Data I/O 29B Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 29B

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Страница 3: ...Getting Started ...

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Страница 5: ...t wl lieh it accompanies Ooto VO reserves tno n Qflf to make ChOrlQBS to fhJs aocument will lout notice ot ony time OfIDl RING INFORMMON Whon ordorlng this mol VJ0I use Fot1 Numbef 98t 0200001 1195 lo 29S Enginee lng Fbri Number 990 00t3 029 ond up Dalo IQ i o r901slerad rrodemorl o Ocno 11D Corporotton 1cg11 A k1 CQncRJ M and unR lk ae 111 rod mork a Dfflo LO Corp ro1IO l Copfright 985 Oota IA Co...

Страница 6: ...ands ror Voe For example 120V f v 120 Voe Power Source Check the voltoge selector lridlcclor Oocoled on lhe rem panel io verify that the product is configured for appropriate line voltage Grounding lhe ProdUci The prodocl Is grourw Jed 11 1rouott the gmunding conduclor al ihe power cord To avoid electric shock plug the power cord inlo a properly wired and grounded mcop1ocle only Grounding 1tll equ...

Страница 7: ...J ions B Power Roquirements 9 Phvsiool ond l nvironmentol 9 Warranty and Customer Suppo 1 1O GETTING STARTED 11 Pow er Connecfion Verlfylng Chonglng the Ope1oflng VollOge Verifying Replocing lhe Une Fiise Spore Line f1Jse Tray Grounctir g Iha Unl1 Po IM1ollotion Powering Up sample Pro l omming Section 11 11 13 14 14 15 16 17 Iii ...

Страница 8: ...Off el Address l eY1no In Family and PinoU1 Codes Surncheck Dlsplov Programmtng Lood RAM With Miosler Device Doto load RAM From Serial Port Ptogram Device With RAM 0010 _ Block Move Output to S9riol Port Edll Oooratlons dlllng Using a Hexadecimal Base Verify OperotiOns Verify RAM Dofo Aoo1n t Serial Porl Doto Verify RAM Doto Again Device Dato 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 211 25 27 29 31 32 33 ...

Страница 9: ...m Remote Control 60 Command Protocol 60 Load RAM Wllll Mostef Device DalO o2 Pro am o Dtlvioo Wi h RAM Dalo 64 Load RAM Fram 1he Sartal Port 66 Oulpu1 RAM Doto to me Serial Por1 6a Block Move 70 Verify RAM Doto Agalns1 Devlc Do1a 71 V8 fify RAM Dato Wrlh Serial Peri Data 73 folllng In SRC 76 SeJec1 Functions in SRC 76 Data TransloWon Folmots 78 1n1roo1Jclton 78 Tromlation Fo1mots 8 t 29Mio Interla...

Страница 10: ...pulallori 1 t5 A2 All RAM 116 A5 Spflt RAM 1 f7 A6 Sl lurfle RAM 118 Ulility al d Inquiry Commands 1 t9 B2 System Configuration 120 FJ Dalo Lock Or 1 121 Serial i 0 Commands 122 B3 Format Number 123 D8 Record Size 126 D9 NUii Count 127 FA Chorocter Output 128 FC Remole OntOtt 129 EIIROR CODES 131 INDEX 137 ...

Страница 11: ...ocketed de ice o PROGRAMMING ln1ormation aboul progrommlrig devices including a t of Qene ral progmmmin notes Also lnciudes inf0 mot10n on edltlng 81itylng dOIO integrity ond sesioJ port oaro tron c REMOfE CONmot Describes Senal 110 opora lon wlrh lhe 298 pr0grommer lncllldes CRC and SllC operalion lnlormolion on RS 32 hookup 08SCflplions of dote tronslatloo fOffl I0ls ond nondler operot on o SELE...

Страница 12: 110 sui ir lies lhe control p j and comr otible firmware for 298 handle aperalian Whe using lhe Exalron 2500 handler lhe op16onal handler in1arlaca is not necessary Erotron prOl ides 1he in1erl0ca necessary for operation with the 298 o SERIAl AAPER TAPE READER Allows traM1er 01 poper lope ooto to the 29B Ordering Orders mode wl1h Dato l 0 must contoll I 11118 r0110 ing 1nr0 moti00 Descrlp1 on o...

Страница 13: ...Pok ano plugging II into the 29a Th0 VOtious programming compone11ls trom which OU oon cl loose lo complete youi programming 1em ore ll ted ond sho m in lt le ocoomt Onytng figures Remote Control The stonaord Compuler Remote Control alCJ allo you lo sove programs on disk 01 lope which may oo downJoodeo to the 298 System Rel nOfe Control SRC allows you to send cornmanos lo me 298 riom a temiinol 11...

Страница 14: ... Jg8 ore available for 40 pin mlcrooomputef and parts wl th non ol daro plnouts ond unlque poclrooe lyP l LCC Pl CC LogicA lk combine l with appropriato plug in adapters all0 OU to design progrom ond functlonol f lest more ltion t60 different logic devices Tile high leYel soflwore t1onslates OLir logic d8l5ign lrom 1rulh lables or Booloon equations inlO lhe correct fuse map o MOSFbk pragrmns mae l...

Страница 15: ...OMs or El PRO lts SQI orogrammrng allows you to parlilioo a program inlo one or more e1s ot ROMs The GongPok con also be ured for con e1n1ionol QOng i 09romming OI 1 Jp lo eigtit devices al otlme c Progrommlng Mooules supporl dev10e famil ai plicatloN not C M OCI or ltie stone aro P ogrommin g Po s 5 ...

Страница 16: ...nd poromelers 7 8 9 A 4 5 6 i _ 1 2 3 C I _4 I Q F E l p I OfY YtJllf Y MM ltl T 1 1 fDII w __ I ___ MODE oP ATION KE l S COPY U ed 10 mc e a bloe ti lolo lo Qr from c Oriol port RPM or de lice Wofk In oanjunc1ion wilt 0 Jl c 8 di st ofi0 l e rs VERIFY l4g j lo mo e a b le lYf bvie rl JJOrl n d a block 01 da1a Used wit oo sc eldes1inolioi l y S LECT Prepa e rhe programmer to oocept ocde1 for selec...

Страница 17: ... wor c In conJune1iQn wlltt ttle COP and VSllFY 8 S _J Rf VIEW KEY Gives the programmer t Ockwards stepping capability lhrougn selecr functions 0011 odcffes ls or cl calibiatloo step Also provid a delete function wt en emerlng porcm en Commonds tne p10grai mer to 9CU e he opEuolloos s eli Qfeo an d sends en ered M K O Olooi In ooir rnoc 18 to memory Also gl the pragrommo 10 l lard stepping oapobil...

Страница 18: ...C System Remote Conlrol SRCJ D Translo1ion Formol s 29 O Oilobla See table below n Hondler Capability Oplloriol haf dler pert is 0 ICJila blo f binnlnQ ond contrOI signals Available Troos1otion Formals lof 1he 298 Universol Progrommer ASal 81 OF ASCU 8Hlf ASOIA NPF Afl Apos1rophe ASCII Hox Comma ASCII Hex Percent ASCII He SMS ASCII Hex Space ASCII Octal Apostroplle ASCII Octal Percent ASCII Octal ...

Страница 19: ...5 VA F Jse Protection Primor al CI ndary fuse protection Physical and Environmental Pt Yi sic l and Erw 11onmenlcl Requarements for lhe 29B ore as loll ws Dimensions 31 1 x 15 2 x 27 3 cm 15 x 6 x 10 8 in o Weigt 1 6 4 4 lb o Operating Tempecalure 5 to 45oC 41 lo 1130f c Sloroge lemperalur l 10 to 70 C 10 to 158 fl o HumidilV to 95 o Qperatlorial AJlilucJe to 1D OOO ft 9 ...

Страница 20: ... lhis manual tor ln1c xmati on on lhe length ofld conditions OI lhe warranty For worromv S8 Vioe cori1oct vour nearest Doto t 0 cuS1omer supporl center Dalo 110 maintolns customet support cenlors 1hro1Jgh ou11he worle eoch staffed with foctory troir ed lect W1icions lo provide prompt qlialrty ser lce This ir Ciudes not onlv repoirs bu1 also calibrali orl of all Doto l 0 products A rist of oil Dato...

Страница 21: ...e operalif Q voltage Is correct th a ttie line ftJSe ls lntoc1 ono that the unit Is propeJ y QJOun When ou have checl ed 11 101 th8 obo e aro in order proceed to lhe nel t wbsQciion Pak lrclo1lo1lon Verifying Changing the Operating Voltage The foclorv hos 0 ected the proper voltage occor lll Q lo your specitfeolion A toge readlng Is visible ttvough a wlndQ 1 In ltl8 door that covers lhe IIOltoge s...

Страница 22: ...IM voltage wheel ielec10f Wiltl o flo1 blode saewdriver 3 Pulf the YOllage wheel selecror out of tts slot 4 Rolato tho selector un1il the correct Operating votto ie points 1oward OU 5 lnserl lhe selector bock Into II stol NO f If you wftri to access the Jne fvre or this point proceeo to sro o 2 In tria next PfOC8dU Q 6 Snap the door ctosod 7 The correcl voltoge rcOCJing will now oppoor In 1h8 wind...

Страница 23: ...lry The top rer eptocJo is o pO e fu e troy See the next wblectlon for moro fllformat oo on hi spore ln iy 2 Pull the bo1lom ru e holder out of 11 slot 3 Check to determine wh8ther tne fuse ls ln10ct It ii iS intoc1 proceed to Sk p 4 n it Is blown instoll o new fuse Sos loble for line fuso ratings JO k CAUTION fOf continued prOlectlon agalnsi she p0 lbilitv of fire replace only wilh a luse ol spec...

Страница 24: ...114 inch fl M the b10Ck tray acoep 5 20 mltllmetor fuses commonly O OilOble In Europe Only 1he bottom fuse rooe pl ocle Is CQnnected lo lhe programmer circuitry Grounding the Unit TM 298 is shipped with a th1ee wlre po wer coble This cable connects the ct ossl of tne vnit to trio earth ground when the coble Is COl 1MCl8d1o a 1hree wlre grou nc led re ceptoclo WARNING Con11nully of the grounding ol...

Страница 25: ...tien w illchlng power on or OIi or lnstolling or removing lhe FQk lo lnsrau o Pok into the 29a refer to tie f oure and follow th inslollolion procedure Slide 1h8 R Jk into Ille open ng In mo programmer 2 Tlil the Fttk up and gen1Iy push It bock lo hook Its flonge o er 1h8 lop bock edge of lhe pcog10 T1mer opening J lower the Pok Into posilion as shown In he floure CAUTION 811 careful when lnsertln...

Страница 26: ...icolly perlorms Iha sell lest routine which initialrzes tho programmti horawaro and checks the scroloh RAM firmware ono dolo RAM While the ff ti Is being performed the programmer wlll cllsploy SELF TEST 13 The symbol ot the right most digff of lhe dlsploy Is 1110 bciloo syrnt Jol whlcf1 oto1es when lhe ptogrornm81 Is p fOfming on opero1ion When the self tesl hos been successfully completed IM pfog...

Страница 27: ...omrn 8r and inlo o PO w8r receptacle 2 Moite soro all the da ice sodcets ore empty_ 3 Fbwef up the programme 4 Pross r J EJE lo prepore he P1ogromn IQ1 lo lrcnsfer the master d8 Jice oata to 100 ptogrcmme s data RAM The prog cmmer will display FAM I 00 PIN 00 5 Press CJ 0G the familvlpfno1Jt cooe for the 276 1 port The progronvner will IMn dlsplc J FAM 79 PIN I 33 6 lift up Iha lever on the socket...

Страница 28: up pin 1 of the blank device so lhot it Is neorest tile lever and set lt 18 d8 vica into IM socket Press down Oil the lever to lock lho device in piece t1 Press G The progrommor will display TEST DEVICE 3 PROGRAM DEVICE B VERIFY DEVICE a PRG DONE 01 XXXX NOTE In rne o oove d pley repra sems the devfce s sumc 1ec me 11e 0Q ec1 m0r wm of OIi the bvfe In the device Tho number drsplc ryed snootd mo...

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Страница 31: ...twaell 0 prooromrneo device bnd the doto In RAM A Veslty checi s hot the informa1icm In both Iocotlons 11 8 soma lherOOf verifying ihe Integrity of 1he data tronsfor Overview Prior to programming a leViCe you must 1i1sl lood also refertGd to 0 COP er rransferJ the programmer s RAM Wi1tl data IO be programmed Into a particular de llce lhls data rnay be tronsrerrect JO RAM horn either lhe serial por...

Страница 32: ...lh8 operoflon Aborting an Operation Most operollons excepl tor a rew special selecl f ln otlons mov be aborted 1 11 pressing one of tM four mode keys COPY VERIFY SELEcr or EDIT II on 0pet Orion it in progress when ore of these ke s is pre ssed the programmer ll momsntorlly di spic an abort messoga The programmer will then assume one display lh9 mOde selected For example II you abort an cpero1iOl l...

Страница 33: ...Ou were copying mowr device dolo to the programmer s RAM you would preM BEi to inslruct tie proorammer to cop dato from me mosttii aevsoe lhe programmer would lhen dlsptay DEV ADDR SIZE lhe prompt A l preoedlng ADDR In tie display meoris lhol you may change the beginning Cle v109 oddreS lo any address within the range ol lhe oeviee s word limit io chongo the beginning address slmpty key in the hex...

Страница 34: ... lhe sire of the block of data you wish to tromfer To changa the blocic size simply key in the heXQdeclmol number of bi t9s 1h01 yoo wol lt 10 1ronsfer If lhe hex OhJ tho1 appoors In place OI SIZE is correct COl llinue to lhe next step In the procedure Derautt lue for block stze ts the devlce lze for devloe relaled operations f01 to tran ster default I 64K tor 16 blt oddross rorrncm all or RAM f X...

Страница 35: ...n 1he fwo dJglt fomlty oode und two digit plnout code for the device being programmed Family ond pinout code are Jisted in the devico Jobie lncludeef llilh vour Pok manual or on 1he Dolo LO wall chart CAUTIOt 4 B4t sure you enler only tnose lomilyJplnouJ oode lrsted In the device toble Invalid codes mav cause unpredlcloble resul1s al ihe devlce socl et which may damage the device Oat 110 assumes n...

Страница 36: ... D8vice Dato loae1 RAM From Serial Progra_m Devlce Wllh RAM Doto Block Molle O Jlput RAM Doto to Serial Port Description Used 10 lronsfer d01o from a master dE Jlce ta the programmer RAM ltonsfers programming doto from o remole system to tM programmer s RAM Coples 1he program ming dolO from RAM to the device lrt t lled In 1he programming module sock et This operation moves a block of RAM dalo to a...

Страница 37: ...t the OOPV operation 2 Select lhe S0U C8 of the d0I0 lo be ronsferred 3 Acoept Of optlonoily cho11ge 1he device address 10 beOln copying 1rom Clefault is leroJ ond l lr the size of a bloclr In hex lo b8 lfOJ SferreC1 NOTE lo specify 011 y Oloek sfza pro STANT and tllell key In the S1Z8 4 Select ine des11no1i0n for tne dalo 5 AJ cepl or optlooolly chonga the begin RAM addreS Keystroke 29B Displays ...

Страница 38: ...ncke1 thal hO an lllumlnoted LED below it 8 When the operolion Is comple e the follaulng display s1gnols the progrommer s readiness 11 en error code Is dl lovad check lhe 91lor codes list 9 Remove the rnas er device from the socket To repea1 1tui load operallon from anoth devSce with lh8 some lamlly and pinout codes return to step 7 Keystroke 29e Displays FAM XX PINI XX LOADING DEVICE CJ LOAD DON ...

Страница 39: ...oc edure Keysrroke 29B Displays i Select th COP 0P91alian EJ COPY OATA FROM 2 Selocl lhe source of the dalo lo be B PORA ADOR SIZE tra ferrao 3 Accept or op1iooolly change G POR AODR SIZE begin address oflw1 and IOI block or slro The block s ze should not 00008 e xceee1 tOOOOH Defaul1 is lhe rst POR XXXXX XXXXX locoming oodre s s NOTE 00800 To cJfy Oi1 y the block slza u5t press START and k y in l...

Страница 40: ... The host system is now set up to downlooo data to tne 29a Doto ml lS1 be sent within 2 S SQCO ldS Of or error mes Jge will apP0Qr TO disable lhe 25 second timeout use select tunctlon FQ see seleci funcnon section 6 To repeal 1M IOod opamlion press Keystro ke 298 DlsplOys INPUT PORT 3 INPUT DONE HHHH r s umcheclo ...

Страница 41: ...oe Is outorno11colly oom reci vetilied wilh the RAM dak J to enwre correct progrommlng Procedure 1 Select lhe copt operollon 2 Sel0ct ltle source of 1he do1a IO be tran5 ferred 3 Accep1 OPlionollv change the hex begin RAM oddreGS ondlcx block slie Defool1s ore zero and the JO O 11m11 of the devico NOTE ro specify only me nrocit size Just press SfAffT and lcey in Ille slz e 4 Selecl the destination...

Страница 42: ...ete his dl s plov will appeor 11 8 sumchecl should moleh the one displayed otter lhe lood lo RAM operation If o n error Ode is olsploYQd checic lhe error codos list 9 R8move the programmed device trom lhe socket To program Oldctitionol Identical devices using the do1o tore a In RAM return to step 7 Keystroke 298 Di plays FAM XX PIN AXX TEST DEVICE B PROGRAM DEVICE 3 VERIFY DEVICE 3 PRG DONE 01 HHH...

Страница 43: 1 Sel0c1 the cop oporotion 2 Select the source of the dote to be transferred 3 Accepl or opt onolly ctlonge 1he hex begin address aoo t lock size Default values are taro NOTE To lpo ify only h e IOCk Sllti just press ST Am and key fl the J ze 4 Select 1he deshnatlon ror the data 10 t e transferred 5 A Cepl or opiionollvJ ctior ge tne he destination oddlE Keyslrolce El EJ El 298 Displays COPY DA...

Страница 44: ... optionally change begin AM address and lor blocl size Defaul ore 00000 and on of RAM NOTE To specify only the block le lJM press START ond kev fl rtie Size 4 Select the destinaflon for t l le date 5 Accep1 or optionally ctionoe tie ortser address t x ecure lhe opero1lon 6 To repeal 11 te output opera11on press Keystroke E El 298 DlSp1ovs COPY DATA FROM RAM ADDR SIZE RAM XXXXX XXXXX CO RAM PORI AD...

Страница 45: base Is d91ermlned t i y o select code F5 F6 Of F7 Check Iha select codas section for tho k 8y sequence to enoblo a portlc Jlor number b0 a When keying In 0010 you may onlv key In volues olloi reCI In ll lal number base Fol eJ1omp1e ii you were edlllng data using ihe octo base vou could Oflly use k8 0 nvough 7 NOTE JI you attem to eo t on addie ss outside ine runco of to o device two osterlslc ...

Страница 46: ...r decrement t the edll a jcjres s Preu EDIT lo go 10 ano her RAM address 5 Press raty other funciton tllue key COPY VERIFY LECT to exit from 1he EDIT operation Keystroke 298 Dlsplays B EDIT ADDRA HHHHH 0000 1I I EDIT AfJDRAHHHHH HHHHH DHH RHH HHHHH OHH RHH Jddr J dvvioo RA 1 da1a data rncremenls 1 to edi1 the neld higher RAM location deeremoots 1 ro Bdit ll IO ne 1 lower RAM ICCOliOn allow selecti...

Страница 47: ... RAM dote wllh Iha port ex 1e ice date to moke sure thev mo1ch Tha pregrammer always perform o tw 0 pas s verify tow and high VOltcoe If 1 8 dalo d not rnotch on o dGVice ta AM verll f the programmor will display the address tocotion wtlere 1n8 erte oocurs ond coo it dlc te whether 100 hloh or low vollo1Je verity roiled A P0 1 verify that Is unsuccessful wlli covso the programmer to display 1 0 VF...

Страница 48: ... SOUl 8 or 1he doto 10 be verified 3 Acoep1 or opti0no1i ll ct ange he begin address and or block size Ol RAM Nor ro specJfy only the block SIZ0 Ju 1 pross STA and key In the size 4 Select the source Of the data to be verlfled ogotnst the RAM data 5 Accept or opliaoally change the port address to begin verifying from 6 lf 1 6 dafo tri RAM does not malch 1he port dole he programmer will display thi...

Страница 49: ...CI lhe voor y OPefOtlon l t 1 VERIFY DATA FROM 2 Selec1 tie 304 Jroe or 1he 0010 to be B RAMA ADDRIS I ZE verified 3 Accept or oplionolly chcmga th e G RAM ADDR SIZE begin IW 1 address c n I1size cJ or the block of RAM 000008 RAM XXXXXIXXXXX 0000 4 Select tne urce of 1he data lo be 8 VE RAM DEV AADDR YBriti8d O gOiM RAM doto 5 f ccep1 or o ionclty ohal lge G FAMA00 PIN 00 begin de ice address or 0...

Страница 50: ... not erifv the tollawfng displays wlll lgnal the erroo Display Shown on Iha second and 1hlrd lines appears only when using o by 16 t6 bil device Press STAITT to displo the ne xi oodre tho dfd 001 vorify NOTE Tho lOg cPok wrlty Grt or message 5 different Refer to the l ogiCA Jk manual ror me error message format Keystroke 29B Dlsplays FAM XX PIN XX VERIFY DEVICE ff VE DEV DONE HHHH VN HHHH DHH RHH ...

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Страница 53: ...lON Doscribe op01aJlon 01 tM 2QB under CRC Includes a complete command summary 0 SYsrEM REMOTE CONTROL Cl OPERATION De C11bes operation of tile 29B unoet SRC Include k8 sequonoes required to execute pI grommlng operations wtiil8 in SRC modQ DAJA 1RANSLAJ10N fORMAlS Dor111es the doto rronslatlon totn ats compatible wllh 100 298 Includes o oomplete list 0 oil the formals with examples cl each D 29SJ...

Страница 54: ...ion s hove complelecL vou may re1urn syslem control lo lti e 29B t using onolher hexadeclmol code CQC To exit CRC vio the 29B s 1 reyt Joard press any ot ttio four mode keys COPV VER1 Y Sl LECT or EDIT To exit using ttie 1erminor s llteyboord pr Z CR to It If the _ underscore command hos been executed use Z J remo e and relnstorJ lhe FOi ond them either restort or pow er down SRC To exit SRC press...

Страница 55: ...In the figure and the swilcil posit10r1 requ11ee1 tor thot t ouO rote 3 W lh a trol blode scr8wdllvet urn ihe swlleh to the numbered switch p0ii1fon that correspooos to your OOSireo baud rate IIAUD 1 ifCH IIATE P051l10N 50 0 75 1 t10 2 13 15 3 150 4 300 5 600 6 1200 7 PROOAAMMER 1800 8 BACK PANEL 2000 9 2400 tO Or A 3600 11 or B 5i li Al POIIT 11800 12 or C COtlNfCfOII 7200 13 010 9600 14 or E 19 ...

Страница 56: see the GeHlng Slortoo wclioo 3 Access 11 19 controller board S Slo1us s witch U53 1hro h 1h9 cut out In the kJ ter rlghl corner of the protective sllleld J 0 Is 0 __J _______ _ __ OFF 00 1 r 0 o 7 I PARITY IQFF ONl F 7 I SIOP e1rs Olf 2 OtHl RC STA1 JS SVl11CH II 4 Flip the swilche6 ro fhe desired settings the figure shows 100 switch P0 lbons set by lhe factCfy 5 Rell l tOII the progromming Ft...

Страница 57: ...e shows sompte interconnec1icns to lt e sertot lntertoce IOr hoif full duplex with hono oke and wilhoul hol ldsnoke oocl tM current loop connection fol full dupte c and holf dupleic See the baud rote switch mustration for the I0001 on 01 the RS232 serial port connecrOl The S t1lre handshake lntercoMecrton may be used lo download data at Orlf suppoited bOud tale wt en using a host system that tecoQ...

Страница 58: ... to lronsfer dolo A low 18 81 Inhibit cx ic lronsfef COMocted bf Internal Jw P9f ro IXJ1a l lx rd pin 20 Th ls line 1 ircwic e s o cornmC I lgnal cannect1on to he AS232 ron Ole oUtO Thi lhe Is posi f 113 hqn mcdem detects a ocrrle siQl IOI This line is 0tnple c I t the piogrormter II used f dila ble fc a taro U 18 II r9QV1r8d 500 MA ma ctnum1 Not Wed nsml s data uslni 1 octo e 20 mA currB rl1 loop...

Страница 59: ... UND I HOit Fuii Duplex Wi1hoo Hond hake NCHES I Af i vl 018 namecr wtn 1e ipec1 tc Ilie Odr ir J fl uno 2 Ao un fl1rot ol8o p i o 9 to Je fett o oan j k oppoloor om rnaJ oo noi re u u nand O trle P 0t 0mm1 r s cipc v to 8r 1 L le IS pu ed up inremauy 4 Host S lt 1 p t nl 1111 i mor o Jf Remote Control 20 mA Cu1Tent Loop Connection TTY CROUKO 51GNALGROUND 7 1 1 11 0ATA 20 mAS Nt H l J 20 fM RECEIY...

Страница 60: ...1Ions In the figure Set 11 18 boud rote crt 2400 T IIO operotlol ore possible using the serial paper tape moder IOod RAM rrom the seriol port ond verify RAM trom the serlol port See the progrommlng section for the kG ybOOJd sequences to execute these operotIons SERIAL PAPER TAPE l EADEII PR AMMEI 195 1QS GIIOUNt Gl OUt 0 1 REC 1vt DATA NO CM IA 3 3 R QUE ST TO SEND SIGNAL GIIOUND Vdc S Ydo 4 7 9 2...

Страница 61: ...moy be seflf b on operalor 01 o le1m nol the cornrnonds and svntox descnbed In his manual W91e designed to be eosllY lncorporo1ed Into o c ornpoleJ program The figure be6o1 1 tlJU lroles lne baste componenls of lhe 298 under oompule remote conlrol CRC FO intE fOC1ivo program fhe compuler con both send messages ro be dlspjo 8d on lhe 29a and con read k t Slrol es from lhe 298 5 ke1boarcl The user m...

Страница 62: ...r codes 1ha1 t a e OCQJred The F command code all errOIS into o 32 tlll error stotus word A description of he error sfoiv word foll01A s lhe CRC commcind descrlpfl oo 11st Character Name Promp1 F Foil 7 Q Jestlon Description Sent on Mterif lg remote conlrol ofter on ESCAPE or Bl l AK k8V hos holled o oommond or attar a oommond hos been wccessl Jlly exocuted The programmer hen transmits a corrl oge...

Страница 63: ...ilt RAM doto HHHHHW Sel address offset HHHH Select fomily pinour coae tor X Etror code inquiry d8vice V R lrity error Hr A Selec1 data fronslaticn formal z Esco 08 remote conrrol B Blank d011ieo lest I Fornily plnout inquiry Input compare RAM RAM black mc o e D Select odd parlry HH I Select fiJnction S08 select runctions E Select evan poril s8Ction 10r list E iror status inquiry I cteor oil RAM G ...

Страница 64: ... f 8 1 b o line teed HHHH Dala expressed In hexod8Cimol CRC Command Descriptions command CONTROL COMMAflfDS RETURN ESCAPE BREA I UTILITV COMMANDS G CfiJ HHHHH CR HHHHH CR Nome Sotf JOm Conliguratton Set Begin Set Block Response Cfll F CRI F HHHH CRLF Clllf Cr t F Ell8Cu1Q Abort lptlon Al lort blriary 1tOM1er Send o 1 f gi1 hex number configura11on representing the mttwore re ision of the progcomme...

Страница 65: ...inter up to the word Hmll of the 8 eeleel de ll Ce f l Error Status rnquiiy HHHHHHHH Cl t F 1 8toms a 32 bit WOfd tho1 codes lhe OCC Jmulalea errors soo description follo 1inQ this 1able X Oll Error Code Inquiry HHHH Cllt F Outpols 1h8 errOf codes sforod In the scratch 4 AM H CR No Opero1ion CRI F No op command that returns a prompt charoc1er Z CR Escape RelT O e Confrol None Returns COl llrol of ...

Страница 66: ...loout Coda Send F when lt e co is not required FFPP CR Select Fomlly CRLI Selecls 1he 2 c igi1 hex fomlly oode FF ono lhe 2 Jigil M Pinovt cooo PP required to program o i orticolar device R CR Ra6pond AAAAJBIC ClllF llldlcates ftle deYice status Ol11puts AM AW C here At A or AMA the dev1ce ord lirnil B he ord sire ono C a VOL WVOH 0 s1a1us L CR lDad C1llf load lhe de iice data into ftla RAM P CR P...

Страница 67: ... ol iwltef1 etllng CFf A Ol Select li o nslotlof Format Ollf Defines lhe instrument control code C and data translation fOJmal lFf for Kl Oala transfers Oolaull Is Instrument oonlrol oode zero 0 onCI MOS T0ChnOIOQY Fon na1 1 Htf M CR Select Reoord St e Oll F Dellnes IH the olllput reoord slia Default Is 16 bytes p0r record 8 l 18 record In the Fairchild ro1rbug format 1 0i U al Sel Nulls CRl f De ...

Страница 68: ...dress on Input CR Disable Timeout CRLf Disable the 2 ond 11D ttmooul Reslored ontv 011 pO l er 00 11cm lnpul all fl Input doto trorn the source to the RAM O CR Output allf iOI Outputs data from lhe RAM IO the comp Jler C CR Compare cnLF1 I Cornparo5 lhe RAM dote wilh the dolo sent f1om Ifie computer Y CR R irity Etror HHHH CRl F Respond me Mx number 01 parity errors since the lost V commard power ...

Страница 69: RAM Dalo Cl l Used for 16 bll mlcropiooeSSOI data Splits 1he E llen and odd nvmt ereo 1 1 leS inlo lwo bfocf s sepo1olea bt a oen er point HW IH 1 1hich mosr be a PO er ot 2 be lt8en O and the MM mldpo1nl Oefoull 1 loo RAM midpoint HHHHH St uflle RAM Doto CRLF Used for 16 bit mlcloprocessor data M0rg es ltl8 bloci obavo cenfef polnl HHHHH W lth tne block below Tne oenler polnl most be o power o...

Страница 70: ...l le 29B i ftoot panel keystrokes Eoch lcev on 1he 29B sends a corresponding ASCII code listed in ltle following toble l KJTE If this command llos been eKecuted you cc rnnor J f CRC t7f strildng one of me 298 s funcll on keys To 8 llf either I press rtie Z eron lh8 fe mtnors keyboo1ct rortowed by a corrioae ratum 0 2 IQIY10VO C lld reinsrorr lf a Pof or 3 power down 0 9 A f RAM POm DEVICE COPY VER...

Страница 71: Transmitted 30H througn JQH lllH lhroogh 5AH 20H 21H throvgh 28H 2QH 2AM 28H 2CH 2DH 2EH 2 H 3AH 38H 3Cl1 300 3EH 3FH 40H 58H SCH 07H ASCII Code Dlsployed on ttie 298 0 9 A Z Spoce Action symbol apostrophe hyphen period I Short hyphen all d play segments Iii L beeper l I lh OOd0 r l 0 oool a o wlln O ff 8 Qr d OOOl nc 11_ i O dl PIOY Cln DClc ii rt i COCle 11 tit il oll II w11 smply 00 8 lt8 29...

Страница 72: ...ier do OCCUf tllerefore if on 1oUJ bits within lhe ch aroc1er are used and present the transmitted character would be F while If here we re no Elfl n pie senl 10r lho1 choracte l8rO wlluld be tron mitted 611 rv ot Error Number vo1ue Oescrtptlon RECEIVE ERRORS 31 8 ANY ERROR If 11 18 word oonlains Orty elf01 he r l 0 1 Sigfllflcan1 bil bit 31 will be h4gh 30 4 Not used 2Q 2 Not used 28 1 Nol used 2...

Страница 73: ...l or shuffle 3 B lllegol spli1 Or shuffle 2 4 No RAM OJ insufficient RAM resident 61 1 2 RAM write error 0 p grom memory fouui e 63 0 1 RAM end not on 4K boundary 62 69 EXAMPLE Whot errors are lncfioal d in this error status word 80C 80081 8 the NOid contains error information 0 no r8C8i e errors C 8 4 8 Oevice reloted error 4 Skirt line not sot high 0iro1 26 8 device Is not blank orror 20 0 no in...

Страница 74: ...board IO eno lle SRC Command Protocol The synta c tor SRC Is sirnil r lo that of the 290 fronl po nel operorions Wheri kevll Q in commorids from a terminal the prog l ommer reccgru es 1ho lirst lwo chCJCocters or each word oxcopl REVIEW os shown In tM following C tabla NOrE The formal 1Menu con otso be d Sl Joyed by enterlnrJ FO CR Command Entry in SRC 298 Keyboard Commor a Copy Verify Selecl ECll...

Страница 75: ... Jr entry to be lgMreel The choroctef 5 are still oisplc 8d on lhe se1oon however all entries bock lo he previous space bar ore igncxed and the opgra1or car enter he replacement ch0ract0 rs You may enter SRC commands in two W 11 5 olrect or interocti e Dlrect entry uses the format shown in 1h8 ot ic Q eromple Enlry of the device addrest Sl ze 011C1 RAM address is optional lh0 intemctive method sir...

Страница 76: ...dress en block Sil8 lo copy Oetoull is 00000 11 Accepl or optlor ollv chong lhe boginnln9 RAM address De1oiJl1 is 00000 Te minal Key Sequence 7 GEJ G El 008 Of 0000 CJ8l2 J00El 88 G or 808 NOTE 2QB 1st line Terminal Display 2nd line COPY DATA FROM COPY DATA FROM DEV ADDF SIZE DEV ADDR SIZE CO DEV F AM ADOR CO DEV RAM ADDR FAMA 00 PIN 00 FAM 00 PIN 00 rt tho programming Pak nsta ed does not require...

Страница 77: ...ogramming Pol 6 1ns0 1 1he m0 1er dovloe into the socket w tn 1M iillumlnoted LED below ii 7 Remove t ie master device ro repeat 1M cperotlon return to step 6 298 1st line lermiool Key Sequence Terminal Display 2nd line G LOAD DEVICE o LOAD DEVICE 0G LOADING DEVICE 3 LOAD DONE HHHH L l sumehed Of dolo 1romre red currloge relurn 1 LOAD DONE HHHH L J umch9Cte 01 t JIO 1r rerred 2 Dlip Oy 1 1out 01 0...

Страница 78: ... Prooedur t Select fhe copy oporolron 2 Selecl the SOIJice ol 1ho da1o lo be copioo 3 Jccetlt or op11onally dlaf Qe the beginning de iice odoress and block slw to tronsfef Oefoull Is 00000 298 1st line Terminol Kev Sequence Termlnol Di loy 2nd line G COPY DATA FROM COPY DATA FROM RAMI ADDR SIZE I AM ADDR SIZE CO RAM 0 11A ADDR CO RAM DEV ADDR ...

Страница 79: ...p 5 5 Accept or if disptov is Incorrect K t In the 4 dlgl1 fomlty pinout code for Ill device vou are programming check the device list iocluded with the R lk 6 Insert the blank devi00 intu the s ket with the illuminated LID below It NOTE NN In tne c 1 sploys represents rile number of daviceS programmed since poiver up 7 Rem the P OQrammcd devico To program another retum lo s1ep 6 or El PROGRAM D V...

Страница 80: ... given ol the beginning ot 1his sectlon 2 Select lhe opproprlale 0010 translation formo1 listed in 11 e lollowing wbseciiol l l OJ ld enable lh011ormol using select code 83 see select tuncllons S Cffon ror exact key 0quenoe 3 Selecl 1he copy operotion LI 5eiee1 Iha source of the doto to be copied 29S 1st line Termlnal Key Sequence Terminal Display 2nd line COPY DATA FROM COPY DATA FROM PORA ADDR S...

Страница 81: ... Of oola 6 Accep1 or OP1ionollv cttcmge the oogiflning RAM cdi t to t1ansfer Ille doto to Default is 00000 Instruc1 lh8 host system lo send the do1o fila IJ the timeotJI Is nol tur olf select lunctlon F9 the tile musl be eflt within 25 seconds 01 on error me soge wlll be dlspla ed Terminal Key Sequence 29B 1st lioe Termlnol Oisploy 2nd line 88151 1al co POR RAMAADDR 00G co POR RAM AODR or or INPUT...

Страница 82: ...t poli OI lhis section 2 Select lhe oppropriote dalo tronslotion forrnol from he list In the fofl ming subsec1Ion Eooble lhot rorma1 usJnQ select code B3 see ho seleci runctlOns section of lhe manual lor tt le key s8q1Jence 3 Select tie copt operolion 4 Select lhe 0 Jrce Of the oola to be copied Tenninol Key Sequence 29B 1st line Terminal Display 2nd line COPY DATA FROM COPY DATA FROM RAM ADDR SIZ...

Страница 83: ... in rfNms of 16 bit ooto A OOK bfOCK sire of 100 br16 wi Y load 200 l ytes of data 6 Ac cep1 or op11onouy cllonoo lh8 firsl port odor to Moln coPting to De10ul1 i 00000 29B 1st lloe Terminal Key Sequence Terminal Display 2nd line s csl co RAM PORAADDR 0 G co RAM POR ADDR or or OUTPUT PORT j OUTPUT DONE HHHH L 1 sumchQ k cla10 tromfatred ro maned t bto fi10 croU5 rr roUQ on dispay lhen OUTPUT DONE ...

Страница 84: ...hange the beglnnll 0 AM oc fdrass one size of ll le blocit to cop Default is 00000 4 Acoopl or optionally chanQQ 11 18 first address In RAM lo wtlich lh e bloclc will be moved Default Is 00000 Ietmlnal Key Sequence Or or 298 1sl line Te mrnor Display 2nd llne COPY DATA FROM COPY DATA FROM RAMA ADDR SIZE ffAM ADDR SIZE CO RAM RAM ADDR CO RAM RAM AODR BI OCK MOVE BLOCK MOVE DONE termlnol sho 8 no ch...

Страница 85: SRC operation Procedure t Select the verity operation 2 Select Iha 0Urce cl lhe dOlo lo be verified Accept or op1ionollv chor ga the beginning address or size o1 the block to verify Ooftrult iS 00000 Termlnol Kev Sequence or 298 1st line Termlnol Display 2nd line VERIFY DA1 A FROM VERIFY DATA FROM DEVA ADOR ISIZE DEV ADOR SIZE VE DEV RAMAADDR VE DEV RAM ADDR ...

Страница 86: ...sploy ed code is Incorrect kev n the 4 dlgli fcmily pinoul cede for lhe d0 jce you are verifying check the device list includoo w ilh ll le Pal 6 Insert the device into lhe socl et wl1h 100 rnum1na1ecs LED belo ii 7 Remove lhe devlca To Yerlfy anolher re1um IO S1ep 6 Terminal Kev Sequence or E Of 0000El 29B 1st line Terminal Display 2nd line FAM 00 PIN 00 FAM PIN X VERIFY DEVICE VERIFY DEVICE VERI...

Страница 87: ...oto rronslotion format trom lhe lis1 in the fotlowln g Sub 0Clion Encble tho1 fo nol using select code 83 soo tne selec1 n mctlom sccrion of lhe manual for 1h0 kG sequence 3 Soloct the 9Jifv operation 4 Select the source 01 lhe da1a to be orlried Terminal Key Sequence 291 1st llne Terminal Displov 2nd line VERIFY DATA FROM VERIFY DATA FROM PORI ADDR SIZE POR ADDR SIZE 73 ...

Страница 88: ... Deloull is 00000 6 Acoepl OJ opllononv chOnge 11 e addre to begi11 ve1ifyjng wllh Delaull IS lhO rirst RAM adores 00000_ 298 1st line lerminol Key Sequenoe Terminal Display 2nd line Ol VE POR RAMA ADDR VE POR RAM ADDR VERIFY PORT 1 VE POR DON HHHH L J PJmcheek cl vc ihQQ 00 0 ivE POR DONE HHHH I 2 Q 0 lipQ 2Terrririol Dhploy sul TIChed or s l led data ...

Страница 89: data to oe ploced 01 tt o di ployeo odor NoKI oddress will ihen outom01ically he l l Ve I NOTE To ooe emanf oddreH 1 ad l1essos p ess the I key Termlnol Key Sequence Bv 16 do lce edtllng oouses l display ol 11119 toonot en the 1erm1001 298 1st tine Terrninol Dlsploy 2nd line EOIT ADDRI O XXJO EDIT ADDR XX XXXXX DHH I RHH D Rt adda s de ice llAM In h8XCJ dolo dote ooclmol ZZZZZ DHH RHH ZZZZZ DH...

Страница 90: ...llermlna Gode TIiie A1 NJ Swap Nibbles A2 Fl Fill RAM A3 IN Invert RAM A4 CL Cleor AJI RAM AS SP Spfit RAM A6 SH Sl uftle AAM BO DE De ice Size Bt SU Sumcheclc RAM B2 SY Sys lem Coofig SJ FO Fofmol Number B4 NO Nonbtonk Foll B9 DI Dlspl y Tosi Ci CA Calibration 07 LE lsader OIJfptJI D8 SI Size Rocord D9 NU Null Cotml FO Pll f rogrom Count F 1 RE Remote Mooe F3 LO lock Ooto On F 4 NI Nibble Mooe 1 ...

Страница 91: ...n e b llrst p 9 s5ing SE ooo then the hex coda The following 8mmple Shews hCIN to clear the 29B s RAM hex Cod8 AA using bOlh methods STANDARD ENTRY Pre QJEJ0 6 the 29e wtll then djSplO CLEAR ALL RAM and tho lemiinol will cusploy o prompt ABBREVIATED ENTl7 Pr 086 The 29B will then display CLEAR ALL RAM O and the t9lminol wlll display a promp 77 ...

Страница 92: ...will be horter ed to accommad te large oddreil l fields used wi th some lronoo1ioo formats Th e ore 0 Copy WW to Port fORMAJ HP 64 00 Amolule FOrmal 1 39 DISPLAY RAM POR lll1 7 UZ 0 Copy RAM lo Fbrt FOOMAl Miotarolo exormoit Formal 187 DISPlAY RAM POR llUZZ D Copy Port to RAM FORMAT HP 64000 Absolule Fem tat 089 CtsPLAY P m nm JVVYYY D C Opy to RAM FOflMAl M olorolo Exormax Formot 187 OISPlAY p ZZ...

Страница 93: ...rol code mov be used to specify contrOI choraclers tor pe rlphO OI equlpmool lhe codeg m1 Jst be COrmolted as follo i X f llhete x n Is the inslrurnent control code yy lt O folmol coda II no codes are entered 11110 1he programmer the current delOull vol will be In orrect The followlr g llr t soo s Iha ifl51rument control cod8 with the corresponding 296 octloo Control Code Progrom TM r Actton O Sen...

Страница 94: ... of null con be set to Orf valoo from 2sro 10 25a declrnOI FE h8XOdecirno1 W i th one exception the string of charccfers ccil Cllly seflt belweell eoch and f o1efY reoorc or line of the tile includ85 a cmrtoge rerum CR o line feed LFJ ar d the number or null defined by the null coont The exceptt on referre l to otiovo ror he leader and the null count occurs when ffrle user defines lhe null counf e...

Страница 95: ...10 tn at tnteltac 8 Ml S B3 DEC Binary 11 5 gnellcs Absolute Object 85 Spectrum 12 13t Tek1ronix Hexadecimal 86 ASCll Octol Space 30 35 Motorola E xormox B7 ASOI Octal Peroan1 3t 36 lntot MCS 86 Hexodeclmol Object 88 ASOI Octoh Apost op 32 Hawlett Poclc aro 64000 Absolute 89 ASCl OCI0I SMS 37 Texos 1ns1rumon1s SOSMAC QO ASCI Hex Swoe 50 55 DCU Formo 1 93 ASOI Hex Percent 51 56 Extended Te dronix H...

Страница 96: ...expressed In ll bit o Y ds Ano ottler ctl Jracters soch as oarriage ret Jrt S or line s mov b8 inser1ed belween cm y and ttie next e The skirt oodes are o nonPriniable ST contrOI s or hex 02 cmd mo end code is a nonprjntoble ETX contrOI C or a tiex 03 NOTE Dole wtfho1Jt o starr code mQ be Input to or ootp11f lr Otn the progrommer t v use of a1terno e do o fronslat ofl rormat codes fMse ore ASCll 8...

Страница 97: ...HHHHHHtiF lllll HHHF BHHHHt i ilF Bl ll HHl f lf BHl iHHH iHF Bi KIHHHHF J HHHHlt iHHF DHlil l 11 IHl HF DHHHHHHHHF BHH wi IHHHF 9HHHHHk iHF liHHt iHHl t lF IJHl l HHI I IHF Bl IHHHHHl IF DHHHHliMHH BHHHHHHH f l lHI Ii tHlilt lF llHHHHHHHHF D IHl HHl iHI i i FORMAT 03 OR Oi j 811111111F Bt11111111 B11111 11FTB11111 IllF 8llll1J11F Bl1111111F B1111111LF 8111i1111F 91111l111F Bl1111IJIF B11111111F S...

Страница 98: ... 161 81 tape recording Iha 5 holes 11 at ate on the tape as 5 bits of dole The 3 mOSI signifioont bl1s ore recorded os if the 8re holes on Oil I tape 1he programmer s softwc Jre COr l 18rl s the resulting S t ijl codes into volld doto tor try in RAM The start code for the rormol I o left porenlhe Is Fig K Oil a Telex mochlnGJ ondi the sod code Is a righl porenlhesi figs L on a Telex machine The 5 ...

Страница 99: ...bit ruboui folk W ttie b te count the and of dato Is 3 gooUed b I two nulls ooo a 2 byte sumcheck or lh8 dole riald Refer to the figvre The prowammer stores incoming binary data upoci p1 of Iha s1art choracter Doto Is stored In RAM starting at lh8 tirnl RAM ad dress and an di11g at the lest incoming doto byte TronsmiSslon rnoy be aborted bV pressi any mode key i J Remote Control 2 BYTE tlfX S JMCH...

Страница 100: ...BlnaJY tormaf ts a stroom ol 8 blt dota WOl ds with 1 0 control charoc rs oxcept the stort code Tho stor1 code Is one null precoooo bf 01 te 1st one rubout A rope ovtput trom lh programmer will contain 32 rubouts In I leodec The DEC Binary rormot does nOI l ave addresses ...

Страница 101: ... l I I l 0007 11111 l l I OONl 11 I11 1 I 0009 11111 I I I 010 11111111 0011 111 11 ll 0012 11111111 ODl I ll ll 111 OOH 1111 U11 0015 11 l I 1 l l End OQ9 i O n011p ln lobie l l X ddrez Coda lo 4 d Clm ll dl j 1 4 a 1 B ta bl1 opp c b m e an Itta poc t and IIL t arrlaga 1ctum NOTE Dota without a stoJt code may be fnpllf to or Ollfput from the ptogramrne by u5e of tfle oJtomoto do o t1011s olion f...

Страница 102: ...ich termlnoros input operallon Hoo 1e lOC ii o r l8 ll start code follows wi1hln 16 ctioroctars ot on and coda lnpu1 wlCI contlnue unlntOl l Upled After receNlng U le nnor end 0000 follOWing an Input operation 1he programmer oolculot l a sumcheck ot air Incoming dale Optlonoli a sumchecl 0011 also be on19reel in 1he inpul data S1ream The programmer compares this sumcheck with its own colcula1ed Um...

Страница 103: ...0 s 77 377 377 377 377 377 3n 317 377 377 3 7 377 J7 377 317 377 l SS0077oO c Opicnl JI H tX 6 od css Held Q s o ff IT SOFFO Li 0p11onal H x Jmcheck HClld FORMAT 51 OR 56 J fAOl O J rr FF FF FF FF FF FF rr FF H FF rF Fi 1 1 FF FF FOIIMAT52 ESOFFO f_ l AOOOQ FF FF Ft FF FF Fr FF l t FF FF rr F1 FF FF FF FF SSOFFO FORMAT Si OR 581 i AOOOO FF FF FF FF FF FF Fl FF FF FF Ff FF I FF fF FF FF _ I SQFFO M...

Страница 104: ... r An address mu 1 hove t to 4 hex charode and be tollo w9d b a space lhe programmer records the 1 18XI hex characte ofter the space as 1he s1orr of lhe first data byte A carriage return must fajlow the 3POCe Ir lt Mi storl code M is used Svoceealng i t are recordoo s9q1 Jentl ol y Eocl I do a reoord Is follo oo 1 1 o commo If the next record Is not preceded bof an odor or by a semlc olon It It st...

Страница 105: ...FFFFFFFrrrFf FFFt t FFFFr Clo1Q Re cords F FH 1 t t FFFFFFf FFrrrFFFFFl t FFFFF 1 ff 2 Hot Chaaotars fl 8 119 r rFFFI Ff t 1 H FFFFFrrrf FFFFFI FFFrF r t a 1a IXJI 900fd b varlabGo 1 f End ol lt 1D01ci Cl OOCt91 End ol 119co d Characler if Er 6 11 lhleord rono t f _ d odd ltfM LfGfND u _ Nonp nting line looo corooge return and nulls Nonprinling corrlooe return 91 ...

Страница 106: ...dc rto In eodl dato record The sumchOCk represanls in he1n 1declmo notation 1he Stjffi 01 the bitlary equiYOlen1s of tile 16 d i gi1s in lhe reoord the tiott carry rtom Iha fourth bit is ignored The p 0grammer Ignores any choractflr except for odoress characters be1 8ef1 a sumcheck arid the tort choracte1 or the ne d data record These spaces can be Us ed tor arty cornrr en1s The tasl record consis...

Страница 107: ... A 2 dlQil byte count IOllows lhe slOrt charoc1er Th8 byte count xPfessed In nexodQcimol digit musl 8qlll01 the number ot dole bytes In th e record The byle count Is greotor than zero In the doto records and equals zero 00 In 100 end of file record The next 4 digits malte up the odd ess of the first data byte In the record Oofa bytes follOw 8och reoresented b 2 ne x odecimal dlr rts The end of Me ...

Страница 108: ...sented by 2 hexodacimol chorocters The number of daro bytes OOC1Jrring must be three loss than 1he tiy10 count lhEI solfix Ir a 2 chorocler sumcnoci which oq ls the one s complement or the binary sommation of the b te count address and data bV1os_ The enel Mile record donsis s at the 1rut c rooters SQ tho byte coont equal lo 031 the oddres in hex and a sumcheck OpllonQI S gn On R8CO d iJ O Slgrt O...

Страница 109: ...nt must equo11h number of dcto bi ies in the record lM suftix is o 2 r oracter data check calculoteo using 1he same operolloM ooscrlbed for lhQ address cl ecl The end of Ille rocord conslsh ot the t Olon M start Choroct8 the address and the byte count equol lo W I Ad lre o I 2 He ChOracter LDola SIM Chor X ter rl Chock 1 t 8Yle Ct oel OOOC 1020FFFFFFFFFFfTT FFFFFFFFFFFt F FFFFFQ I _ 00101060FFrFFF...

Страница 110: lwo s complement in bw lorvl or the preceding twtes including the b te oourd address or ct data bytes expressed in hex The end ll ile recoid conslsr of 111 e oolon sl0r1 ciiorocter the b 1e coun1 oquot to 001 the address hoe record typo oquol to cl11 and 1he sumcheck of the record I Address Sumc 1 QCk 11l lc icrd Stan ChOrCICI r 1 2 Hex Cllorcot n rt Byt J L I OOOOO JctFt Ft I FF FFFFFFFrrFFFFt...

Страница 111: ...ntinuing until the numbel o 1 y1es in mo spocified block hallEI been transmmea The programmer divlc ies outP JI doto Ink recoras prelaced by o start ChO acter and an aadress fi eld 101 the llrsl byle In the reooro The 8f lo of file record consists Of o lart character slmh tono 8d by the 1ronsto1 address the byte count eQUOI to 007 ano the sumcheciK Qf the traru18r addre ond bt1e count AA optional ...

Страница 112: ...mchecl t te in 1h8 record The odctr of lhe lirsl doto b flo in 11 18 record is expressecJ b 1 he lasJ 4 cl torocl131 s of the prefix 6 chorocteq ror oddr 000 8 heic FFFF Dato IOIIOW each represtmled bf two hexadecfmol Cl toractc s The number cl do1a b les occ mlno mUS1 be 3 or 4 less ttian the byte count The sUl llx i o 2 characler sumcheck lhe one s complement in binary o11he preceding t ytss in ...

Страница 113: ...FH I 1 1 1 FC FFFFFrFFFF 1 1 1 F t FFC 11 0020FFFFFFrrFFrrFFI I I FFFFFFFFFFFFFFI C rdls I 1SQ i 51 1FFfFFFrFTrTrTFFI I F Fl FF FrrFFFFFFCC S11l00401 FFFFFF1 FFFFFFFl FFF FFFFFFFFFFrFE G O Ouo Of C fnd O RI ec CI Stan Charoc tcrJrT TSumct ec llyl Coum L Ad f 8 LEGEND Nonpclnr Corrtoi e Relurn 8 1aect ond nul 99 ...

Страница 114: ...lon lhe address of 1he flrs 1 data byte and 1he record type equol lo 00 1 Following lh8 8 ore 1he data bytes Tho sumcheck follows the dofo bytes and is 1178 lwds complement In binar y or the preoeding bytes in tho recoro lr eliJdiJ lQ b te counl odOress and dolO bytes Pecord type 01 1h8 ood Of ftle Jec Ql d also begins wllh the colon star chamcter This Is 1011O ed with the b le c ull1 equal to 00 ...

Страница 115: ... 3 Shirt the ofu et oddress one place ISM then add It lo 1h8 f COid address IDr e tl li otrwl address 1230 upper t6 bits recoro odCII OOll5 IO er t6 bits 12345 20 bil address Tr e oddross IOI Iha first data byte b lhe etore 12345 NOT AJwoys specify the C1d oress 0 1 01 when using this formot oven when t offwr iS zero During output tronslotlon the llITT rl Cre will lorce the record size to 16 decim...

Страница 116: ...o1a records follow 1ho Stort of Flle rocord Eoch begins Hith 2 byte cou ls the fir t e xprossos 1he number of 16 bit words In lt le record not tncludlrl l the wmchack end llself lhe second e presses tt o number of 8 t 11 date by1es In lh8 record Next come o 32 bit oddress which deSClibes the s Qroge localion of the following do1o byte Ooto Oytes follow otter the 1 1 dote t yte comos a sum check o4...

Страница 117: ...C t P et 8c _ 000 1118N Ch Zck 1 m MoctU _a 1s1m Qt oil by1ee it lhot a tt fol bv1e Trcr 1ter OCl lr tc Nli tq r X r i og1cm CDl l llar DctQ l I lO h 1h8 uitber cf t jfs In the sm lla 1 dab a lrd Doto us Wlctlh US Gt 0 10 4c Wofel O VOI l Jfl IOer cf 16 t Jt C s li h IM 19 c j i N0 1 Od 1 S1o1t fi1ot J COrd N011 Thll f rx 1 i ray Th r to 00 A SCI C01 01 charcclDJs ccn100e r h tn tJrd tlr c l oo ii...

Страница 118: ...byte count of Iha 16 bl1 dola bvtes the remaining flle heooo characters are 1he name of he file and may be any ASC11 characters In hex notation Noxl come ln1ersper Qd address fields ond oota llelds eoch wi1h log characters If ony data llelds op r before Iha first oodres tetd In Iha me the first of hose oata fields Is assigned to odc l ess 0000 Address fields rnav be ex pressed tor any data byte bu...

Страница 119: ...G rFF 7F OOF qQOlOBFFFFBrrFrBFFFFBFFFFDF FF FFFFBFFrrBFFFF7F3FFF Daro 90 12DElFF F BFFFFBFFFF8F FF Bt FFFllFrFFBFFFFP F Ft F JIFEJ Record qoo 9t t t t t FFFijFFFFl3t FFFBFFFrBFFFF9FFFt FFFF7F3FOF 9004u8FF t FFFt aFFt FBFFFFBFFFFDFFFFBFt FFPFFFF7F FGF End 01 Fillill lh c ird _ c L J L Load Aa 111W s1 nc1 eci I EG ND NDnp inli v Ctmioge r t irn 4 18 teed ond nulls 105 ...

Страница 120: ... For example during o Coi t RAM to Port QPera11on the port number prompt lhen lhe dote promp ond finollv lhe disk JYompt would oppgor PN X OOOO XXXXXX OAl MMOOVY OISKA X Hel Qdoelmol vol Jes 0 9 A FJ fof I he part number dato ond disk ore kG p CI In usln g IM 29B s 1 8 boord lettM G Z and 1he dash ore keyed In by tir 1 pressing the T kW then the SELECI key unHI the desired ue IS fisplcyed An w wou...

Страница 121: ...n reco d A 2 dlgll hex sum mOdulo 256 of all the values In 1tle 1ecocd except the and lh8 sumcheck itself Tile lood oddI6 aetermlnei mere me ot Ject cooo will be located This Is a variable rength number 1h01 moy cot1toin up lo 17 choraelers The first number determuies Iha address length wlih a lero sl gnlfylng a length of i6 The remolnlr Q ChOfOcielS ol 11 e dot record contoln the obJect cooe 2 ch...

Страница 122: ...a lhe fiandler port fsee figure olld th In at in1ertoce vlo the f S232 porl liANDllR POl T J ffl2 POil Handler CRC Commands l wo CRC commands and HI are specific to operation with o harldfer The oo mmonel pu1s the 29B in1o a Offing tole Wl len either 1 too tiandler Indicates o start condition or 2 the 298 SfAITT 1 eV is pre 9d 1he programmer wm oulPQI a prompt sitmbol to the serlol port The H camm...

Страница 123: ...y the progrommec 10 A m Bin 11 strobe Signal used tor hortd ets thoi need o Slrobe os well as a binning signal This open collector output QOes to ground oolncldentaUv with 0rrf of the four binning sl gnals 1 16 Gtound 17 S1arl This Input is inlernally pulled 10 5V and hOUfd be grouno oo 10 Inform he programmer Of when o de ioo In place In the tlOndler ThJs signal shoulo nor l C high ogaln unhl 1 m...

Страница 124: ...I 2 14 I I I r 1 I 0 5V I NCI LJ o ct 1 s q oi ooe owlcf tach deYloc 10 lod 100 tRR IIN _______________ LJ O lpu mov oo rea c for t aidkilfs wtl l is thc 1 d loplh VFY RR e1N sv 0GND __________ LJ STR08E V 10w 1rnu r l lro90u Jv LJ ith iA C DOIOPffOl i IOin gncl u Dd wnhi 0811 r o 11er1 291l ...

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Страница 127: ...haracter hexaoeclmol codes wt lich OrG enlered at the fw11r panel k l boord enabfe 111 8 functions The progromrner s onois that the select function has been perfomled by disPlaying two osterls In the last 1 o display posl1iam follo jno is o complete lls1 o the 29B seleci functions The pages 1h01 10llow descobe 1hese ccmrnol lds SQQ your procrornmitlg Fok man1 1ol for a llsl ot select function spec...

Страница 128: ...Octa Tronslo oo formal Codes Swap Nibbles FIU RAM ln lerl RAM Clear All RAM Split RAM Shvtne RAM Devlco Si a SumcheckRM 1 Syslem Configtrrorlon Nonblonk r oiI Display Test Collbrotion Program Counl loc1c Doto01 1 Nibble Mooe Binary 8ose Oclol 8ose Hex Bose By e Nlbblo Mode Format Number lixld et Output Size Record Null Count Remote Wodo CRC timeout Off Chorocer Output Enable Port Remole On Off 1 I...

Страница 129: ...ns The tuncrt0nis rue displayed in hexodeclmo order To access the seJec1 func11ons t 11 sc rolllng pross S eLEcr and then STARr Each tunclion is mome1110rilv Cflspla Qd in tum Wh8n the desired function Is o splaycd press arrt key 10 stop Iha scrolllr g To back up pre c REVIEW Once ine desired setoct unction is displa ed initiate fhe operonon bY pre s1ng SlARl The lollowing paQ9 s llsl the key sequ...

Страница 130: ...rof section To key in fOf mat OOd l dlrec11y pr 8 l wt1Qte HW Is the romiat code ond C Is mo opflonol rnstrument aon1rol oode The Instrument conlrol oocte spe oifies CQ ltrol charac1ers used when nding or receiving dato For 8Xampte to select th8 binary cede 10 dato translation format press The 298 till tlic J O disploy FORMAT NO Oro H NOTE Refor to select code 6 3 fo oltemo e key s quance to enab ...

Страница 131: addltlor ol oat a entrv and are listed on the ro lowing pages Hex Code Command TIiie A1 Swap Nibbles ll V8rl RAM Clear all RAM Description Exchar oes high and low order nlbbfe s CC e orv b 1a Useel wMn manrPIJlolln i 4 bit wOl d data Periorms the ooos eomplemem of ii or 8 bils OI eaeh woro deio1mir ed by Iha v ord sue in oNect For ex ample change oil t to O s Oear oli l Alli1 to zeroes Useful b...

Страница 132: ...e iS 00 n select lunctlan F4 nLoble mooe hO bee n specified or II a 4 bil device is selected n wlll ftll only Iha lcwar order nlboies of RAM 01herwf it wm delaull io lhe word width of he selectecs cti vica Procedure Keystroke 2913 Displays 1 Select the Fill RAM command 800 SELECT COD I A2 operallon 0 FILL RAMA 00 A2 2 Enter lhe hex dala fo be placeo in RAM 00 FILL RAM HH A2 9 Writs the hex data lo...

Страница 133: original amount o RAM The 0011fer point must be o p 1 8r ot NO oo1ween O arid the RAM midpoint The Ceklul1 center point Is the midpoint of AAM Procedure 1 Selec1 the Splil AAM operation 2 Sat tho hex midpoint rt thO deloulf e disploved volue is c011eci press SIARr Keystroke NOTE 298 Dlsploys SELECT CODE AA5 SPLIT RAMAHHHHH SPLIT RAM 3 SPLIT RAM The execoti0 11 t me of this function Is dependent...

Страница 134: ...O and the upper block odc1resse of odd numbered add re ses starling wiih 1 The ceflter poinl must be a power of two between O and the RAM midpoint The dcrault cente1 point Is Iha to1al RAM midpoint Procedure Keystroke 29B Displays 1 Select the Shuflle RAM COrl lmond EJ2 JG SELECT CODE I A6 opemlion 6 SHUFFLE HHHHH 2 Se1 the hex midpoint lhe default GG 6 or Cfisp ayod ah JG is oorrect press SHUFFLE...

Страница 135: ... Handles opllo11 only with the opl onol handler The default condltl an Is to ottempt lo P OQram ony nonbler1k deo11ces aete tod rf too cp1lona1 handle Is i 01 conneci8d the command nos no erroct on lt e m B9 Display 1es1 lllumiro s oil segmonl r the programmer display for aPP10l imalely 4 S900nds ro Progrom Count Alie STMf Is pre s96d ll pla s me numbe o4 oO Jlces pf017Qrrvned sinco lh8 lalt p owe...

Страница 136: ...the four characier syslem contlgurolian code u ed whi9n contoclinQ Doto Kl lechnioal Support J ersonnal lor sottwarn VGnion de1ermlnotiol l Procedure t Select the System Configuration oomrnond 2 Display he Svstem Conr gurollon Keystroke 298 Displays SELECT CODE A 82 296 ...

Страница 137: ...s Aro1 Iha opero1ion in progress 0 lleieme data bck Use 11ie lollowino P OC0dUl e to select the Lock Data On function Procedure t Select the Doto lDC k On commood 2 Enoble the Dalo l OCK On command Kevmoke 29S OisplQ SELECT CODE F3 LOCK DATA ON The Dolo Lock On leolure Is now enabled RAM altering oPEMQllons connoJ be periormed until Ille Da1a Lock On lunction is released Use the follCiNl ng procoo...

Страница 138: ...rioJ port all0 1inQ s e ora ion cl les Ttmeo J Ott Enable R rt SRC enable DlsObles the 25 0C0nd timeout octrve unless disob ed dlllin J 10 operations 25 seconm is the moxlmum lime the 29S will wait wr en rooeiving or 6ndlr Q Once 11 e llmeolil hos ooen disobled he ooty way it co l bo enabled is to turn the lr Str Jment power off and then reappl t power El IObtes System Remote Control and input lnt...

Страница 139: ... the formals a entenng he ro mol ooda Use the following pr C ldure lo direcily enter a new d0l o trortSJotlon tormo1 numbe1 Procedure 1 Seleci il1slrumenl conlrol code If desireo and the format nurnber the lir I N epresents the op11onal ill irurnent control code detault o if no1 entered the seoond and mlrO num1Jers repreSQnl the lormaf code 2 0isplay a rnoo1nC4 iiC for tne led fcmiat and enable th...

Страница 140: ... p Q Sf ART ll it is not the desired fomiot conllnoo with s rop 3 3 s oncl relooso the SELECT key to step fo1word 1hrough the formots until lhe de lreo formot appeo on il e k0Yboord di 1 I0y Press the VIEW key to step backwords lhrougt I the formots to tl IO d8 ifed rormot 4 When the dlsployea format IS 11 18 one you v ont press srARr Keystroke EJ 29B Oisplovs SELECT CODE I B3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXYHH cur...

Страница 141: ...START It It Is not he oesired IOrmat contir1uo with s1ep 3 3 SOlecl lh9 format number the first N represents the aptQnol lnstnument control codo de oult o if not entered the secor d ond third numbers represent the format coc te 4 Dlsplov a mnemonic or the seloctod rcrmot and enable that brmat Keystroke 29B Displays SELECT CODE A 83 xxxxx xx1H foonot bef lnsm nMI CQnlrOl COd FORMAT NOi 0NNN XXXXXXX...

Страница 142: ... address Use 1he following prooedure to change lhe number 01 bytes per date record on 1h l anal output 1he voluo enlered must be In he Od8cimal Procedure Keystroke 29B Dlsptoys 1 Solect the record size command BG SELECT CODE I DB The defovtt entrv in Iha hex fleid Is 10 t6 decimal G SIZE REC 10 2 Set lhe record iZe If the defoull 00 SIZE REC HH o Qlue is correct press START G SIZE RECORD DB D8 m ...

Страница 143: ... 00 to 254 Ft nulls An entry of 255 FF ser ds no nulls upresses il le 1 ne feeo ana cporolas recorm b using o conloge rol Jrn Tha dataull Emtry oo power up 1 01 null Procedure 1 Salecl 1he null count function 2 Set 1he null co int dcraull is 0 1 and execule 1he oparolian Keystroke EJG 0 G 298 Displays SELECT CODE D9 NULL COUNTI HH NULL COUNTA HH NULL COUNT D9 09 1 7 ...

Страница 144: ...hich I Ill be lrOl l mitted b 1he port each 1ime STAm l I pressed 1hls fvnctt011 15 Inhibited In S stem remote CQntrol Procedure 1 Seteci the character output command 2 Enlor lhe hex cede for the ASC11 charcro er to be IrensmittecL 3 To retransmit th e sam0 ch rocler press lhe srAm cay ogaln To transmit a dlfferenl ctiarociar perform step 2 again l evstroke 29B Displays SEl ECT CODE FA CHAR OUTPUT...

Страница 145: ...procedure IO enter h8X code tOI ASCI characters 1hot con be Jseo to turn remote cont oi an cr off may be used with COC or SRC Procedure 1 Setoci lhe remote on or Off command 2 Sel 8Cl and enler lhe hex ON coda 3 Seleci and emer ihe hex OFF cooe Keystrol e 29B Displays SELECT CODE FC RMT ON OFFI HH HH RMT ON OFF I HH HH RMTON OFF 12Q ...

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Страница 149: ...lock size so tnal lhe flJ SI and tile present Pok sotl wOl e does last 0 1 8 of 1he operation no siJpporl reside In 1he same 16K range 3ffi 4000 7PfF 8001 BFFF COOO FFfF or Conlact your local Data VO Servlce Cenlar for o Pa c sortwaro updote 20 f ONfJlANK Device falleo tne blal k test Press START to override lhls error arid program 1t e CleVico 21 fLl 3AL Btr Not pos lble to program the Erase Iha ...

Страница 150: ...1rooics Usuo tv on ove curien1 caused wtll no1 stort opero11on due too by on lnc oae ity ln rted or resat condiilon bod device i 11 the roc e1 There 1s Insufficient RAM The Program smaller porls or tolot ollalment of RAM resident specific IO l er bealnnl ng Is toss tticn the word limit or oddress If eriouah RAM Is block size or tM bsgln ins1olled if May be foul oddross is se too high These or at P...

Страница 151: ...rmod ltto s andir g device to slop 52 1 0 IFY FArt Tne data lrom tho serial porl Chock and resend fhe dolo did not match tne doto In RAM M NO RAM RAM error during self test flr t Power off and fhen on cgaifl If page of RAM the error reoccurs oo 11 your local Data 1 0 Se Nice Center 62 R AM SJr l R Q lne higt l8s1 RAM odcliess ill fhe r e llace taully RAM or hoYe n e programmer Is not on a 1K progr...

Страница 152: ... ASCII Sinor forma thi error m8 roQl8 Indicates o mlsstno F ctxirocter A compost e error occurs from on combinotion ot errors 8 B2 arid 64 These con1binoti0hS ore Error 83 errors 81 ond 82 Error 85 errors 61 ond 84 Error 86 orrors 82 and 8 1 Error 87 errors 81 82 and 84 Corrective Action Ignore II 1he arror persisls S9Nice 1h8 progiamri 191 Ro enter the commend ure U e pass t0rd to release dato lo...

Страница 153: ... FOo M ERR 1h8 address check was in error a eck 1he connection of unit Slgnellcs Aboolu1e Objec1 and in tie Y lern data tormot and TcKtrorwt H8 iadecimol formats 0010 source and then try only again Q3 VO FO M ERR The number ol ir1Put records Chock ll l8 ooMecfion of all did ool equal the Recor unils in 1ne system oato fo mot Count M OS 1echnologv term ond dato souroo and ltien 1ry only again 94 BA...

Страница 154: ... ft t po ge of RAM Co 1 eclive AcU 01 1 Select a new RAM centerpoln1 S9loo1 new RAM bounoories Select new RAM tcul Yclarles fer to vour programming Pak manual VY represa 1ts 1he foiled data XXXXX lhe amount ot dota RAM stlll I IS lble You may still perform operotiorl but 1he odelr sotole RAM 111 depend on 1he number of addres tocaliOI that ore QOOCI For example If XXXXX 04000 1h8 rest address you ...

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