Страница 1: ...ss Padial key To Quick Arm Press On key Dooi Chime press Chrfie key to aclvare Reset S6oke Deleclor Press li l 71 lnstallalion company Monitoring Center K rxil l ri I r t l l I I jEMERG NCY I r tPoLtc...
Страница 2: ...NX 148ELCD Codepad ir...
Страница 3: ...oursystem KEEPIN MIND THE LEVELOF SECURITY YOUWILL OBTAINWITHTHISSYSTEM RELATESSPECIFICALLY WITHTWOMAJORFACTORS 1 Thequantity quality andplacement of security devices attached to thissystem 2 Theknowl...
Страница 4: ...system thatisreadyto be force armed will flash the ready light NOTE Those zonesthat are not readywill not createan alarm A Function Codeis eithera four 4 or six 6 digitcode thathas beenprogrammed by t...
Страница 5: ...ning thatthe ttmeis running out Theusermay wantto disarmthesystemifthe exlt lghtis flashing in order to preventan alarm The usermaythenre armthe system andexitbeforethe delayexpires A steadyfire light...
Страница 6: ...ady Type Codeto Arm system Not Ready F o r h e l p p r e s s r lf the powerrightis off you haveno AC power RestoreDowerif possible lf not contact the installing company Step2 Enteryour4 or 6 digituser...
Страница 7: ...ypass aurornaricatly grving the userfreedomr fmovement withinthe interior area r The bypasslightwillilluminate if anyzone s are oypassed lf any zone s havebeenbypassed previousty by the user the tight...
Страница 8: ...s thismustbedonewhilethesystemis in thedisarmed state lf thezoneis notknown referto procedure 2 lf you know the numberof the zone to bypass use the following Step1 Pressthe BYPASSIkey Step2 WhentheLCD...
Страница 9: ...Theoisplay willnowbeglnscrolling thougna listoffuncrions andthe corresponding nurnbers associalecl wiihthosefunctions step 2 Pressrnenumberlisted on thedisplay in orderto accessthatparticular functio...
Страница 10: ...oneand exit fromthe Adiust Tone mode VIEWALARMTMEMORY Step1 Press 3 to display the zone s on the codepad thatcreatedthe lastalarm Step2 TheLCDScreen willdisplay thezcn description forthosezones Step3...
Страница 11: ...to Select LightNumber0 9 Step5 RepeatSteps2 and3 untilcomplete Step6 Press to exitfromtheX 10menu CHANGELANGUAGES Thisfunction allows youto switch between thetwolanguages programmed inyour codepad Nor...
Страница 12: ...tyto the areayou wish to add or removefrom anotherperson sauthority Step1 Press t 9 The LCDScreenwillnowpromptfora code Step2 Enter mastercode The LCDScreenwillpromptfora usernumber Step3 Enterthe 2 d...
Страница 13: ...your code to silencethe codepad Walt a few rnrnutes and repeatstep2 to attempt anotherreset lf thecodepad strlibeepsafter repeated attempts pleasecontact Vourinstaller READING THEEVENTLOG The controlp...
Страница 14: ...youIo brighien or dimthe LCDlighring Usetne scrollkeysagainto adjust to desireo brightness Step5 Whencompteteo exitby pressing SETTING THE SYSTEMCLOCK Step1 Enter lc I 7 The LCDScreenwillpromptlor a...
Страница 15: ...ate if ANYoneareahasa Firecondition The firelightwill flashifANYareahasa FireTrouble condition r POWERwillilluminate iftheprimary powerisconnected to theNX Bcontrol panel lt willflashifthe systemhasa...
Страница 16: ...toggle a single areabetween thearmedanddisarmed cclnditions press Areanumber Forexample lf Area4 isarmed a will disarmArea4 lf Area4 isdisarmed l l 4 willarmit i PressIPARTIAL during theexitdelayto b...
Страница 17: ...g analarmorthesirenisrunning itcanbesilenced byentering a codewiththeauthority forthearea s thatarein alarm NOTE The lEXlTl IBYPASS and PARTIAL keyswillonlywork if an individual i t A BYPASSINTHEMULTI...
Страница 18: ...ne or BoxTamper Lowtsanery AC powerF ail or Expanoer rrouble r Beeps3 timeseveryminute indtcaring a lowbanery or missing transmiirer rsdetected ifwireress cievice is in system Enrerrng code willsuppre...
Страница 19: ...rliary reporting devicehasfailed to communtcate A boxcontaining an expansion device h r a h a a n n n o n a d An expansion powersupPlyhasa low battery A shortcircuit ofanexpansion devices powersupply...
Страница 20: ...n emergency situation requiring response by fire departrnent personnel AuxiiiaryKey lf programmed youcanactivate theauxiliary alarmby pressing the Emergency Activation fAuxiliary key for two seconds l...
Страница 21: ...mp Siren Tamper A sirenor speaker tamper hasbeendetected Tel Flt Telephone Fault A telephone faultortamperhasbeendetected ExpTrb Expansion An expansiondevice or codepad is nol Trouble reporting to the...
Страница 22: ...le createdan undefined evenl PartialArm Partial Arm llqortrj closingin tn partralmode Listenln Lrsten In A lrsten in function hasbeenactvated Service Start Service Starl Technician is on site ServiceE...
Страница 23: ...earthe windowifthereisa longdropto thegroundbelow Seta meeting placeoutdoors for a headcount of the buildingoccupants Practice escapeprocedures In a home sleepwithbedroom doorclosed thiswillincrease y...
Страница 24: ...thyour system m I l3 I 1 t n c m nm POWERLightis on whenAC poweris present flashes to indicate a low battery condition UP DOWN SCROLL KEYS 5 FUNCTION KEYS perform various functions Ihe door rs detacha...