Safety Guard GPS IA - Dantracker Technology Company ApS
Safety Guard GPS (IA)
DanTracker tester alle Safety Guard GPS
trackere 100% inden de forlader fabrikken.
Derfor er denne med GARANTI funktionsdygtig.
Safety Guard GPS er både stødsikker og
vandtæt. Alligevel er det et følsomt stykke
elektronik og bør behandles varsomt.
Safety Guard GPS er et engangsprodukt og
batteriet kan ikke genoplades. Dantracker giver 2
års reklamationsret på Safety Guard GPS.
Reklamationsretten dækker ikke selvforskyldte
fejl, såsom fejlmontering og hårdhændet
DanTracker fraskriver sig ethvert ansvar i
forbindelse med brugen af Safety Guard GPS,
der foregår på eget initiativ og eget ansvar.
Safety Guard GPS må kun anvendes til tracking
af ting og ikke på mennesker. Det er ulovligt at
overvåge personer med GPS moduler i
Danmark, medmindre personen selv har indvilget
Safety Guard GPS er ikke lavet til tracking af
personer og vil ikke virke på dem.
Metal og karbon i nærheden af din tracker, kan
genere antennesignalet. Så overvej din placering
nøje, før du sætter den fast.
Der er på Safety Guard GPS afbilledet en
antenne, denne bør monteres så den peger
DanTracker fraskriver sig ethvert ansvar for, at
forsvundne genstande genfindes, selvom gen-
standen er monteret med en Safety Guard GPS
Der gives ingen garanti for at Safety Guard GPS
sender sin position, da den er afhængig af de
ydre omstændigheder, såsom vejr, omgivelser og
placering. Yderligere kan Safety Guard GPS
både demonteres og destrueres.
Skulle der være problemer i forbindelse med
montering eller anvendelsesområder, send os en
mail på
Denne vejledning illustrerer hvordan du aktiverer Safety Guard GPS
med intern antenne, samt eksempler på hvor du kan montere den.
Følgende fremgangsmåde anbefales:
Gennemse, læs og forstå denne vejledning.
Overvej hvordan du vil montere trackeren.
Du er nu klar til at gå frem efter vejledningen.
En Safety Guard GPS tracker med intern antenne
ikke placeres omkranset af metal eller kulfiber.
D: Åben browser på din smartphone.
E: Indtast
i browseren og tilføj til hjemmeskærm.
F: Indtast Brugernavn (e-mail) og Password (husk at gemme).
C: Når trackeren er aktiveret, får du en bekræftelse på e-mail.
A: Registrer trackeren og opret abonnement på
B: Ryst trackeren i over 5 sekunder for at aktivere den.
Læg den evt. i en vindueskarm for hurtigere aktivering.
Safety Guard GPS IA - Dantracker Technology Company ApS
Version 1.08
min. 5 sek
Version 1.08
Safety Guard GPS (IA)
Installation instructions
This guide shows you how to activate
Safety Guard GPS tracker with integrated antenna
as well as examples of installation locations.
We recommend the following procedure:
1. Review, read, and understand this guide.
2. Consider how you would like to install the tracker.
3. You are now ready to proceed as per the guide.
NOTE: A Safety Guard GPS tracker with integrated antenna must
not be installed where it is surrounded by metal or carbon fibre
A: Register the tracker and set up a subscription at www.dantracker.com
B: Shake the tracker for more than 5 seconds to activate it.
You could also place it on a windowsill to speed up the activation.
C: You will receive an e-mail confirmation when the tracker has been activated.
D: Launch a browser on your smartphone.
E: Key in app.dantracker.com in the browser and add to
your homescreen.
F: Key in your user name (e-mail address) and pass-
word (remember to save).
DanTracker perform 100% tests on all Safety
Guard GPS trackers before they are shipped
out. We GUARANTEE that it is fully
Safety Guard GPS is shockproof and water-
proof. However, it is still a sensitive item of
electronic hardware and should be handled
with care.
SafetyGuard GPS is a disposable product
and the battery is not rechargeable. Dant-
racker Safety Guard GPS comes with a 2
year warranty.
The warranty does not cover user-induced
issues, such as faulty installation and rough
treatment. DanTracker reject any liability
connected with the use of Safety Guard GPS,
which shall be considered to take place at
the users own initiative and responsibility.
Safety Guard GPS may only be utilised for
the tracking of objects, not people. It is ille-
gal to monitor individuals with GPS modules
in Denmark, except where the party in ques-
tion has accepted the monitoring.
Safety Guard GPS has not been developed
for the tracking of people and will not func-
tion in that application.
Metals and carbon fibres close to your
tracker can interfere with the antenna sig-
nal. You should carefully consider the posi-
tioning prior to final installation.
You will find a picture of an antenna on
Safety Guard GPS; this should be positioned
to point up.
DanTracker accepts no liability for the find-
ing of lost objects, even where the object has
had a Safety Guard GPS tracker installed.
It cannot be guaranteed that Safety Guard
GPS transmits information about its position,
as it depends on external factors such as
weather, surroundings and location. Also,
Safety Guard GPS may be removed and
Should any problems be experienced with
the installation or usage, please send us an
e-mail at [email protected].