Remote Control
You can control the instrument via SCPI with Keysight IO Libraries or via a simulated front panel with the
instrument's Web interface.
Web interface
You can monitor and control the instrument from a Web browser by using the instrument's Web interface. To
connect, simply enter the instrument's IP address or hostname in your browser's address bar and press Enter.
If you see an error indicating 400: Bad Request, that is related to an issue with "cookies" in your Web browser.
To avoid this issue, either start the Web interface by using the IP address (not hostname) in the address bar), or
clear cookies from your browser immediately before starting the Web interface.
Check the checkbox below the picture of the instrument to enable an indicator on the instrument's front panel. This
is helpful if you have several E36150 Series instruments and you wish to identify the one to which you are connected.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide