Modbus TCP Voltage and Current Output DAT8024.
Set Up the DAT8024.
1. Connect 24 Vdc to O and P.
2. Connect CAT5 crossover cable to PC and
Ethernet RJ45 Port on the DAT8024.
3. Connect a Multimeter to measure Cur-
rent to terminals 1 and 2 or terminals 3
and 4 to measure Voltage.
4. Power up the DAT8024 Modbus TCP
analog output Module.
1. Start your web browser.
2. Type into the address bar.
3. Click enter and the following page
should be seen.
Entering the User-name and Pass-
1. The password is Fact_user.
2. The Password is Fact_pwd.
3. Click Enter, Run, to run the software.
Call 561 779 5660 for technical support.
1 of 4
To configure the DAT8024.
It is extremely important to use
a Cat 5 Crossover cable unless a
router is used.