Chroma Key Overview
The Chroma Key feature of the SE-3000 is really easy to use. Typical
Blue and Green screen studios can be quickly incorporated into an
SE-3000 production.
First we will go over some basics, the
Control Panel buttons
a simple green screen example
set up. For those of you who
need a quick reminder here are a few Chroma Key basics.
A good foreground image helps produce a good key
setup will all play an important role in producing the best Chroma Key
result. Although the SE-3000 is equipped with excellent keying controls it is always best to start with the best
keyable image that your setup is able to produce.
Three Chip Camera
We strongly recommend the use of a three chip (or CCD) camera for Chroma Key shooting. The extra image
clarity and the good colour separation that a three chip camera produces really does improve the quality of
the keying later on.
Do not mix SD and HD standards when keying
It is best to avoid trying to use standard definition SDI green or blue screen footage with a HD background
because the keying edges in the SD image will become fuzzy during the SD to HD upscaling process. If you
have a full HD background then for best results work with a full HD camera for the foreground too.
White Balance the Camera
White Balance is extremely important when setting up a chroma key studio. The camera must be correctly
white balanced to minimise the subject picking up any colour cast from the background. Of course the white
balance settings will vary according to the type of lighting you are using, but neutral whites and good skin
tone colour are the all important target.
To set the white balance you will need a white reference card (or a sheet of white paper). Focus the camera
on the reference card and light it evenly using the main light. Set the camera’s iris / aperture so that the card
is correctly exposed. Use the Auto White Balance (AWB) function, or set the white balance manually so that
the card appears white. If you are in any doubt about how to white balance your camera,
please refer to
your Camera’s instruction manual for more details.