 149: ...Too No DT4782 DT4631 DT ii89 Fig 6 pull out 134 ...

Страница 150: set the tool body 3 as Illustrated In FIg 7 pull It out WIth adapter B In the way of rear race 1 Tommy bar 2 Wmg nut 3 Tool body 4 Cone Adaptor for Front Beanng Outer Race Fig 7 Dnve nlon Front and Rear Bearing Outer Race Replacer 5 Fig 8 Inner Race Replacer 135 ...

Страница 151: ...t 1be AdJuet IIhl1D8 01 ad julltll1i driv pInIon bearilli without eardrive hypold a lIeal oll Pre 10ad for pinion bearilli 7 10 kg CIII Q 254 Tightenilli torque nutdill bra cap 490 60 q ca 3 40 It 1be Gear ratio TransmissIon 3 gear Change 4 gear change Optional 4 375 35 8 4 III 37 9 4 625 37 8 136 ...

Страница 152: ...Fig 10 137 ...

Страница 153: ...RIAl AX11 I o it ii Jj i C C C go t 1 o i i l t b 1 II r g REAR AXLE 138 ...

Страница 154: ... start to touch from tIp to full surface In an ordInary loaded dnvIng The InspectIon of thIS condItIOn can be made as It IS If It IS hard to Inspect them as It IS do otherWIse by cleamng the both surface WIth the rugs before dIsassemblIng and paInt thInly and evenly WIth the mIxed WIth thIn 011 on the gear surface dnve SIde then turn the pInIon WIth hand to pnnt the track of It on the gear WhIch s...

Страница 155: ... dnve pInIon should be well Inspected ot they must be replaced as a set whenever the replacement IS reqUIred OtherwIse they would not properly lock after assemblIng IS complected lP mountIng In the case the fIttIng surface must speCIally be cleaned and fIxed WIth 8 set screws as well as lock washer bend the washer WIth sure ness after the dove gear shake IS adJusted In tIghtenIng up the screw It s...

Страница 156: ...on in the Gear Carrier I If the dnve gear dnve pInIon and bearIng are to the reused as they are as a result of dIsassemblIng and InspectIOn they should be assembled m on order of dIsassemblIng at the prevIOus CondItIOn of adjustIng shIm In case any Item should be replaced or reqUIred to reuse even If any Item IS worn out prepare the varIOUS shIm as mentIoned later because the po SItIon of dnve pIn...

Страница 157: ...153 25660 0 75 mm 1 0 shIm 0 030 In 1 0 38154 25660 O 25 mm 2 0 010 In 38155 25660 0 125 mm 2 1 0 005 In 38156 25660 0 075 mm 2 1 0 003 In It IS convenIent to Inspect the condItIon before dIsassemblIng In a way as mentIoned later In the measurement of pInIOn heIght BeSIdes the condI tIon of defacement on the carner the pInIon beanng must be taken Into conSIderatIon though It wIll be explaIned In d...

Страница 158: ...r preload On the other hand the beanng of dnve pInIon should be newly OIled after the pInIOn IS Inserted from the InSIde of the carner the Inserted end of pInIOn should be locked WIth front bearIng corn and tIghtened up by the pillIon nut fIXIng WIth the companIon flange ull the regular revolVIng torque IS requIred As thIS IS not yet at the fInal as semblIng the beanng spacer dIstance pIece bearIn...

Страница 159: ...nd to cause an unexpected trouble In future i r Flg 16 F g 15 5 The formal adJustment of the dnve pInIon bearIng and preload After the fIXIng pOSItIon of dnve pInIon IS deCIded as mentIoned In the pre VIOUS paragraph take off the pmIoo nut companIon flange to mount agaIn the dnve pInIOn bearIng spacer dIstance pIece and nut TIghten up the nut as FIg 16 by USIng the torque wrench at the re gular to...

Страница 160: ...Ight of the gauge IS made shorter for O 2 mm than the standard SIze 51 0 mm Ftg 17 Remarks When measunng the heIght of the pInIOn head set the semI CIrcular SIde portIons of the gauge on the SIde bearIng seats Insert a feeler gauge Into the clearance between the tIp of the gauge center rod and the pInIOn head and adJust the pInIOn The gauge rod IS made O 2 mm 8 1000 In shorter than the standard me...

Страница 161: ...up The dIfferentIal gear case IS Inserted by the beanng adJustmg shIm WIth the SIde bearmg as explamed m 3 of A and by hOUSIng m the beanng housmg of carner the bearIng must be gIven ths regular preload The screwmg torque of the fIXIng nut of the SIde bearmg cap IS at 3S 40ft lbs and should be equally locked WIth fIXIng cotter pIn So far only the dIfferentIal UnIt IS mounted and the dnve gear IS l...

Страница 162: ... 0 1 mm 0 2 mm 0 004 0 008 IfIt 1S much move to left by takIng off the nght shIm for adjustment I I f l l J I 0 I il J 8 J l I I I X l I i i I I D c L I I I FIg 18 TIuckness of ShIm on Left SIde ThIckness of ShIm on RIght S1de Left SIde Tl A 0tDE 7 lCght SIde T2 B 0 6 B 0 F 0 lS0 Example of ca1culanon A l 8 2 E 8 0 2 mm 0 02S mm 8 F lO 0 25 mmjO 02S mm 10 Left T1 A C 0 E 7 0 025 mm x 20 0 5 mm 1 1...

Страница 163: ...he recommended back lash besIded the set number For example b 6 means the back lash of 0 006 In 0 025 mm x6 O 15 mm After the Operauon 1 DIal gauge 2 S T D gauge 20 mm thIckness 3 WeIght block 4 The beanng measured Fig 19 Fig 20 Measurement of Backla h for the Dnve mon RIng Gear 148 ...

Страница 164: ...e cred 0 001 0 00 on we of 80 or 6 YJI a ron d prelo m accord h he pracncal c non ol ae beeau oun prnlOOd ven 0 he beaT h we lum of duc calculated from above method of computatlon f I t tl t 0 iI 4 J t fI tJt 1 p 1 J r 1 I r 1tt t Flg 21 UStng the Dtfferenttal Stde Beanng Cap Gauge 149 ...

Страница 165: ...Saae ar Chaa ll to the lip of 17 1 55 A T1ghteni torque 350 420 q 25 30 ft lb Back laab 0 1 0 2 FIG 22 CARRIER 150 ...

Страница 166: ...e measured by dIal IndIcator to confirm that IS wIthIn 0 05 mm Mountin the Gear Carrier Ass y on the Rear Axle Housing InterIor of the axle hOUSIng should be cleaned well The carner packIng should also be replaced WIth new one Mount the gear carner ass y WIthout mIstakIng Its upper SIde WIth down slde and through 8 studs then fix WIth the lock washer nut The nut must be tIghtened In a dIagonal lIn...

Страница 167: ...orn yellowl 4832 7 10651 SET SHELL steenng black 48327 11550 SET SHELL s tee rmg yellow 48327 10851 SET SHELL steenng black 48422 10610 P AD horn nng b1ac k 48422 11510 P AD horn ring yellow horn 3 10610 1 SCREWto fix shell 3 30614 1 SCREW to fix turn signal sW1tch to shell STEERING WHEEL It 1 1 1 1 a z i ...

Страница 168: ...SIde rod one on eIther SIde connect the steenng gear arm to the steenng gear and Idler arms respectIvely Side Cross Rods The SIde and cross rods are held In poslUon by a castllated nut and spht pIn at each end To removt the rod WIthdraw the spht pIn and release the nut at each end of the rod and then carefully tap the rods clear of the levers to whIch they are con nected Removing the Steering Gear...

Страница 169: ...he Idler body on the bench and take off rubber cover Unscrew the Idler shaft out of the body Steering Gear Housing Removal RemOVIng the horn nng assembly from the steenng wheel unscrew the column lock then dIsconnect hIgher up the column Jacket from the hOUSIng FIrst dIsconnect ball stud nut and draw out from the end of steenng gear arm Unscrew the bolts secured to front suspensIOn member Thus the...

Страница 170: ...J q 1 0 J l 0 u lJ J 2 gg 1 o o w 5 in U J ct 4O I go 0 cz 6 aill U w 5 1 rn t 4O 1 ol J Sl 0 00 00 00 00 r 2 2 1 J f J J 0 U u 0 in 155 U 1 Z II U 1 lI tIl d ci l ...

Страница 171: ...ecured to front suspensIOn member Thus the steerIng NUT COLLAR WIRE WASHER Jock I ns wbeel 0480S0 10600 COMP COLUMN S050 10800 COMP COLUMN Jacket eket ASS Y BEARING m 48052 10650 ARM 80S2 6J kM III rk enns lurC yellow I lane R 48052 10651 ARM Il S sure yell 0 2 ItDC 48052 108S0 ARM 80 U l r DO y DS seal ycllow 1 hae L 48052 10852 ARM tie n seal yellow lhoe o fu 1111 WASHER t ASS Y HOUSING ASS y HO...

Страница 172: but at the same tIme they should not be pre loaded otherwIse damage to the ball races may ensue When the rocker shaft IS dropped Into posIuon ensure that It IS a good fIt m ItS hOUSIng and that the OIl seal at the rear cover of the housmg IS makIng good contact Before refitung the rear and front cover screw back the adjustmg nut Ensure that all Jomt are 011 ught Adjusting the Gear The adjustIng...

Страница 173: ...heels braked Lmmg Width x TIuckness x Length 40 x 4 5 x 215 mm Same for Front Rear 35 Front Rear 228 6 cm 2 Same for Front Rear Area of surface cm2 Brake drum dIa Front Rear Master cylInder bore Inner dIa Wheel cylInder bore Inner dIa 22 22 mm Front wheels 25 40 mm Rear wheels 23 81 mm Fig 1 Front Brake Flange brake dJsc 158 ...

Страница 174: ...ct proporuon to the effort sup pl1ed at the pedal When the pedal IS released the brake shoe spnng return the shoe whIch then re turn the wheel cylmder pIstons and therefore the flUId back Into the pIpe lInes and master cylInder An mdependent mechamcal lInkage actuated by a hand brake mounted dnvers seat SIde ThIS IS posItIOned on the nght hand SIde of seat If the car has nght hand steermg and on t...

Страница 175: ...i l p z q 0 if ilL x O d fItJ Ul nt c o 3 U 0 o s 2 ui tJ J J u o Sj ct u 1l Z to r III t t c u n fO V Ii z 0 u f u x 2 P c 0 0 VJ l 100 ...

Страница 176: ...FIG 4 ADJUSTI NG OF FRONT BRAKE 161 ...

Страница 177: ...0 Rotau ng dll ecttOn of dl UOl B 3 SL Q EeSt1 on 41020 1050 1 1 L OJO lo Ot f 51 t 1 wsi ii Pio 140 IOSe Q Q lJ L FIG 5 FRONT BRAKE 5ect1 0n Fore cyl ...

Страница 178: ...C1CJ SPRiNG pull off cross rod to j l C PiN l op l FlG 6 HAND BRAKE LlNKAGE ...

Страница 179: ...recaution should be taken to elIminate the possIbIlIty of brake shoe drag due to mlB adJusted parking brakes Turn the bolt to screw dIrection tightly and then turn back screw 2 3 notches until the wheel drum turns Just free from the shoe FIG 7 REAR BRAKE NO I 164 ...

Страница 180: 23a IJf N I A FIG S REAR BRAKE NO 2 165 ...

Страница 181: ... dIrectIon unttll the shoes becomes Just free notches RJ AR BRAKES The rear brake shoe are not fixed but are allowed to slIde and centrallse WIth the same effect as In the front brake They are hydrauhcally operated by wheel cyhnder and Independent hand brake mechamsm WASHER ASS Y nYIotn BRACKET SPRING hand brake retainer contro WASHER BOLT lOCk to fn hand brake bracket SPRING retainer ASS Y LEVER ...

Страница 182: whIch located at the outsIde of brake dIsc TIns precauuon should be t lken to ehrm nate the possIbIhty of brake shoe drl lg due to rms adJusted parkIng brakes Turn the bolt to screw dIrecuon ughtly and then turn back screw 2 3 notches untIl the wheel drum turns Just free from the shoe 167 ...

Страница 183: ... B T010CO SlUM dlu ng B tlABCO SIIlM dlu ung A TOK1C01 SIUM d U Ung A tlABCOl SCREW bleed CAP b1eede ASS y Sl OE e b Ir 10 SPRn G tetutn cyhnder de ASS y l OUSING bt l lte hoe Ildlu tel SPRlt4G feto t1 bte lo shoe adlulung de N r TAPPET d u tet yG b lr ASS Y Sl OE teat blake her TAPPET d u b weDGe dlu t a f G REAR BRAKE H ...

Страница 184: ...mplete overhaul IS necessary should the hand brake lInkage requIre resetting When thIs IS correct the rear shoes should be locked to the drums the hand brake control Just slIghtly applIed and the WIre rope set WIth the slackness Just removed by means of a nut at the center rod of the equalIzer drag lInk Ftg 12 AdJusttng Nut MASTER CYLINDER ThIs IS conSIsts of an alloy body WIth a polIshed fimshed ...

Страница 185: ...eparated by takIng out other small parts Exarmne all parts especIally the rubber prImary cap for wear or dIstortIon and replace WIth new parts where necessary l s BRAKE CLUTCH GASKET bller SET CAP cap f1llet SPRING return brake pedal SPACER plstOll cup s 1 PISTON brake maalerl 11 ASS Y VALVE CUP pIston secondary 1 s t S l l NlUJASHER i 1 iNUT COVER dust SPRING WASHER lock I ASS Y ROD us valve SEAT...

Страница 186: ...1 G J UJ I rlfTI02 l00 3 c D fI Washer Sethng bolt l Washer J Pulley WaSh rr Nut r 17 I Termlnal Termlnal N l waSh r Beartng r L Jt t i jl or ...

Страница 187: ...normal temp 2 500 r p m 14V 24 SA up normal temp 2 500 r p m 14V 21 SA up hIgh temp 1 1 73 MItsubIShI DenkI Co 23500 12200 RL A2 TIrnll type leaf spnng Constant voltage relay PIlot lamp relay 3 contact pOInt type PrImary SIde Secondary SIde Adjust valve 14 15V 14 15V Dynamo revolutIon 4000rp m 4000rp m Load Battery reSIStIng Battery load 21 SA approx NOTE Use battery charged In full Pilot lamp rel...

Страница 188: ...olt 4 4 23118 12210 Front cover ass y 1 5 23102 12210 Stator ass y 1 6 23120 12210 Ball beanng I 7 23108 12210 Rotor ass y 1 WIth slIp nng 8 23129 12210 Ball beanng 1 9 23230 12210 DIode set 1 10 23183 12210 Rear cover I 11 23133 12210 Brush holder 1 12 23135 12210 Brush 2 23127 12211 Rear cover wIth dIode ode set etc holder brush brush sprIng ball beanng each termInal 21067 10800 Fun belt I 175 ...

Страница 189: ...twnal VteW of Dynamo DIOde set Brush cover Front cover Beanng cover Brush holder Diode Brush D Rotor ass y 00 Pulley WIth fan Starter armature Rear cover The sealed ball beanngs are used to support the rotor Clearance between the brush and brush holder IS also made so as to prevent It from dust Thus the AC generatOr WIll Increase rmlage WIthout maIntenance Each 3 dIodes are pressed In the rear cov...

Страница 190: ...o L 1 I I I I Regulator L J Ftg 1 5 Chnrglng System Regulator 17 I CJ G 7 e j 01ll j Q U 1 I l 811 0 a I lco tlIl I I oj Charge pllot lamp FIg 1 6 OutSIde Connection When the IgnItIOn SWItch IS put on the battery current flows In the arrow marked dIrecOon passIng through the dynamo E termInal brush slIp nng field COIL slIp nng brush dynamo F termInal relay F termInal and lG termInal and completes ...

Страница 191: ...arenthesIZed IS the part number for SP31O Flg 2 1 b t i 1 1 ll j itu I I 1 r l l j J 1 t Remove the brush cover 23107 12210 and pull off the brush 2 ea 23135 612 0 Flg 2 2 c v o J llIl j t 1 i l 1 I 1 c I J Remove the cover 23130 12210 of bearIng 23129 12210 lIS 62022 ZZCa and take off the hex bolt of shaft t o Flg 2 3 178 ...

Страница 192: ...beanng plate 23123 12210 and or pull off the bearIng WIth such as a hand press Slacken N terrmnal bolt on the rear cover sIde and remove the clIp terrmnal then the rear cover and the stator can be separated g FJg 2 6 Remove the rear cover and stator 23102 12210 Separate the sIlIcon dIode 3ea from the stator cOli lead WIre 3ea by meltIng soldenng WIth an electnc Iron Slacken N terrmnal bolt on the ...

Страница 193: ...cle refer to inspectIon of AC generator to be publIshed later 2 3 F g 3 1 NOTE Use the battery charged In full up to the normal capacIty Through the WIrIng shown In FIg 3 1 magnetIc current flows from the battery to the field COli of dynamo In thIs state raIse revolutIon of dynamo slowly up to the speed where there IS no reverse flow 2A approx to the field COli and read the revolutIon Correct revo...

Страница 194: ...he polar lIne are also rare OrdInanly there are many cases of SIde short CIr CUIts C InspectIon of D 1ode WIth Tester a Hg 3 2 f Fig 3 3 Check between the terrmnals A N as shown In FIg 3 2 Set the dIal of tester for conductIVIty and put the tester needles at both terrmnals alternately When one shows low reSIstance and the other shows pretty hIgh reSIst ance the 3 dIodes In the dIode set are all rI...

Страница 195: ...V In straIght and put both ends at A and N termInals alternately On one SIde the lamp flares and on the other the lamp IS off when 3 dIodes of the dIode set are all nght The same step IS taken between the termInals N E When the same re sult lS obtaIned 3 dIodes pressed In the cover are all nght However If the SImple test IS all nght but when the dynamo output IS lower than the standard 1 2 dIodes ...

Страница 196: ...e and the dIode set common WIth the other 2 dIodes or the rear cover WIth the lamp and battery It IS all nght If one SIde flares and the other IS off Ifboth SIdes flare there IS short CIrCuIt and both SIdes are off there IS open 1 r E InspectIon of FIeld CoIl 11 FIg 3 10 183 i ...

Страница 197: ...onducnon Test F g 3 11 FJg 3 12 b Layer Test If the terrmnal connected to the dIode IS not conductIve WIth the stator core that IS all nght If each terrmnal of the COli and the terrmnal connected to N terrmnal are not conducnve that IS all nght Connect the tester cord to loov WIre put the stator on the test stand and make the tester one turn readIng the ammeter Ifthere IS short CIrcUIt on the coIl...

Страница 198: ... H InspectIOn of Brush WIpe WIth clean cloth when 011 or dust IS on the contact surface of the brush and slIp rmg Same as In case of DC generator replace the brush when wear of It reached to the wear hnut t 185 ...

Страница 199: ... engine starts and the dynamo IS dnven three phase alternate current generates on the stator coIl passIng through the three phase all wave rectIfier dIode and changes to dIrect current between the ternunal A E for chargIng At the N ternunal voltage half of that between A E generates and passes through the CIrCUIt N ternunal VC1 COIl E termInal and WIth actIon of the VC COlI the movable contact pOI...

Страница 200: ...Int P z stIcks to P3 so that current almost does not flow the field and the generated voltage of dynamo goes down As the result the cont act poInt Pz separates from P3 and the current from through the dynamo E terrmnal fIeld COli F terrmnal reSIstance Rl and voltage goes up agaIn At such a hIgh speed WIth open and close of the contact pOInts Pa and P3 the dynamo termInal voltage IS always kept eve...

Страница 201: ... Fig 4 7 Connect the battery almost charged In full as shown and make the dynamo revolutIon WIth 4 000 rpm When the voltage of thIs tlme IS 14 ISV It IS all nght 2 Check Voltage of Put off Put on PIlot Lamp Relay r I I I I I I h P P vc RI I 1 A n f jj Fig 4 8 FIrst put on the lamp WIth con nectlon as shown In FIg 4 8 and read the voltage between N E by puttlng off the lamp mOVIng the volt splIt pO...

Страница 202: ...Lamp Relay o 8 I 2 08 11 0 8 I I Flg 4 9 4 AdJustment of Voltage Put off voltage of the constant voltage relay and pIlot lamp relay AdJust the voltage by bendIng the stopper up and down Bend upward to heIghten adjust value and bend downward to lower adJust value 189 ...

Страница 203: ...from battery to dynamo resultmg In damages of dIode or lead WIre 7 Make sure the whole CIrCUIt IS com pletely composed 8 Change wInng WIth full attentIOn When after the engine started the dynamo IS magnetIzed from the IgnItIOn SWItch so that In correct wIrmg wIll result In hampenng magnenzanon and then generatIon 9 Do not use the hIgh voltage tester As dIode IS bUIlt In the dIode WIll such as megg...

Страница 204: ...Ire or regulator A termmal dynamo A terrmnal should be dIsconnected 14 Put the key swItch off when the engIne IS m a stop except when portIcularly needed If the dIode IS mOIstened the performance wIll be lowered Serge voltage of the quIck charger WIll also damage dIode When the key swItch IS on magnetIc current always flows on the field coIl and rmght dam age the dynamo and often cause over dIscha...

Страница 205: ...e 9 Shortage or unfItness of electrolyte Add dIsnlled water check S G 10 Mal funcnon of battery pole short CIrCUIt Replace or repaIr 11 Mal contact of battery termInal Clean retIghten termInal 12 Mal contact or breakage between RepaIr IgnitIOn swItch and relay IG termInal 13 Mal contact or breakage between RepaIr regulator F termInal and dynamo F termInal I 14 ExcessIve electnc load Check power co...

Страница 206: ...Mal contact of pIlot lamp relay PolIsh contact poInt contact poInt S Mal functIon of regulator earth Adjust 9 Mal contact or breakage between regulator N ternunal and dynamo N terrmnal Repalr 5 3 NOIses of Dynamo 1 Mal functIOn of beanng Replace 2 Mal functIon of dIode Replace dIode as a set 3 Earth or rare short of stator coIl Replace J 193 ...

Страница 207: ...004 In 0 1 mm 0 004 In 0 038 0 095 mm 0 0015 0 0038 In 0 02 mm 0 008 In o 03 0 006 mm 0 0012 0 0030 In 0 2 mm 0 008 10 0 1 mm 0004 10 2 mm 0 08 m 0 05 mm 0 002 m 0 4 mm 0 016 9 mm 0 36 m 0 9 kg O 1 The starter motor IS a 1 0 horsepower slIdIng InertIa type electrIC motor for use 10 startIng The motor when mounted on the engine IS on the front rIght slde of the transrmSSlOn WIth ItS pIffion gear dI...

Страница 208: ...and ItS speed becomes greater than the no load speed of the starter the pInIOn IS kIcked back to unmesh and return to ItS former poSItIOn Contactor Series coIl Shuntcoll Rerum sprmg ShIft lever i P Rmg gear Armature PInIon sleeve spnng I PinIon sleeve Spnng 2 F g 2 A V ew ofStarter System Operational Precautions The InstruCtIons to be observed when startIng the engine are as follows 1 The starter ...

Страница 209: ...TI G l ent 0 t1110 er 0t0 0 J t 0 J PIN cotter ASS Y SWITCH ASS Y LEVER plQlon shIft I COVER dust PIN LEVER shIft BOLT e e o Ul UZ lo Me ASS Y COlL held ASS Y COVER brush SCREW set pole core ...

Страница 210: ...ry condItIon then the condItIon of all the terrmnal and ground connectIons of the battery starter SWItch and starter are checked If the starter motor runs but ItS movement IS slUggIsh It IndIcates eIther a hIgh reSIstance due to loose connectIon In the starter CIrCUIt or a badly dIs charged battery If after the above troubles are corrected and the starter falls to operate occasIonally and shows de...

Страница 211: ...he InsulatIon on the Wires are carefully Inspected and WIres found With weak or damaged InsulatIon should br replaced 5 An armature found WIth one part especIally damaged by bunng should be StrICtly tested by the InsulatIon test Assembling and Testi ng Starter ReassemblIng IS performed by follOWIng the reverse procedure for dlsassemblIng All frIctIonal parts are lubncated With mobIle OIl 5AE 30 wh...

Страница 212: ...uld be checked and correctIons made accordIngly Is the battery run down Check the speCIfIC gravIty of the battery flUId to see IfIt IS over 1 240 and recharge or replace the battery as found necessary All loose battery and ground cables should be cleaned and properly tIghtened Magneto grease or Gargoyle BRB No 1 All cord connectIons are carefully tIghtened and speCIal attentIon gIven to the condIt...

Страница 213: ...1 Starter turns but Its turmng power IS weak and falls to start the engIne If the trouble IS due to a run down battery loose termInals troubles m magnetIc ShIft swItch worn and stIckIng brushes dIrty and damaged com mutator etc the checkIng and repaIrs are made In the same manner as descnbed In the precedIng chapters If the outer surface of the armature IS rubbing agaInst the core the starter shou...

Страница 214: ...e bushIng so the worn parts should be replaced Wear between the shaft and bushmg IS due to lack of OIl so that attentIon should be gIven to proper lubrIcatIon Lubncate once every half year USIng good grade of machIne or mobIle OIl and lubncate the parts through the 011 nIpples The amount of 011 requIred IS about 0 5 cc for each bracket 201 ...
