6000 HVAC
MG.60.B1.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trade mark
= factory setting. ( ) = display text [ ] = value for use in communication via serial communication port
Load and Motor 100-117
This parameter group allows the con-
figuration of regulation parameters and
the choice of torque characteristics to
which the VLT frequency converter is to
be adapted.
The motor nameplate data must be set
and automatic motor adaptation can be carried out. In
addition, DC brake parameters can be set and the
motor thermal protection can be activated.
The selection of configuration and torque characteris-
tics influences the parameters that can be seen in the
display. If
Open loop
[0] is selected, all parameters
relating to PID regulation will be hidden.
Consequently, the user is only able to see the para-
meters that are of significance for a given application.
100 Configuration (CONFIG. MODE)
Open loop (OPEN LOOP)
Closed loop (CLOSED LOOP)
This parameter is used for selecting the configuration
to which the VLT frequency converter is to be
Description of choice:
Open loop
[0] is selected, normal speed control is
obtained (without feedback signal), i.e. if the reference
is changed, the motor speed will change.
Closed loop
[1] is selected, the internal process
regulator is activated to enable accurate regulation in
relation to a given process signal.
The reference (setpoint) and the process signal (feed-
back) can be set to a process unit as programmed in
parameter 415
Process units.
Feedback handling
on page 115.
101 Torque characteristics
Automatic Energy Optimisation
Parallel motors (MULTIPLE MOTORS)
This parameter allows a choice of whether the VLT
frequency converter has one or several motors
connected to it.
Description of choice:
Automatic Energy Optimisation
[0] has been
selected, only one motor may be connected to the
VLT frequency converter. The AEO function ensures
that the motor obtains its maximum efficiency and
minimises motor interference.
Parallel motors
[1] if more than one motor is
connected to the output in parallel. See the
description under parameter 108
Start voltage of
parallel motors
regarding the setting of parallel motor
start voltages.