input would start the homing process, and
switching off the digital input stops the homing
process. In unforced mode, switching on the
digital input would set the current position as the
home position. See
Homing Modes
for details
about the 3 homing modes.
33-00 Homing Mode
is set to
[1] Forced
Manual Mode
[2] Forced Automated
Send control word PCD 1:0x00A0 to the
frequency converter to reset home
Send control word PCD 1:0x0084 to the
frequency converter to start homing.
Send control word PCD 1:0x0080 to the
frequency converter to stop homing.
33-00 Homing Mode
is set to
[0] Home
Not Forced
Send control word PCD 1:0x0084 to the
frequency converter to set current actual position
as the home position.
4.4 Positioning
Settings before Positioning
There are 8 preset target positions. Configure the
attributes of the positions in parameters 37-02 to 37-06.
Set the target window size in
33-47 Target Position Window
When this parameter is set to 0, the default target window
size, which is 1/256 PPR (pulse per revolution), is used.
Configure the PID factor in
7-33 Process PID Proportional
7-34 Process PID Integral Time
, and
7-35 Process PID
Differentiation Time
based on actual requirements.
Positioning Control Process
Control via digital inputs
Assume that digital input 18 is used to start and stop the
positioning process, while digital inputs 19 and 27 are
used to indicate bit0 and bit1 of an indexed position. The
parameters need to be set as follows:
5-10 Terminal 18 Digital Input=[160] Go To Target
5-11 Terminal 19 Digital Input=[162] Pos. Idx Bit0.
5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input=[163] Pos. ldx Bit1.
Control the positioning process as follows:
Use different combinations of index bit values to
select the desired position.
Switch both digital input 19 and 27 off
to select position 0.
Switch digital input 19 on and 27 off to
select position 1.
Switch digital input 19 off and 27 on to
select position 2.
Switch both digital input 19 and 27 off
to select position 3.
Switch on digital input 18 to start the positioning
Switch off digital input 18 to stop the positioning
Control via PROFIBUS
Positioning Setup
Set PCD 2 to high 16 bit of the target position in
Set PCD 3 to low 16 bit of the target position in
Set PCD 4 to expected velocity in RPM.
Set PCD 5 to expected ramp-up time in ms.
Set PCD 6 to expected ramp-down time in ms.
After the set-up is completed, send PCD 2–6 to the
frequency converter.
To start absolute positioning:
Send control word PCD 1:0x0084 to the
frequency converter, and wait 100 ms.
Send control word PCD 1:0x0481 to the
frequency converter to start the positioning
To start relative positioning:
Send control word PCD 1:0x0084 to the
frequency converter, and then wait 100 ms.
Send control word PCD 1:0x0881 to the
frequency converter to start the positioning
To stop positioning:
Send control word PCD 1:0x0084 to the
frequency converter.
4.5 PROFIBUS Interface
FC 360 frequency converters support Profibus. The Profibus
module is integrated in the control cassette with Profibus.
If Profibus is needed:
Order a new frequency converter on which the
control cassette with Profibus is pre-installed.
Or order a control cassette with Profibus to
replace the standard control cassette on an
existing frequency converter.
In both cases, ensure that the firmware version is higher
than 1.20.
Positioning Control
AutomationDrive FC 360
Danfoss A/S © 11/2014 All rights reserved.