Advanced security technology
Choose the powerful yet
easy-to-operate Tru Fingerprint
solution for fully integrated
fingerprint capture and verification.
• Works seamlessly with Datacard
ID Works and ViaNet software
• Captures fingerprint templates
and Automated Fingerprint
Identification System (AFIS)
quality images with equal ease
• Adds advanced identity
verification to any operation
• Printed fingerprints help deter
identity theft
• Available exclusively from
Datacard Group
The Datacard
Fingerprint solution combines the intuitive Tru
software and an advanced fingerprint reader. The solution can enable biometric
enrollment and verification and/or capture and storage of fingerprint images.
• Powerful enrollment and verification.
When used with Datacard
ID Works
Enterprise identification software, the Tru Fingerprint solution allows you to scan
a fingerprint, create a mathematical representation of it and store this digital
template in a biometric database. This makes it easy to perform one-to-one
fingerprint matching required for sophisticated biometric identity verification.
• AFIS quality images.
Capture an AFIS quality image and save it to a database,
2D bar code or smart chip. Images are captured at 500 ppi for higher accuracy in
reading, verifying and matching a fingerprint image.
• Convenient capture and storage.
When used with any edition of Datacard
ID Works
software, or with Datacard
identity information software,
the Tru Fingerprint solution can capture a photographic image of a cardholder’s
fingerprint, then print it on a secure photo ID card to help deter identity theft.
• Easy setup and operation.
The Tru Fingerprint solution is easy to install and
simple to use. After installing ID Works or ViaNet software, just install the Tru
Fingerprint software, connect the reader and you are ready to scan fingerprints.